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Snow, cheese and boys

To start off, a month or so ago I went on a ski trip with some of my year group for 7 days and 2 days in Melbourne. It was a pretty nice experience, getting to show off my skills while my friends were stacking it left and right. The snow conditions were pretty miserable unfortunately, with it being Australia. It actually began quite nicely, then as the week went by, the weather rapidly deteriorated. On some days it rained and hailed heavily, but we trudged through and managed to have a good time. The visibility was also very bad, I could hardly see 20m in front of me. Of course there were 'good' days where the sun was out and all, but not much. The last 3 days were the worst though. Since it was peak season for skiing (school holidays), there were many many schools skiing. On those last 3 days, 2 or 3 lifts were open, which meant everybody was hogging the best run. On the very last day of skiing, the rain poured all night and all day, which meant zero lifts were open. We got a refund and spent the day packing our bags. Pretty depressing stuff. It didn't snow once during our time there. Of course, the day directly after we left, it snowed 23cm. And the day after that it snowed about 10cm. Here's the charts of the snow base of where I went skiing. The bit between the black lines is when I went. fudge life.




In that time though, we went to Melbourne city, where, guess what, IT RAINED. Who would've guessed. We spent most of our time indoors though, shopping till we dropped. And then we got lost. In Melbourne city, there's this free tram that circles the city where we can just hop on when it comes. Well, we did, but after a few stops we had no idea where to get off, and didn't know if we were even going in the right direction. So we went YOLO and hopped off the tram, completely lost. We located a map and after much searching, finally figured out where the fudge we were. We were on the opposite side of the city from where we were supposed to be. We walked the distance back to the hotel, in the rain, via a coffee shop. That night I went to a footy (AFL) match where the team I was going for (temporarily, I will not go for the Saints again unless it's against Collingwood) was down by 40 or so points, made a huge comeback and lost by 5 points, which is a goal away from winning. Very depressing. We spent the night in Melbourne then went back home the next day, where I watched my favourite footy team lose by a lot and my second favourite footy team lose too. Yay.




Today at lunch, I sat with my group of girl friends midway through. As I sat down, I caught a whiff of the unmistakable smell of fresh, putrid, vomit. In a matter of seconds it became overwhelming. I was a bit paranoid of mentioning it because it could just have been a person's bad BO, but it was getting really unbearable so I spoke up. They also had no idea where the puke smell came from. After a while of investigating, someone said that it could be someone's food. A friend with a turkish bread sandwich from the school's canteen said that hers tasted funny and opened up the contents. Oh lord. The smell. Another friend with a similar school canteen sandwich had the same smell radiating from hers. Some whiffed the sandwiches and turned up their noses. Some took a bite and gagged. It was the school sandwiches. Being the responsible person I was, I steered clear of those sandwiches and refused to inspect them whatsoever. The common ingredient in those sandwiches was cheese, which must have been the culprit. The owners of the sandwiches went to the canteen to complain, while the two other friends who took a bite earlier said they couldn't stand the taste in their mouth so I accompanied them to the bathroom to wash the taste out. After several rinses, the taste still wouldn't get out, so they gave up, left the bathroom with me trailing them, instantly came rushing back and threw up in the toilets. Now that was the real smell of vomit. After they finished, I bought them ice creams at the canteen to get rid of the taste. There was a small gathering at the canteen, all holding unfinished turkish breads. Apparently, the order of cheese that they received was different, quote from the canteen lady, 'mature cheese'. Now, I am Swiss, coming from the land of cheese, and have tried and smelt a lengthy variety of bad-scented cheeses, and never have I ever, in my entire life, have come anywhere close to smelling one as horrid as that. It was the exact smell of vomit, as if someone had just thrown up on the sandwich and given it out. There is absolutely no way that cheese was anything other than very, very wrong, and I think the canteen lady is trying to cover it up with a sorry excuse. The people who had their lunches wasted got a free ice cream, which was less than half the value of the turkish bread. This is fudgeing unacceptable. /rantover. Wait not yet.




Oh yeah, Maya needs some boy advice. She's going out with Barker, and as I mentioned before the relationship is extremely unbalanced, with Barker wanting Maya 24/7 and Maya just taking everything. It's gotten to the point where it really is too much, for her and the rest of our group. At lunch times we sit on a square bench with places to sit on on all sides, fitting about 2 people on each end. Whenever Maya has 2 people other than Barker next to her (one of which is usually me), when he arrives to the table, he stands there expecting someone to move so he can sit next to her, and if nobody does he sometimes tries to physically lift us up and sit us somewhere else. If we still refuse, then he pulls this really sad puppy face and sits elsewhere. He stands this for about 5 minutes, then, I kid you not, he comes to her corner and kneels next to her like a fudgeing dog so he can be with her. It's painful to watch. There was also this one time when the group had a movie night with Barker snuggling and rubbing against Maya. She got a bit sick of this and went to sit with another friend, telling Barker not to follow, but after 10 seconds of separation he kinda held onto her foot, like a 'noo don't leave me' gesture for the movie. I wasn't there that night but hearing it from Maya made me wince. It makes him sound like a pathetic little child being separated from his mummy for the first day of school. Not only that, but it's screwing with his outside life as well. He has this English presentation with a group he needed to do urgently after school but he chose to spend time with Maya, who didn't know about this. The next day (today, actually) his group members were really pissed off at him for not showing up. Understandably so. He also said to her on one of their dates that he was never going to leave her, and when she said "But we're in high school, you can't say that," he said "I don't care, I'm never leaving you,' very, very seriously.


What I'm trying to say is, she is being suffocated by him. She has told him multiple times to control himself around her and he just doesn't listen. I mean, he does, at the time when Maya tells him, but after 10 minutes it's back to hugging, snuggling, stroking her hair, stroking her face, holding hands, rubbing her thighs, rubbing her back, ON THE LUNCH fudgeING TABLE. WITH EVERYBODY fudgeING WATCHING THEM WHILE EATING THEIR fudgeING SANDWICHES TRYING NOT TO GAG. Since the forum is comprised of mainly boys, how do you think can she get the message across to him to tone down everything? What would make you stop? Don't get me wrong, Maya likes him a lot, but she's incredibly uncomfortable by his public tactics and is not a very touchy-feely person. We tried to come up with a battle plan in form and she brought up the idea of writing him a letter, since face-to-face confrontations don't work. Is this a good idea? I have spoken to Barker on an occasion about it but he just dismisses it and doesn't think it's a big deal. Btw it's been 4 months into the relationship and his actions, according to Maya, are getting worse.


Now, I'm making Barker sound like he's a horrible person, but he really isn't. He's a pretty great, extremely intelligent guy when his judgement isn't being affected by the thought of Maya. He just needs to learn the meaning of 'no'.



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Fun fact: the same chemical that gives the taste to cheese gives the smell to vomit. In a study, people were asked to smell this chemical. Those who were told it smelled like cheddar cheese said it smelled like cheddar cheese. Those who were told it smelled like vomit said it smelled like vomit.


Brains are weird


Also, if he won't listen to her and stop, then he's a pretty crappy boyfriend. I'd just break up with him

I have absolutely no, experience dating so you might as well disregard everything I say on the topic but what lilshu is saying here makes sense. It doesn't sound like a terribly healthy relationship for him or her.

Army of One


I have the same problem with the "trying not to gag" part when my friends are with their girlfriends

More like "trying not to go on a homicidal rampage"

She just needs to literally tell him to just stop and grow up. If shes uncomfortable with the relationship then it needs to either be resolved or ended.

Micael Fatia



That guy sounds like a complete idiot.

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