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Lost, TV show

O hai im KAMIL


Well I decided to start watching Lost as it has received very high praise, and that praise is more than warranted. I'm only on the first season but damn this show is turning out really awesome. I didn't expect it to be so eerie though, it's quite scary in places D: No spoilers, please.


Also those numbers, those fudgeing numbers creep me the hell out.


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It was good, but it started going a bit off the rails later on. That said, if you watch it consecutively over a period of a month or two, it is very good as opposed to how it would have felt if you had followed it weekly over some years. :P


Enjoy it. ^_^

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I remember when I was little and I watched the first season and it was very scary.


I don't remember anything really happened and didn't realise they made it past season 1 XD

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