General Update
Been a while since I've blogged about my actual life, and I figure now is as good a time as any.
My Runescape membership has expired, on 7th December 2012, exactly 6 years to the day after I made my first account. I'm officially no longer a paying member and consider myself retired from the game. No regrets, thoroughly enjoyed it but it was just time to move on :)
University has been a bit of an up and down, absolutely loved every part of it, just took some adjusting to, and after two months came out to my housemates, who were fantastic about the whole thing, so that was pretty cool.
Been at the doctors a few times already, and looks like I'll be going back in on Monday. Blergh. Hopefully everything's okay though. Just a bit worried with the amount of times I've had to go at the minute.
That's about it really, just wanted somewhere to jot down a few things :P
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