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I'm so sad and now I know why life sucks



Latley, its been my parents getting mad on Sundays.

I have classes from around Friday 6 to Saturday 6 (Yes around 24hrs). I come home and I play 2 league games which is around 1.5 hours.

Then on Sunday I prepare for my class again (Monday evening) and also do homework. I play around 5 league games this day which is max 3 hours. By this time my parents have flipped. Even after the first game they go mad.

I don't really play in the weekdays (nt that they know of) and now I'm so sad.

I've cried enough already (don't make fun of me please) and I know crying won't do shizzle now.

What happened this weekend is crazy though. My mom and dad said they are "banning" LoL from their house which means I can't play anymore.

What am I supposed to do? League takes me away from the troubles of this house and I'm so frustrated that I can't play now.

I don't know what else to say... life sucks man... Now I know why people cut themselves (I'm nt going to do that so dw) but this is just extra now...

I also know that writing about everything single thing which sucks at my house is not going to be worth it so now I'm going to stop.

What should I do? Bang my head against the wall.

And if anyone is wondering about my marks, my average was around 85% last term so I'm not doing bad or anything. I haven't tried tbh but sure I can do better but whats the point? Make them proud? Whats that going to do?

Also they get really mad for 2 things... when I'm playing my younger brother watched (around 2 years younger than me) and they say hes wasting his time too. Which is true but he won't leave.

Then there is my youngest brother who tries to sneak watch. When I tell him to leave or something they get so mad. I hate when he watches though cause after he just askes stupid stuff and won't even listen to what I say cause he knows everything now.

If this doesn't make sense sorry but I'm steaming atm

They tell me to help them in their free time or go outside (which I can't go with anyone obv.- no friends etc.)


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Oh and they've taken my headphones and everything away.

That's another argument of theirs. They say I am getting corrupted my listening to the sound that is ingame on LoL. Its just poof and paaf.

When I ask what is wrong they get all mad and my dad just rips out the headphones...

This is killing me.

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I have enough friends man. Just can't socialize with them...

I used to read but then "WHY YOU READ THE WHOLE DAY"

I used to try in school buy I lost motivation.

I'm planning on working hard next year (Grade 11)

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I have a friend who has similar parents, and there isn't much you can do. What you might want to try is talk to them and maybe make concrete rules about computer usage? I don't know if it'll work with your parents, but it could.


Also what lilshu said (though it's hard to do)

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I have a friend who has similar parents, and there isn't much you can do. What you might want to try is talk to them and maybe make concrete rules about computer usage? I don't know if it'll work with your parents, but it could.


Also what lilshu said (though it's hard to do)


Holy They don't want me to go socialize because "I might get a bad influence".

I was told nt to have friends.

I'm told to go to the backyard and play with my brothers and sisters (all younger) that god has given me...



reepi how old is he? I'm 15.

They won't let me go anywhere...

What kinda rules? They hate when I sit on the computer.

Last week I got yelled at because I could tell them what that "blue" and "white" screen was.

Reddit and sals.

I used to play RS so being on Sals means I'm playing...

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Try to enjoy as much of your childhood as you can, you may find it hard, you might wish for more but honestly growing up is nothing special. I don't want you to be like the other kids that didn't enjoy as much as they could when they had the chance. I know things might be difficult, but push past it. Count your blessings, not your problems.

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I already know that... I kinda feel weird when I go places too now cause I'm scared that people will think bad of me. Its cause they never let me do anything social...

They got mad when I told them that ima be in jail for 2 months until school starts again.

moving out is our of the question. they won't let me

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You go to a mosque right? Does it have a youth group program, maybe you can join that to meet people your parents will find "acceptable". What about sports? Maybe you can join a hockey or soccer league.


I know it sucks, but hey take my word that this isn't all that abnormal. In a couple years you'll look back and laugh at the whole situation.

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You go to a mosque right? Does it have a youth group program, maybe you can join that to meet people your parents will find "acceptable". What about sports? Maybe you can join a hockey or soccer league.


I know it sucks, but hey take my word that this isn't all that abnormal. In a couple years you'll look back and laugh at the whole situation.

I can't join anything.

I am really active with the msoque and have friends. We do chill and they all know to tell me when my dad is coming. ^.^

The problem is that in my religon, we have to listen to our parents and playing games and stuff will nt raelly be accepted.


Now we are sitting down to eat and... my mom is screaming at me saying "I'm just sitting there on the computer doing nothing" Jst yelling while dad shakes his head.

Holy this sucks man...

They think going on reddit/internet is playing.


They are saying I can't play LoL. Ever.

Saying its wasting hours and hours of my life. Saying I should take time into use in the weekend helping...

I'm saying this as they say it.



I want to cry.

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Are your friends parents this restrictive? If not, you could maybe reach out to them for help, saying your parents are not letting you live a normal life, and ask if they could talk to your parents?


I dunno. Your parents seem pretty set in stone about their ways so not much will change them :/ Good luck in any case.

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They will get mad if they find out I have close buddies so that won't work kamil.

These are indian parents man...


@, But then it would be like 1 hour for like helping around teh whole darn house. Then I have to do school work and stuff too.

Honsetly, 3 hours on a Sunday is not a lot.


Also mom was about to close the switch from the power bar so I had to dip...

What do I tell them when I am on reddit and sals etc.?

They think its playing.

How do I explain.


When I'm typing on Sals, they think I'm writing an email. They ask to who?

What do I say about that?


