TIFU by getting caught.
So over the last ~6 months or so, my parents have been taking away the power cable for the monitor so I can't access it. They take it away when they please which is every single time I would like to play. To give an idea, they take it away at night time around 11:00 PM so I can't waste my time. Usually I get on the computer at 9:30 to 10:00 pm after i'm done all my other hw after which I can do any hw i have on the computer. They also take it every time they leave the house so I'm kinda stuck without it. This means like on the weekends usually. I have classes Friday evening till Saturday evening (religious) so I can't be on till then anyways. Yeah I get it back to do hw and they take it back as soon as i'm done usually. Thing is that the printer uses the same wire and everything else including my hard drive uses it too. So the first day they took it away, I just took it from the printer and plugged in and it worked. Slowly every morning I would go on the computer and then proceeded to using it every night as well. Now let me tell you that at night time, I woulds spend around one and a half hours with the "fake" wire. I would finish up my hw and then maybe watch a show or play a game of league or two. Yesterday after being away for the whole weekend (religious thing) and after closing the door to my parents bedroom (they were going to sleep) I plugged in the "fake" wire into the monitor. This was around 12:20 and I had hw to finish up because I had done none (was away). I went to the bedroom to pick up my homework and I here my mom. O shizzle. I peek out of my bedroom into the dining room (yes its there so thats the first thing my parents see when they open the door) and shes there. She asks me if I had took the wire they had taken back and I said no. (Its under their pillow LOL no way I'm getting that) My mom asks me where I get it etc. and I told her Its from the printer and that I've had it for a long time (decided telling the truth was good) Then she said something about trust and stuff and my dad comes and takes the wire away (Dad was VERY calm and stuff; would have expected to get the beating of a lifetime LOL). Yeah so they took it away and I don't think I'll be able to play league much anymore. I tried telling her then that its helped me finish a lot of work (which is true as I've finished lots of work with it) and that even when I play its because I want to play and I should be allowed to play. She told me no and that weekdays are for work and stuff. I've been trying to convince her and she says that they let me play too much (she said 3-4 games is a lot and I do a lot of work). I honestly just want to do all my work and even if they let me play an hour then it would be ok. I can get more "wires" if I want but Ima take my time and think about it.
Oh yeh and the things I had clicked when I turned the computer on was google chrome and the league client. http://gyazo.com/871604348d058b3477734fa76937d632
yeah she saw that and shes like oo you were about to play (cause there is a PLAY button there).
So yeh when I leave to pray she will probably take it away again.
What do you guys say I should do?
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