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I'm so sad and now I know why life sucks



Latley, its been my parents getting mad on Sundays.

I have classes from around Friday 6 to Saturday 6 (Yes around 24hrs). I come home and I play 2 league games which is around 1.5 hours.

Then on Sunday I prepare for my class again (Monday evening) and also do homework. I play around 5 league games this day which is max 3 hours. By this time my parents have flipped. Even after the first game they go mad.

I don't really play in the weekdays (nt that they know of) and now I'm so sad.

I've cried enough already (don't make fun of me please) and I know crying won't do shizzle now.

What happened this weekend is crazy though. My mom and dad said they are "banning" LoL from their house which means I can't play anymore.

What am I supposed to do? League takes me away from the troubles of this house and I'm so frustrated that I can't play now.

I don't know what else to say... life sucks man... Now I know why people cut themselves (I'm nt going to do that so dw) but this is just extra now...

I also know that writing about everything single thing which sucks at my house is not going to be worth it so now I'm going to stop.

What should I do? Bang my head against the wall.

And if anyone is wondering about my marks, my average was around 85% last term so I'm not doing bad or anything. I haven't tried tbh but sure I can do better but whats the point? Make them proud? Whats that going to do?

Also they get really mad for 2 things... when I'm playing my younger brother watched (around 2 years younger than me) and they say hes wasting his time too. Which is true but he won't leave.

Then there is my youngest brother who tries to sneak watch. When I tell him to leave or something they get so mad. I hate when he watches though cause after he just askes stupid stuff and won't even listen to what I say cause he knows everything now.

If this doesn't make sense sorry but I'm steaming atm

They tell me to help them in their free time or go outside (which I can't go with anyone obv.- no friends etc.)


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Getting a job isn't about having money, it's about getting an education. It's about teaching you responsibility, it's about teaching you how to handle a budget, it's about teaching you interpersonal skills, it's about teaching your business ethics...


I say this with no offense intended, there's no wonder you come across as a 6 year old. Your parents aren't letting you progress past that stage. Is there seriously no one that your parents talk to who would be able to tell them they're crippling your well-being?

They won't understand...

Honestly, me acting like a 6 year old comes from wanting attention. Although never meaning to be annoying, reading long paragraphs about something I like took my mind off my house and gave me something to think about…

What pisses me off is the fact that they took my headphones. They said that they will corrupt my head… and I don’t even listen to music

They quite simply have you cornered. I guess don't aggravate them and just hang in there. Or you could take the high risk option. Confront them. Speak your mind. One out of two things will happen; You will succeed! or your parents will shizzle on you. You can't go about living a life where you're restricted in such a manner unless you have the patience to hang in til college

Too scared...

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Getting a job isn't about having money, it's about getting an education. It's about teaching you responsibility, it's about teaching you how to handle a budget, it's about teaching you interpersonal skills, it's about teaching your business ethics... I say this with no offense intended, there's no wonder you come across as a 6 year old. Your parents aren't letting you progress past that stage. Is there seriously no one that your parents talk to who would be able to tell them they're crippling your well-being?

I have several very close friends that were raised similarly and aren't crippled, it just meant they had a harder time integrating. For the longest time I wasn't allowed to even talk to other people on the internet (which may explain some things) much less spend 3 hours playing video games. I do think some of Aabid's personality is a factor, but I agree there is something wrong.


Devil's advocate: we do have to remember there are two sides to the story and while his parents may be very controlling, who knows? Maybe Aabid isn't giving us the full scoop.

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Wait what is wrong with my personality. Friends at school think I have the best life ever so.

Uh not sure what else I'm not telling you. I play only that much.

Another thing to mention is that I only play on the weekends so weekdays are out of the question...


What will someone from the mosque tell them? Yeah gj, make sure he does his work and is more religious. Don't play.

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Friends at school think I have the best life ever so.


if thats the case, then i believe that your expectations of life seem high

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Aabid, on , said:


Friends at school think I have the best life ever so.


if thats the case, then i believe that your expectations of life seem high


Wait what did I just say? :o

I think I just said the wrong thing...

They KNOW I have the worst life. They know how I can't play.

I don't tell them all this stuff though. Otherwise I don't know what might happen...



I've started typing but I've gotta go (don't want them to get pissed again)

It might be a page long. It's all my feelings that I've had in me for over a year. Different situation etc. I still want to cry...