They ask why when I'm nt playing, why I am watching people play (aka streams)

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What do I tell them when I am on reddit and sals etc.? They think its playing. How do I explain.

It is playing, and there's nothing wrong with playing.

Eh, I wouldn't equate potentially thoughtful discussions with playing but that's just me.


Also, 3 hours on Sunday was a lot to me at one point (I still don't like playing games that long all at once), I'm sure to your unaccustomed parents it seems unusual. Try to be reasonable with requests even if they don't give you the same respect.

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Change Sal's skin so it doesn't look "blue" or whatever your parents said. Then explain to them that this site is about chemistry and physics and like dentistry (idk lol) and you're just asking for help/learning from real scientists!!!!!



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Bill is LONELY in his tree, on , said:


Change Sal's skin so it doesn't look "blue" or whatever your parents said. Then explain to them that this site is about chemistry and physics and like dentistry (idk lol) and you're just asking for help/learning from real scientists!!!!!



Nah, tell them it's gay porn and you'll be good to go


but its text and not pichurs

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Bill is LONELY in his tree, on , said:


Change Sal's skin so it doesn't look "blue" or whatever your parents said. Then explain to them that this site is about chemistry and physics and like dentistry (idk lol) and you're just asking for help/learning from real scientists!!!!!



Nah, tell them it's gay porn and you'll be good to go


why stop there, leave bronyporn up & go for a walk/whatever, when they freak about that tell them its the only thing u can relax with now... wil make LoL look like a minor thing.

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Eh, I wouldn't equate potentially thoughtful discussions

Thoughtful discussion? On reddit and Sal's? :aware: (seriously though screw reddit)


My friend (female, not male) also has Indian parents, and she's just sticking with it. Her parents don't seem quite as restrictive though.


Also lilshu you're a terrible person :box:

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Yeah, sometimes life does suck. You just need to learn to put up with the parts you don't like, because you'll come out the other side all the better for the experience. Remember that rough patches don't last forever.

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Well. As someone who has Muslim parents I can try to help(I don't follow Islam btw).


Your parents don't want you to become "westernised" since I'll assume that they believe that westernisation will distract you from religion. Do what you can to spend time out of the house, I'll even go to the lengths of lying about your whereabouts. (eg "going to the library" = hanging out with friends). This doesn't solve the underlying problem that your parents are struggling to express their love in a manner that you understand and they are trying to protect you from changing to the person that they don't want you to be. They seem pretty focused on their current strategy in how they're raising you, so I doubt convincing them will work. Try what redmonke said in exchanging chores for entertainment. Don't try rebelling. At all. This will add fuel to the fire and it will distance you from your parents even more. Hang in there until your 18. Work hard, get a job(earn some money and you can get out of the house). You may like LoL, however you might need to give it up tbh because gaming seems to be something that your parents are unwilling to let you enjoy(even though RS and LoL aren't like GTA lol). Get used to tab swapping if you are going to risk playing games(so have like a revision website up on another tab and pretend your revising or something). People might disagree with my methods and advice, however I was in a very watered down version what you are in, however I talked to my parents and explained to them how I disagree with their methods and yeah I know that some of my advice is high risk and lying never really solves problems however you are in a very sticky situation.

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Zooey, on , said:


Eh, I wouldn't equate potentially thoughtful discussions

Thoughtful discussion? On reddit and Sal's? :aware: (seriously though screw reddit)


My friend (female, not male) also has Indian parents, and she's just sticking with it. Her parents don't seem quite as restrictive though.


Also lilshu you're a terrible person :box:


We are also Muslim. I know quite a bit of Indian friends who aren't muslim and their parents aren't strict.

I'm not going to go out and do something dumb.

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Stay strong Aabid. I'm here for you! Soon you'll be an adult and you'll be able to do what you want!

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What Fabio you a brrony now.

I need an avatar tooo...

Well. As someone who has Muslim parents I can try to help(I don't follow Islam btw).


Your parents don't want you to become "westernised" since I'll assume that they believe that westernisation will distract you from religion. Do what you can to spend time out of the house, I'll even go to the lengths of lying about your whereabouts. (eg "going to the library" = hanging out with friends). This doesn't solve the underlying problem that your parents are struggling to express their love in a manner that you understand and they are trying to protect you from changing to the person that they don't want you to be. They seem pretty focused on their current strategy in how they're raising you, so I doubt convincing them will work. Try what redmonke said in exchanging chores for entertainment. Don't try rebelling. At all. This will add fuel to the fire and it will distance you from your parents even more. Hang in there until your 18. Work hard, get a job(earn some money and you can get out of the house). You may like LoL, however you might need to give it up tbh because gaming seems to be something that your parents are unwilling to let you enjoy(even though RS and LoL aren't like GTA lol). Get used to tab swapping if you are going to risk playing games(so have like a revision website up on another tab and pretend your revising or something). People might disagree with my methods and advice, however I was in a very watered down version what you are in, however I talked to my parents and explained to them how I disagree with their methods and yeah I know that some of my advice is high risk and lying never really solves problems however you are in a very sticky situation.

Can't get a job. Dad is like we will pay for university. You ain't going to work and will just work hard in school.

I alt tab a lot. They still know I'm playng...

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They quite simply have you cornered. I guess don't aggravate them and just hang in there. Or you could take the high risk option. Confront them. Speak your mind. One out of two things will happen; You will succeed! or your parents will shizzle on you. You can't go about living a life where you're restricted in such a manner unless you have the patience to hang in til college

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