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Clan DRAMA from nine years ago!!!



Hey guys, this really doesn't effect very many people still here. I need a public place to put this so I decided to put it here. If you're a random person then you can continue on somewhere else. If you're interested in this crap anyway, backstory is in the spoiler.




2005-2007 I joined and then eventually lead a clan named "The Ultimate Pkers." And despite it's name it was a serious clan that was actually organized and a player in Sal's CD. There was a schism in November 2006, that lead to a split-off clan and marking the end of the "Original TUP." Basically here I am correcting someone's possibly slanderous quote about the schism, who was involved, etc.




Somebody alerted Shooter585, an old clanmate of mine, that Pkpete, once a warlord in TUP, recently wrote this in an application to DI:


The Ultimate Pkers - This was my first clan with actual forums. I'd say late 04-06.I wanted to join a clan, and they were the first to recruit me, so I felt pretty happy about that, and I joined them. I stayed there for for the longest time. The leadership was inactive, but I didn't want to see this clan fail. So every day I recruited, and led daily pk trips. I was promoted to warlord, and went around getting wars with other clans. We didn't have audio or anything, so it was all ingame. It was pretty fun, and I met some pretty cool people there. I got the boot one day though when we were thinking about becoming 3v0's jr clan. I didn't want to do that, I wanted to be our own clan, so I was kicked and my forums account was deleted.


This isn't particularly true. I thought about just ignoring it (correcting RS Clan history is not high on my priority list) but I heard that a past member of the clan is trying to re-enter the clanning scene and, with TUP being his major clan prior to this, I thought I should correct this inaccuracy so it doesn't look like he is BSing his clan history.


First off, leadership was not inactive. It's possible he's mistaken in remembering who the leaders exactly were and perhaps thought the founders of the clan were still the leaders. This isn't true; they were both no longer leaders. The leaders were myself and somebody else named okm1888. We were both very active. If we hadn't been, the clan wouldn't have made a comeback from the dead, Pkpete would have complete control, and no split-off would have happened.


Second, the split-off. Here's what happened. Pkpete knew a high ranking member (perhaps leader?) of the clan 3v0lution, which was a pretty good but not top 10 clan at the time. As they became friends, eventually Pkpete's friend asked him if TUP could be the junior member of 3v0lution. This is directly contrary to what Pkpete said in the statement. Pkpete jumped at the deal and began arranging it. It was all set - the only problem was that Pkpete wasn't the leader and didn't have the authority to do something like that. He posted a topic about it on the forums (which I cannot retrieve; it has been deleted) and told everybody about the offer. Pkpete stated that the move could help publicity and growth. We, the leadership had different ideas. We thought that the move would kill our level growth (all people above a certain level would be put in the main clan), ruin our freedom we had in running a clan, and hurt our community both in-game and in Sal's CD. After a long discussion, we said no. Following this, there were clear irreconcilable differences. Although we told Pkpete he could stay (he was the face of the clan after all), he decided to leave and most of the clan followed him. Pkpete, along with another player not from the clan, co-founded a clan called 3xtermination. I always found 3xtermination to be a homage to 3v0lution - furthering the idea that it was Pkpete who wanted to become the junior clan of 3v0lution, not the leadership. Pkpete began using our forums as a recruitment method for this clan, at which point we deleted his account. In case you were wondering, 3xtermination far out lived 3v0lution, which died shortly thereafter.


The whole situation was simply a power struggle. Although Pkpete was not a leader, he was definitely the face of the clan from both the outside and largely from the inside. He was popular among the members, certainly more popular than the leadership and other ranks, which unfortunately would spell doom for this specific incarnation of the clan.


After the split, The Ultimate Pkers was left with around 7 members. All of the members that left assumed that the clan was as good as dead. With the help of its leadership, it made a quick comeback and was stronger than it had ever have been before. The whole situation only set us back about three months. Also, after the split we were 1-0 against 3xtermination :cool:.


Visual proof Pkpete was for the 3v0lution move and not against it as he leads you to think (people were already getting riled up before Pkpete left):




By the way, I like Pkpete. We still talk occasionally and if someone asked me for a vouch on his character I would give them one. At the same time I cannot let him hurt the reputation of my ex-members.


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This was my initial reaction (told the guy who told me):



This is definitely not what happened. To start, the leadership wasn't inactive-As an official leader until July 2006 and effectively a leader from then on, I take a little offense to this. The founders were inactive, obviously, but they were more figureheads, like the royal family. They didn't actually do anything.


PkPete never got the boot. It was the opposite, we wanted him to stay. Someone probably deleted his account after the fact in rage, but this definitely did not occur before he left. I remember talking to him in IRC immediately after this too, so he didn't get banned from that either. In addition, he seems to have his story backwards. He knew a higher-up in 3vo (the leader?) that asked him if TUP wanted to be the junior clan. He was for the idea, thinking it would help our publicity and numbers growth. The leadership was against the idea because it would kill our levels growth, ruin our independence, and probably damage our community (both in-clan and at Sals). Discussion about this continued for a week, and eventually both sides realized there was irreconcilable differences and split up. He then formed 3xtermination, which I always figured was a tribute to 3v0's name (which imploded a little later, by the way). If you trust his word over mine, the remains of TUP remained TUP--it did not become 3v0's junior clan, did not change its name, and so forth.