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So much to the point where you think that there is nothing left to do. Crying doesn't achieve anything...

Here it is...

1. This Friday we had a BBQ and a shaving cream fight at school which I didn’t go to. I came home at lunch and didn’t go back. At around 4, I played 2 games of league (no school so why not?). Dad comes home and he gets pissed off. He yells and rips the headphones (those small ones) from both my ear and then the computer. Then he proceeds to yell and tells me to get off and stuff. I became so sad… He yelled how there shall be no playing 5 days a week. How we play so much anyways in the weekends that it doesn’t matter. Honestly, they don’t know how much other people play. Don’t I need time to relax too? Is it good to just work work work

2. My mom asked me to teach her something on the computer which I did. Then a second time they ordered me to teach it like bosses. So I got pissed off and told them I don’t like how they act like bosses. They got so mad again and told me off and my mom told me that she doesn’t want me to help her if it isn’t from my heart.

3. I’m not spoiled or anything. We have 1 computer which 7 people share. The only other thing I’ve had is a PSP which I haven’t used for a year (the old one). I’ve never had a TV so I’ve never wasted time on that.

4. As soon as my head turns back to the screen they look at the screen to check if I’m working or playing. Holy man… Sure they don’t trust me but that is because they don’t give the freedom.

5. I almost cried at dinner yesterday. Sister looked at me twice but then looked away. Parents didn’t notice. If I had said a word, I would have cried in front of everyone.

6. Had exams today and a science exam review after that. Was so sad to go home…

7. I study for my exams in front of the PC. Now my mom is getting all pissed and saying I waste time. Is it not logical to study and then every 15 mins or so check something up. I use it to clear my head. She said I can’t sit in front of the PC tmrw. Honestly the problem I see is that I don’t get enough time to relax. Sure I don’t do it in the weekdays but at least the weekend should be an exception.

8. Now that summer is coming up, I feel like the jail will be closed. Since I can’t go anywhere, I will have to do everything they say 24/7. Most likely, I can’t just sit on the computer to relax… Don’t even know what to do now. This is the reason I just hate summer. What is wrong is that my parents don’t let me live life. They are on my case all the time. It is the time for me to study. Sure it is but that doesn’t mean I can’t do anything else.

9. Trust me I have money but I can’t use it. Not even a darn dollar. They say its for the fricken future. Like honestly, what is it for then? My school has a math challenge and you can win ipads and laptops. I told her that I saw this guy win a laptop and she was like why don’t you do the challenge? I told her that what would I do with the laptop and she got pissed. I knew that I wouldn’t ever be able to use it. She said it would be for when I am older. Like honestly… I told her what the point of that is and she said what is the point of having cloths which you will wear later? She told me to throw them out… These convos go no where.

10. Yeah they hate the computer. For any darn reason. They say how lol is tearing the family apart and how it is ruining me. They call social life going to relatives and talking with them… What they need is some badass sons who never listen. They DO NOT know how much people play and how bad they are. I’ve been so nice my whole life that they take me doing this as bad.

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They just talked to me and this is what was brought up.

1. They don't know what I do on the computer. Even when I'm not playing...

Computer = rips you apart from people.

Why don't I play with my brothers and sisters and teach them stuff.

Why don't I talk to them?


Anything I say to them pisses them off. ( I noticed)

I don't respect them.

I will thank them later.

Don't play this stupid game.

What do you do on the computer?

Who do you talk with?

Honestly, I'm losing hope. I just hate this.

This time and age is really bad.

Technology is bad and it destroys you.

When I say I don't play a lot they say who am I comparing to.

I tell them and they say who cares about them

Play something else which isn't as time consuming.




I tell you what.

I'm not studying for my exams.

fudge this shizzle I'm telling you. I'm going to try my best w/o studying.

I'm going to cry so much now.

What they want me to is disconnect my self from the computer and then spend my time doing everything else but touching the computer.

Now that Ramadhan is coming up, they said that there is no way the pc will be turned on during that time.


Is it worth not playing anymore and not going on the computer?

What else is there to do? Play with my 4 younger siblings? (So dumb...) and talk with them? About what?


Someone tell me something.....hjjfgh


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Ok I'm nt going to play league again until my parents are ok with it.

I just punched my brother and lashed out with him. My arm hurts now

Anger is pouring out atm.

What will it take to get my parents to understand.

