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I'll title this post later

I remember Kamil making a similar post to this, this time last year. I just got home from my last day of high school ever and it's only just setting in that I'm never going back. It's been my life for the last five years and so far the only real significant part of my growth as a person and now I'm leaving it behind. Seeing the rest of my year group crying (including one of my best friends who I've never seen cry before) made it really difficult to stay composed but I managed to. I've got my old uniform shirt with a bunch of signatures hanging on my wall now, and that's all I really think I'll have left of everyone I went to school with, besides my friends. High school was bloody great, here goes the big wide world.


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I'll write this comment later.



See I was the opposite. I was so excited to get the hell outta there haha!



The only thing i missed when i left high school was the inside information.

Knowing exactly when to break in & steal the various new deliveries of hardware/supplies or money for various trips was handy.



so far the only real significant part of my growth as a person and now I'm leaving it behind
If it's been instrumental in your growth it means you're never going to really leave it behind :)


(good lord, eleven years since I got out of high school)



I think the best thing about high school is that everyone you knew and met were all in the same building at any given time for 8 hours for 5 days in a week. It was essentially just hanging out with your friends all day.



It's been 2 years and I still miss it. Good luck with your future though, Army :) and stay with Sal's too!!

Angel Hayley




so far the only real significant part of my growth as a person and now I'm leaving it behind

If it's been instrumental in your growth it means you're never going to really leave it behind :)


(good lord, eleven years since I got out of high school)


Goddamn Dani you're old.


I always thought that high school was where I had the most fun, but I realised that if you live your life right, you'd always have the most fun at the present.


Keep finding the life you want and keep on living the life you want and it'll always be awesome. :P

O hai im KAMIL


The Flying Bunny knows what's up, although after a few years it does get boring so I guess change is good :P


The end of highschool was a bittersweet moment for me too, although if you think that university is the beginning of your adult life you're in for a rude awakening ;)



What are you doing next year?

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