Coming Out Part 1.
Haven't written a blog on here in bloody ages! But this seems like as good a time and as good a topic to blog about as any.
It's not exactly a secret, but whether you know or not, here it is: I'm gay.
Today, I finally told my mum and step-dad. It's quite a tough and odd one, because it's something we've discussed several times over the past few years, but mostly when either I or they have been intoxicated to high heavens and was kind of just left unspoken as I was never comfortable enough to outright say it.
However, in November 2012 I met my first... serious... I guess, boyfriend. We were seeing eachother for 2 months and we've now been officially together for 2 months. It's serious for me anyway, and I felt they deserved to know.
So, after finally getting them both to sit in the room (bloody mother wouldn't stop playing songpop until she realised I had my serious face on!) and choking up a bit on my words I finally managed to spit it out to them.
The really annoying part is after I having had previous drunken discussions I knew it would be 100% fine and that made stressing over it even more annoying and stressful. I'm truly blessed with my parents, and I know that.
Even so, the reaction I got underwhelmed me. Even though they knew I was expecting tears and a million questions.
To their eternal credit however, without batting an eyelid they both just said... "We know." and proceeded to ask me questions about my boyfriend and discuss problems with being brave enough to come out (he hasn't yet) and about problems in life from other people, and older generations in my family.
Bloody underwhelming, but something I've known I had to do for a long time, and I'm glad I finally managed the courage to do it.
However, you may have noticed this is only part 1. And this is the kicker, I have to tell my dad and step mum next week when I go back to England, so it doesn't feel like a weight's been lifted just yet. Or maybe it will once it sinks in. I know my dad and step mum will be just as fine, because it's been discussed before too. I just really want it to be over with and having to wait another week is not going to be fun :P
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