I think the root of the problem was always more of a power struggle. PkPete was the most recognizable character of the clan, but he also was not the highest ranked. He was ranked Warlord, which was the second highest rank, which ultimately put him at the mercy of the leaders. We occasionally would say "no" to him. PkPete probably would have been promoted in a couple months, we didn't see a reason to rush it. Maybe if I had to do it again PkPete would have been promoted sooner.


I'm probably not going to confront him over something that happened in 2006, but I am not going to take credit for killing the original TUP-one of the premier Sals clans in its day. We grew and became stronger than we were before, but the split set us back at least three months.



I'm kind of surprised he remembered my clan history after all this time :P


There's no ill will involved here, but it's good to clarify in case this becomes an issue in the future. If we actually wanted to attract attention I would have put this blog post on Zybez. Pkpete's reasoning didn't make sense then and doesn't now, maybe he's finally agreed.

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Dat sneaky PkPete.

Always fun to read this stuff, glad you posted it lol.

He applied recently btw? Not sure why he lied about this, there's nothing to gain from it. DI won't care about what he did in a clan they likely never heard about (around the time TUP was a top clan here DI was already a clan world powerhouse). If he didn't want to make himself look bad he could've lied and say he quit when TUP died, there was no need to slander the clan that gave him the opportunity to become a well know person in the clan world.

Pretty disappointing attitude from his part. If I were you I'd post this on RSC, but I can understand why you guys don't want to do it. He's my friend too, but he's definitely in the wrong here and this was a pretty disrespectful blow (even though nobody in DI will care about it).

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Assuming some of the old chaps from DI is around, then no one will give a damn about that. DI's honor mentality was more related to DI itself and wilderness behaviour. They just won't care what a no-namer did to another no-name clan. :P

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He applied recently, around the past week. I'm not sure if he straight out lied or if he misremembered. I don't know how he'd remember the specifics but forget which side he was on, so I'd say he lied. I have no idea why he did it considering he is already well known in DI and there's a 0% chance that something like this would prevent him from getting into DI. At the same time I would not be shocked if he made a mistake because this did happen nine years ago, which is a long time in our relatively short lives.


I've had someone contact Pkpete for me on RSC about this (I haven't been able to log into my account ever since they changed to Curse) so I don't need to post it there. Also posting it on RSC would cause unnecessary drama and what exactly happened is meaningless to everybody but a few people. Here it's public so we can direct people to it but it's also not in plain sight of the existing clan community.


I've also been thinking about expanding this into a history of the clan in general, but that would take awhile to do (even though the biggest event in its history is already written down) and it would be a better allocation of my time to write something for the site.

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I forgot that 2005 is 10 years from 2015.

Yeah it's craaaaaazy!


Assuming some of the old chaps from DI is around, then no one will give a damn about that. DI's honor mentality was more related to DI itself and wilderness behaviour. They just won't care what a no-namer did to another no-name clan. :P

Agreed yeah, this particular clan was never relevant to DI. I posted this because another past member of this clan was getting their clan history questioned. It was not meant to hurt Pkpete's chances of getting into DI; I assume Pkpete is pretty much going to get into DI because he already has been a member there.


I also hold no animosity towards Pkpete causing the schism. It was the best for both sides.

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Pete is a nice guy and all, but you have to admit, he did blow his own trumpet quite a bit. :P


...and yeah, 10 years on Sal's too. That is what I struggle the most with. :P

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Not only he is ex-DI but he also has ex-clanmates and fellow Buffalo Soldiers teammates in DI currently, unless they left in the recent past (Nick Numbers and Pker Nick Pk for example). Which means he has his referrals pretty much guaranteed.

It makes no sense.

Maybe he lied the first time he applied to DI too? It was years and years ago, in like 2008 or something and he cared more about his reputation back then. Clans keep record of past applications and other relevant information like this, clan spies and such are a big problem nowadays so they give a lot of importance to this stuff. If he were to change his clan history it could lead to a lot of unnecessary complications.


Not that it excuses his lie, but it would explain why he bothered lying about something irrelevant nobody in DI would care about.

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Maybe he lied the first time he applied to DI too? It was years and years ago, in like 2008 or something and he cared more about his reputation back then. Clans keep record of past applications and other relevant information like this, clan spies and such are a big problem nowadays so they give a lot of importance to this stuff. If he were to change his clan history it could lead to a lot of unnecessary complications.

I looked for his first application and found nothing. I can't use the search function unless I register on DI's site.

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Nah like I said I already have somebody contacting him. Interested in seeing what he said in his 2008 application though.

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