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Coming Out Part 3

It's been a few months since I wrote my blogs on coming out (and did the actual coming out) to my parents. I generally tend to avoid going too personal on these things but since I got such support in the first two blogs I thought I'd post an update and reflect on them myself.


My mum and step-dad were absolutely fine with the whole thing, and I subsequently came out to my older step-sister and cousin, who were both chuffed to be honest.


My dad and step mum were also okay with it, but things were a bit strange with them and we didn't talk as much. I've only actually seen them once since but they both frequently chat to me via text and Facebook and I'm staying with them at the end of this week with none of my other siblings so that should be a good way to gauge it.


The family member I'm most worried about telling is my 10 year old brother. We've always been extremely close and he's always really, really looked up to me. I've accepted that being gay isn't something to be ashamed of, and I'm not anymore, but I'm really just hoping that, despite him only being ten it won't affect our future relationship as he gets older.


My boyfriend came out to his mum, who was fine with it, but less supportive than my mother was. I'm going staying with him for a week in June, and he's staying with me for a while in August, by which point I'll have had to tell my brother and sister (less worried about sister - from having been at school with me for years she knows, but has never had it confirmed.)


I've also become a lot more confident about the whole thing. I've recently started a new job and found myself quite easily being able to tell my colleagues that I'm gay. Not in a scream-and-shout about it kind of way, just casually so they have no misconceptions about me.


I've also (with the help of Gonzyy) designed my first tattoo which I've been searching for, for a number of years, as significant to the last 12 months of my life, which has been pretty monumental. I've printed it out and have it up 3 times on my bedroom wall. If I can still bear it at the end of summer I'm getting that done in September.


All in all, not bad :ice:


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I'm very happy it was worked out so well for you.





I've staved off telling my parents as i've never actually had a serious relationship with any guy (:box:), but I think it's very special what you've done. While I haven't told them, you've made me feel more comfortable in telling my friends, and as far as i'm aware all my close friends know that i'm bi now, but thankfully it isn't an issue with them.


I suppose you have to consider how much your brother knows about relationships, i'd probably favour telling him before, but you know him best. You don't know what kind of funny (and I mean funny, kids talking about relationships is normally funny) questions he'd ask when your boyfriend comes, which might be unsettling to him, but I don't know.


Do what's best for you, you've clearly been doing that so far :)



TIL Goggie and lilshu are also gay. Did not know that :P


I think it's really impressive you actually came out in the first place. You're really lucky to have parents so supportive. Also you were doubly unlucky to have essentially two pairs of parents you had to tell :cute:



Anyway, congratulations! You've given me courage. All my close friends now know, and it's up on my facebook if anyone is really interested in knowing. You're awesome man, thank you.

Oooooh! I'm really glad! I remember I always thought you were out and open about it until you said otherwise a while back.


I suppose you have to consider how much your brother knows about relationships, i'd probably favour telling him before, but you know him best. You don't know what kind of funny (and I mean funny, kids talking about relationships is normally funny) questions he'd ask when your boyfriend comes, which might be unsettling to him, but I don't know.

Well, I think it would be worse for him not to know. Whether he likes it or not, he's still young and I personally think it would be better for him to grow up with it being the norm, rather than this deep dark secret he was too young to know before he'd developed his own opinions on the matter.



TIL Goggie and lilshu are also gay. Did not know that :P

welcome on sal's realm of gayscape ;)



reepicheep, on , said:


TIL Goggie and lilshu are also gay. Did not know that :P

welcome on sal's realm of gayscape ;)

Where the sissies like men and the men wear dresses.

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