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I survived

Twist of Fate


So yeah, tattoo is done. If you wanna know what it is and why I got it, check the lengthy explanation I left in the last comment I made in my last entry.


Anyways, it hurt less than I expected but I didn't really know what kind of pain to expect. If you ever wanna get a tattoo don't psych yourself out about the pain and try to distract yourself from the fact you're getting stabbed with a needle several thousand times per minute.


The pain is cancelled out by the lifelong love and admiration you will have for your tattoo (if you choose wisely)


Find a reputable and clean place and don't worry about the price. You will get what you pay for. If you want a bargain, getting a tattoo might not be a good idea.



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quite well done, make sure to check back in half a year for corrections, the red will most likely be off by then, and the black quite likely a bit too

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quite well done, make sure to check back in half a year for corrections, the red will most likely be off by then, and the black quite likely a bit too

Or you could just use permanent markers



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What's wrong with his face?

In the original image, it's a silhouette with no jaw line. It looks crooked due to the curve of my arm from certain angles but I assure you everything is exactly as it should be according to the original design and stencil.

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I'm not entirely convinced :s There's no depth for the umbrella, the face and hands look funny and he got a big booty on yours! :P


But, as long as you're happy with it and can justify it that's what counts!


And on the bright side



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Yep I am, and the dude said if I need any extra shading or depth I can come back. I'll need a touch up eventually so if I get tired of it looking the way it does I'll take care of it.


You see, that would be a lot worse if those entries were reverse :P

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