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Old man yells at cloud



I know complaining about Runescape has been cliche for the past 10 years but I think my complaints are slightly different. Runescape (3) is so different from the 2005 game I started playing. People like to complain about things like combat, which I agree is broken, but I have nothing unique to add to that conversation.


Other things maybe I do. For one, the story has jumped the shark. I never cared much about the story but the past few years I have been paying more attention due to writing quest guides or checking quest guides and this has stuck out. For one, there are clear organization issues. There does not appear to be a definitive storyline the developers are following, and interesting developments that could lead to something are scrapped by the next quest in the sixth age storyline because some other developer wants to take it in another direction. Also, the villains keep getting more powerful and everything else, like some missing artifact from an earlier quest, seems unimportant. Now we're dealing with creators of the universe and there's nowhere else to go. Why can't we go back to saving towns from evil wizards?


Besides that, the biggest change has been the community. Back in 2005, it seemed to mostly be populated by casual gamers. Everyone was in it for fun, your average person didn't care too much about training skills to as high as possible, etc. People also played less. Then, a casual player of Runescape would play for a few hours a week; now it seems a casual gamer plays a few hours a day. As someone who has time for maybe 2 hours a week this is a fairly unappealing aspect. The rest of the community is completely different than I am and they are driving the game in a direction I dislike. I'd prefer to go back to playing Castle Wars instead of trying to go for 120 capes. And, to reiterate something people say all the time, the SOF costumes completely ruin the feel of the game. It would be different if there was some way to disable those features, but Jagex doesn't want to do that because the reason people buy those costumes in the first place is to show it off to other players, even if the other players don't care for it.


I think the core of the game is still good. Walking around places that have been fairly untouched, such as Rimmington, is still moderately enjoyable. Other newer features are not as appealing to me. This is not a quitting post but if it weren't for connections I've made in the game I would have probably left by now. The only Runescape version that still interests me is RSC, but that is not in great shape.


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Also, the villains keep getting more powerful and everything else, like some missing artifact from an earlier quest, seems unimportant.

Dragon Ball Z: RuneScape Edition.

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Not everything changes to extreme difficulty - although they probably do expect an hour daily.


With Port Sarim (Falador event v2) coming theres a week or 2 of relatively basic skilling. Yep you remember the Fally event, the town went to rack and ruin as the White and Black knights fought, the community completely upset the applecart by backing the Black knights so hard they obviously won then.... nothing, it all went away.

If you want to have your controlling influence on Jagex work out what side they don't to win the Assault on Port Sarim and give it all the help you can, at keast its a vote that may count.

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I think everything with the gods being back is kind of silly because 1 person (you) seems pretty irrelevant next to a god, even if that 1 person is pretty strong. I don't really know what about anything else, but the fact that Old School has significantly more players than rs3 at any time is a bad sign and makes me sad, even as an osrs player.

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There does not appear to be a definitive storyline the developers are following, and interesting developments that could lead to something are scrapped by the next quest in the sixth age storyline because some other developer wants to take it in another direction. Also, the villains keep getting more powerful and everything else, like some missing artifact from an earlier quest, seems unimportant. Now we're dealing with creators of the universe and there's nowhere else to go. Why can't we go back to saving towns from evil wizards?


I loved your blog entry in general, but I would like to comment on this part in particular. Quests in RuneScape was always one of my favourite things to do. They were entertaining, challenging and otherwise riddled both with complex portions and funny situations. I liked quite a few other aspects of RuneScape too, but the Lore, the story and the quests rank pretty high up there.


That said.. RuneScape never really had that definitive storyline that you speak of. Quests were common every year, but continuations were few and far between. You ended up having a ton of quests falling into various cathegories. You had the Elf storyline, you had the Dwarf storyline, the Vampire storyline, the Desert storyline, you had the Zarosian storyline, you had the Temple knight storyline, you had the Goblin storyline, easily followed up by random minor quests, the quests about minor demigods and such and even a lengthy storyline about Monkies. All of these were interesting in their own right, but there was not much of a coherrent pattern. This is naturally due to JaGEx needing to have several quests in the pipeline at the same time, and working on a sequel to a quest might not be smart if the first quest is poorly received.


What I felt was a bit sad though was while things had storywise built up towards the rise of the Mahjarrat and Lucien, and all that... RuneScape 3 marked the end of my interest, or possibly the one where Guthix died. I liked my Gods when they were actual gods, not ascended beings that you literally could interact with, and started physically showing up. They did, indeed, go Dragon Ball or (insert manga here) on us in that regard.


I had more fun trying to traverse through Monkey Madness, or run around with Neo and Simple on trying to solve that damn Mourning's End part II for about 5 hours. Many of the smaller quest had charm, they had humor and they were entertaining. I remember doing the Fremmenik Isles with Dani, Eggh and a lot of the IRC, and we kinda had fun with all the funny jokes and references. Smaller quests have charm, even if it is as simple as running around collecting taxes. :P

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Runescape was always a memory of fun times I had with brothers and irl friends. When they disappeared, I continued playing but the fun I had before was mostly gone.


Now anytime I log in and want to start again, all I do is grind which is very boring. Other than that you have quests, but I don't feel compelled to start any quests because of a lack of story.


Edit: my fondest memory of runescape is playing castle wars with my brother, we both decided to walk through the members area and see how far we would get. We stumbled into castle wars and stayed there for a long time!

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