Hello lovely people of Sals, I have returned! Momentarily.
Things are going pretty swimmingly in my world. Nothing too drastic has changed since my last entry. I've finished my end-of-year-exams and now I'm on holiday for about 3 months! Well, I have been on holidays for about 2 weeks now so a bit less than that. Before my exams, I decided that I would be buying my first ever gaming console, a PS4! I simply didn't have time for it during university, since I went between LoL and watching series/movies and redditing and social things in my free time, and a Playstation would've split my time even less between them. I practised my self control and only unpackaged it after my last exam, thank god. My first game was The Last of Us (Remastered), and holy hell. I know it's only my first game, but I have no idea how any other game is gonna top it. No spoilers of the game in what follows that isn't tagged, btw. I was (and still am!) all sorts of obsessed with it - I've watched all the interviews and BTS videos, all the trailers, all the 'Let's Play' videos, all the reaction videos, read all the fanfiction, started writing a fanfiction of it, and asdf I did not think it would be that good.
Alright, now that I'm listing it all out, I think I might be going a bit crazy. I played through it a second time recently, and I can feel myself coming down from the high. I know you know the feeling of finishing a really good game - there's shock and wonder and happiness for being able to experience such an incredible game, then the crushing post-game depression that makes you feel like there is nothing that you can do to fill the empty hole left by the game. The realisation that there perhaps may be no other game that will come close to this, and that you won't get the feeling of playing it for the first time, ever again.
...Right? Right.
Granted, it does cater to the 'girl audience' since it focuses more on the storyline & emotional impact rather than gameplay. The AI was pretty derpy at points, and to be honest, the first third of the game wasn't that riveting. I was forcing myself to play through it at first, because it was just trekking through pretty landscapes and shooting fungus zombies occasionally. Then the emotional rollercoaster decided to whizz past and do its loopty-doops and I was totally immersed. And the ending, unghh, the ending. I can honestly say I did not see anything in that game coming. Then again, I'm not one to make predictions but rather go with the flow and force my mind to be dark, also with books and movies. I like surprises.
Well, except for that fudgeing hotel basement. My heart will never be the same after that.
I probably shouldn't be so quick to assume that it's the best game ev3r, since it's the first one I've played, but damn, if there is any other game that tops this or comes close, I don't know how I'd handle myself. I'd probably crawl into a corner and remain in the fetal position for a while.
Now, I've been looking into other games to play, to help me get through the empty feeling in my soul. I've bought The Witcher 3 and will play it as soon as my parents get off the TV. I also ordered Journey, which apparently has a similar feel to TLOU. Some researching has found 'Gone Home', 'Life is Strange', Bioshock, and The Walking Dead also having similar themes, although they're much shorter.
Anyway, that's the first Sofee gaming review for you. Feel free to make some more recommendations to this gaming baby here and more TLOU talk!
On a different note, I've taken up an unpaid work experience at my Dad's workplace, since we're in very similar fields (he does surveying, I do GIS). This is gonna look pretty damn good on my resume. The stuff I'm doing there is very classified, I've signed a confidentiality agreement and all, and man, I wish I could tell you guys what I'm working on there. It's highly sensitive and everybody knows about it. It makes me feel pretty important, even though I know I'm just a pawn in a much bigger game.
Alright, I think that's all for today. Make sure to subscribe in the box below and don't forget to leave a comment and like if you're against animal cruelty!
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