Clan DRAMA from nine years ago!!!
Hey guys, this really doesn't effect very many people still here. I need a public place to put this so I decided to put it here. If you're a random person then you can continue on somewhere else. If you're interested in this crap anyway, backstory is in the spoiler.
2005-2007 I joined and then eventually lead a clan named "The Ultimate Pkers." And despite it's name it was a serious clan that was actually organized and a player in Sal's CD. There was a schism in November 2006, that lead to a split-off clan and marking the end of the "Original TUP." Basically here I am correcting someone's possibly slanderous quote about the schism, who was involved, etc.
Somebody alerted Shooter585, an old clanmate of mine, that Pkpete, once a warlord in TUP, recently wrote this in an application to DI:
The Ultimate Pkers - This was my first clan with actual forums. I'd say late 04-06.I wanted to join a clan, and they were the first to recruit me, so I felt pretty happy about that, and I joined them. I stayed there for for the longest time. The leadership was inactive, but I didn't want to see this clan fail. So every day I recruited, and led daily pk trips. I was promoted to warlord, and went around getting wars with other clans. We didn't have audio or anything, so it was all ingame. It was pretty fun, and I met some pretty cool people there. I got the boot one day though when we were thinking about becoming 3v0's jr clan. I didn't want to do that, I wanted to be our own clan, so I was kicked and my forums account was deleted.
This isn't particularly true. I thought about just ignoring it (correcting RS Clan history is not high on my priority list) but I heard that a past member of the clan is trying to re-enter the clanning scene and, with TUP being his major clan prior to this, I thought I should correct this inaccuracy so it doesn't look like he is BSing his clan history.
First off, leadership was not inactive. It's possible he's mistaken in remembering who the leaders exactly were and perhaps thought the founders of the clan were still the leaders. This isn't true; they were both no longer leaders. The leaders were myself and somebody else named okm1888. We were both very active. If we hadn't been, the clan wouldn't have made a comeback from the dead, Pkpete would have complete control, and no split-off would have happened.
Second, the split-off. Here's what happened. Pkpete knew a high ranking member (perhaps leader?) of the clan 3v0lution, which was a pretty good but not top 10 clan at the time. As they became friends, eventually Pkpete's friend asked him if TUP could be the junior member of 3v0lution. This is directly contrary to what Pkpete said in the statement. Pkpete jumped at the deal and began arranging it. It was all set - the only problem was that Pkpete wasn't the leader and didn't have the authority to do something like that. He posted a topic about it on the forums (which I cannot retrieve; it has been deleted) and told everybody about the offer. Pkpete stated that the move could help publicity and growth. We, the leadership had different ideas. We thought that the move would kill our level growth (all people above a certain level would be put in the main clan), ruin our freedom we had in running a clan, and hurt our community both in-game and in Sal's CD. After a long discussion, we said no. Following this, there were clear irreconcilable differences. Although we told Pkpete he could stay (he was the face of the clan after all), he decided to leave and most of the clan followed him. Pkpete, along with another player not from the clan, co-founded a clan called 3xtermination. I always found 3xtermination to be a homage to 3v0lution - furthering the idea that it was Pkpete who wanted to become the junior clan of 3v0lution, not the leadership. Pkpete began using our forums as a recruitment method for this clan, at which point we deleted his account. In case you were wondering, 3xtermination far out lived 3v0lution, which died shortly thereafter.
The whole situation was simply a power struggle. Although Pkpete was not a leader, he was definitely the face of the clan from both the outside and largely from the inside. He was popular among the members, certainly more popular than the leadership and other ranks, which unfortunately would spell doom for this specific incarnation of the clan.
After the split, The Ultimate Pkers was left with around 7 members. All of the members that left assumed that the clan was as good as dead. With the help of its leadership, it made a quick comeback and was stronger than it had ever have been before. The whole situation only set us back about three months. Also, after the split we were 1-0 against 3xtermination .
Visual proof Pkpete was for the 3v0lution move and not against it as he leads you to think (people were already getting riled up before Pkpete left):
By the way, I like Pkpete. We still talk occasionally and if someone asked me for a vouch on his character I would give them one. At the same time I cannot let him hurt the reputation of my ex-members.
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