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I want to visit London and Britain. Any locals?



I hate tours and touristy things (I'll obviously be a complete tourist and I will most definitely take many blurry pictures and possibly wear a fanny pack but I do still want an honest experience). What do I do?


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Even if you hate touristy things, you're still going to want to check out the landmarks, such as Big Ben & the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, and Picadilly Circus. You don't have to dedicate much time to it, but you're missing out if you don't hit up those locations.

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Oh oh, since you're going to London...if you want to watch the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, go early. Like early...and find somewhere you can climb on if you want decent photos. :P


A lot of people also visit the Royal Mews...if you're into Royalty stuff that is.



Bath is also quite a nice place.



(I'm not a local but I had fun when I visited)

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Another important location to check out is the home of the bearded dwarfette.






Damn, I pressed the down arrow while trying to click on something totally unrelated.


I'll go upvote something else of yours.

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