I have an idea though.

I'm going to disconnect myself from everyone and just do work.

Apart from Sals don't touch the pc.

Cried so much right now but pretended it was rain (pouring outside)

Any ideas or thoughts?

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it honestly sounds like you get plenty of free time and you just spend it playing on the computer which is why they don't like it. I don't see how talking to your siblings and stuff could be a problem. I wish my brother would spend some time with me!

And relating to how much other people play is stupid. It's their life, not yours.

All my relatives live relatively (lol) far away, so you should be grateful that you are able to see and talk with them whenever (it seems).

Also it sounds like you talk back A LOT, so maybe that's a reason why their annoyed with you.


Don't disconnect from everyone. Work hard, and you will thank them later. Getting through exams and school with all the studying and whatnot maybe difficult, but it's a hell of a lot easier if you have people there with you.

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I do talk back a lot.

Relatives are like old people so.

What do I talk to with a 10 year old? :o And play what?

yeah but isn't there a standard you should set with other people?

I'm booked in the weekdays and weekends I just want to chill.

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As you're the oldest (I'm guessing as you're always complaining about younger siblings), you should not just focus on yourself as the prime reason to do things. As Lilshu said, ask them what they want to do. It's not about doing the things you want to do (with them and hating it), maybe they want an older brother to look up to? An older brother who will spend time with them to do the things THEY want to do. As I said before, I wish my older brother would spend some time with me.

Also, I'm sure if you cut the talking back down and use manners all the time, your parents will not be so frustrated at you.

Old people a wise, learn about family history and hear some good old stories!!!


I don't really understand what you're trying to say about this standard you should set with other people. If you're suggesting your life should be up to the same standard as someone from a totally different area of the world with different religious views and different traditions, then you are wrong. You don't compare your life to others.

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Now while I heartily recommend MLP to anybody I don't think your parents would very much like seeing you watch a show like that :cute:

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Aabid, on , said:


What do I talk to with a 10 year old? :o And play what?

Ask them what they want to do.






I talked to my mom.

She told me a few things.

1.Not to waste time on the computer.

2.Not to talk back.

3.Do stuff with siblings (I am oldest)

She said i can play but don't play that much.

So become nicer.

And I used to say I would learn to cook and stuff but now I don't do anything like that so actually help her/my dad and do something productive.

Now while I heartily recommend MLP to anybody I don't think your parents would very much like seeing you watch a show like that :cute:

wut why?

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Another thing is that I pretend to do hw during the weekdays and since they don't want me playing, I am "wasting time".

So yeh...

Like I want to relax in the weekdays.

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As someone in a Pakistani family(I'm the 3rd oldest of four, so I guess you could also call me the second youngest(no fudge that)), I may be able to give you some advice.



Talk to your siblings. Just ask them about their days, do nice stuff. You're the oldest, I'm not the oldest of my siblings, but I understood what my sister, who was the oldest, tried to do. I'm actually tearing up as I write this since I appreciate what she did, which was be an example. Sure, she was a nice doggy! 50% of the time, but when my parents were out, she took care of us. She's now married, graduated Ramapo, and has a daughter. She majored in Bio-Informatics, and while my parents neglected her a bit socially, she learned necessary tools doing everything that makes even my other sister(a year older) look socially awkward.



I always try to get my brother to kick a soccer ball with me, go for a jog, and do stuff in general. Although I do get mad at him a lot.



Just remember you're family, and not a suburban white family. You're parents, I assume, are immigrants, and don't want you to screw up your life. Study for your finals, do well in school, go to college, then do whatever you want. (Good advice coming from someone who's a massive procrastinator. But it's okay, I'm studying for my finals that are next week!)



I'm probably rambling now. Back to writing my Research Paper.



Good luck!

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Holy ak I want to cry now.

Its funny how I'm always getting mad at my brothers and sisters for doing stupid stuff. Like saying dumb stuff etc. Is this acceptable or what should I say?

Yeah i gotta notice that we ain't white.

You muslim ak or no? :o

Also, wht do you mean parents neglected her socially?

Isn't it boring to play soccer with a smaller brother who you will smash?

They are immigrants and dnt want me to screw up my life. True.

Its Grade 10 so not really sure. I'm so unorganized that it messes me up very hard. Will try to organize more next year.

Thanks guys you are making me realize its my fault. Its really helping!

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