Coming Out Part 2.
The highly awaited sequel to coming out Part 1 is here!
Before we begin, it's probably worth mentioning at this point that I've literally just done it and feel like poo. I'm not after sympathy, I just want to write all this down, spew it out, but I also want to share it in a blunt manner.
So I just told my dad and step mum that I'm gay. I felt compelled to do this after I told my mum and step dad last week, and to be honest, I really didn't want to and found this one a hell of a lot more difficult.
I sat down on the bed and just stammered my words out and said to them. They both said it was fine and they still loved me and had apparently guessed that I was in a relationship from the pictures on Facebook that I'm in with my boyfriend.
I don't really know what else I could have expected from them, but I didn't feel in any way comforted like I did with my mum and step dad, and I don't feel like they were okay with it even though I know deep down that they were.
I think the worst parts were they kept talking about it not affecting my education and how other family members would react. Obviously I know the rest of my family are going to find out, but .... I don't even know. Just the way they said what they said didn't really make me feel okay. Which is horrible, because obviously it's something they have to deal with too, but I dunno.
I was talking to them for all of five minutes and now I'm in bed after having had somewhat of a breakdown. I've never felt so poopy and just want my mum :P You'd never guess I was going on 20 this year would ya?! :P
Don't know. Maybe there'll be a part 3 when I get my head around this, but right now it doesn't really feel like anythings been lifted off my shoulders.
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