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Coming Out Part 2.

The highly awaited sequel to coming out Part 1 is here!


Before we begin, it's probably worth mentioning at this point that I've literally just done it and feel like poo. I'm not after sympathy, I just want to write all this down, spew it out, but I also want to share it in a blunt manner.


So I just told my dad and step mum that I'm gay. I felt compelled to do this after I told my mum and step dad last week, and to be honest, I really didn't want to and found this one a hell of a lot more difficult.


I sat down on the bed and just stammered my words out and said to them. They both said it was fine and they still loved me and had apparently guessed that I was in a relationship from the pictures on Facebook that I'm in with my boyfriend.


I don't really know what else I could have expected from them, but I didn't feel in any way comforted like I did with my mum and step dad, and I don't feel like they were okay with it even though I know deep down that they were.


I think the worst parts were they kept talking about it not affecting my education and how other family members would react. Obviously I know the rest of my family are going to find out, but .... I don't even know. Just the way they said what they said didn't really make me feel okay. Which is horrible, because obviously it's something they have to deal with too, but I dunno.


I was talking to them for all of five minutes and now I'm in bed after having had somewhat of a breakdown. I've never felt so poopy and just want my mum :P You'd never guess I was going on 20 this year would ya?! :P


Don't know. Maybe there'll be a part 3 when I get my head around this, but right now it doesn't really feel like anythings been lifted off my shoulders.


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At least it's done now, still don't think I'd be able to do it...



At least you've done it. Now you don't have to worry about looking over your shoulder and people finding out. I'm proud of you for telling them and I wish I could give you a big hug and tell you its all going to be okay. Because it will all be OK, it may not feel like it at the moment but you'll feel better in the morning. :hug:

Merch Gwyar


Oh Jethraw! {{{{hugs}}}} I'm sure this will be ok, especially since they already sussed it from your Facebook. But I wish it could have been as you wished it to be. Love you. <3



You don't have to hide any more :). Go have a drink to celebrate, you did a difficult thing.


Your Dad and Step Mum will be more reassuring with time I'm sure :D, they love you and that's all that matters, be happy! <3



You are homosexual and you decide to be open about it..?


Well, this certainly changes my opinion of you. How can you subject yourself to something so unnatural and awfu...


*high-fives Jethraw* I am kidding. I think you are brave and I am happy you have managed to open the door for some peace of mind from, what I guess would be a ton of concerns and worries at this point. An old (and homosexual) friend of mine once told his closest friends that the weirdest thing was that the beginning was a bit awkward after he decided to be open about it, but shortly after, people just realised he was the same old and never really thought more about it. It was at least how it was for me. The one second, it was awkward, a couple of weeks later it was just natural.


I truly hope the same thing happens to you. Either way... exhale and clear your mind, you have done a good thing today.



You are homosexual and you decide to be open about it..?


Well, this certainly changes my opinion of you. How can you subject yourself to something so unnatural and awfu...


*high-fives Jethraw* I am kidding. I think you are brave and I am happy you have managed to open the door for some peace of mind from, what I guess would be a ton of concerns and worries at this point. An old (and homosexual) friend of mine once told his closest friends that the weirdest thing was that the beginning was a bit awkward after he decided to be open about it, but shortly after, people just realised he was the same old and never really thought more about it. It was at least how it was for me. The one second, it was awkward, a couple of weeks later it was just natural.


I truly hope the same thing happens to you. Either way... exhale and clear your mind, you have done a good thing today.


an 'old friend', sure :P ;)



I think it's great you told your parents. I also think it's somehow normal that your father reacts like that, but he'll get over it and thinks wel go to normal, I'm sure of it! :yes:



From this point onward I'm going to assume all staff members are gay until they make a blog post coming out as straight.



Yuanrang said:


It was at least how it was for me. The one second, it was awkward, a couple of weeks later it was just natural.

Yuan is gay?


So he's that kind of bear...

No, you Silly Willy, I meant in the manner I regarded my friend. I mean, I went to school with the guy for 6 years. When another of our friends brought up the entire "shower after gym lessons" thing, it was awkward as hell to think about but... you know... once you get over that part, every thing goes back to normal except for the part you tend to include homosexuality into the jokes and taunts (which he was okay with, and an active part of) you tend to toss around to each other.


an 'old friend', sure :P ;)

Hey, it was. I assure you, I am quite straight. :cute:


That said, I am very open minded to the concept of homosexuality in the sense that I no longer percieve it to be any different from heterosexuality. I just believe that there is no straight or gay, you just fall in love and you can not really control what you are attracted to. I am also very quick to act along with it, mostly because I find it right to dismantle as many prejudices as possible. :P

Living your life denying your thoughts and feelings would just lead to a miserable existence. I am not entirely sure when my friend came out of the closet, I think it was in 2004ish, but since a year or so after that, I have always internally reasoned that if I ever did fall in love with someone, regardless of gender, then that was just how things were and would be. I would imagine it would be weird to notice you love someone of your gender, but I think everyone who has experienced being heartbroken and torn because of their own feelings (regardless of setting) know how awful it would be to supress those kinds of powerful feelings.


When all things have been said and done, however, I am currently rather hopelessly in love with a woman and I imagine I will be for a long time yet. :cute:



If you think about it, the worst of the anxiety is over unless you hold anyone else in higher esteem! All that matters is that you are happy about your choices and don't let your own sexuality be a barricade. If you put up a wall, so does everyone else. :)





Jethraw, you did a good thing and like others have said, you should be proud. Your parents and step-parents are behind you, it's just going to take some time for them to 'process' what you've told them. :)



Respect man, I run into guys twice the size of me every weekend, but you showed courage on a whole different level.


And it will be cool, I wouldn't worry about what you think your dad and step mum think, because even if they aren't that keen on it, they love you enough to tell you otherwise, so that's cool.



Thanks for all the kind words guys, really means alot.


Still not really wrapped my head around it all but I'm working on it :)



Jamie, congrats dude. This is a huge step in the right direction, and although it may not feel like it now, what you just did was awesome. Good job man :)


From this point onward I'm going to assume all staff members are gay until they make a blog post coming out as straight.





From this point onward I'm going to assume all staff members are gay until they make a blog post coming out as straight.

You're saying this to the (retired) mod who made a point to screw up all gender references to fudge with people's brains, remember


*high-fives Jethraw*
*pushes Yuanrang away, towards nearest cliff*


*high-fives Jethraw*



Thanks guys :) I think I'm glad I did it, but still, scary shizzle!

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