I'm so sad and now I know why life sucks
Latley, its been my parents getting mad on Sundays.
I have classes from around Friday 6 to Saturday 6 (Yes around 24hrs). I come home and I play 2 league games which is around 1.5 hours.
Then on Sunday I prepare for my class again (Monday evening) and also do homework. I play around 5 league games this day which is max 3 hours. By this time my parents have flipped. Even after the first game they go mad.
I don't really play in the weekdays (nt that they know of) and now I'm so sad.
I've cried enough already (don't make fun of me please) and I know crying won't do shizzle now.
What happened this weekend is crazy though. My mom and dad said they are "banning" LoL from their house which means I can't play anymore.
What am I supposed to do? League takes me away from the troubles of this house and I'm so frustrated that I can't play now.
I don't know what else to say... life sucks man... Now I know why people cut themselves (I'm nt going to do that so dw) but this is just extra now...
I also know that writing about everything single thing which sucks at my house is not going to be worth it so now I'm going to stop.
What should I do? Bang my head against the wall.
And if anyone is wondering about my marks, my average was around 85% last term so I'm not doing bad or anything. I haven't tried tbh but sure I can do better but whats the point? Make them proud? Whats that going to do?
Also they get really mad for 2 things... when I'm playing my younger brother watched (around 2 years younger than me) and they say hes wasting his time too. Which is true but he won't leave.
Then there is my youngest brother who tries to sneak watch. When I tell him to leave or something they get so mad. I hate when he watches though cause after he just askes stupid stuff and won't even listen to what I say cause he knows everything now.
If this doesn't make sense sorry but I'm steaming atm
They tell me to help them in their free time or go outside (which I can't go with anyone obv.- no friends etc.)
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