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i need help with choosing a major/career/future



right now im going into my second year of my bachelor of science


honestly the only reason im in it is because i couldnt find anything else to do and i was already taking math/science in high school so why not


soo yeah the thing is im not passionate about anything at all. i kinda like math cuz im good at it, science im pretty good at too and i dont really mind it that much. only thing i dont want to do for sure is become an engineer/do anything with physics.



what did you guys when you were in a position like this? how did you end up making up your mind and find something to do?


i really like playing basketball but im obviously not good enough to go pro and i do not really want to work in a field of sports cuz i would be too sad its not me playing.


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Why don't you like anything to do with engineering/physics? Engineering is so diverse. For example, chemical engineering and civil engineering have little in common. If you enjoy math and science I would give it a chance. I'm majoring in engineering but I can still enjoy sports a lot. For example, CJ Anderson gave me 28 fantasy points last night. Very enjoyable.

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I agree with Shooter that engineering is a very good, diverse field to get into. I know you said you're not interested. If you change your mind just be aware that you'll likely be taking an extra year and a half of school if you're going to make that change next semester. At my undergrad (big school for engineering) there was a very strict regiment that extended from 1st year to senior year without much wiggle room for your own classes. You can likely overload and still graduate in 4 years if you change, but I would assume at least an extra semester would be likely depending on the classes you've taken thus far.


If your school offers it, I would 100% look into some sort of internship/externship program from career services. I was able to take part in what they called "Externships" where were just experiential internships that lasted from 3 days to a week with an alumnus in their field. I knew I wanted to do something relating to health, and I shadowed a pediatrician, doctor of osteopathy, parademic, flight medic, emergency room doctor, nurse, optometrist, and a chiropractor before I found someone in a profession that really "clicked" with me. Taking the time to meet and experience all those different things took 3 years of winter and summer breaks, but it was invaluable in placing me for life after undergrad.

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Tailor your education to suit the work you want to do in my opinion.


I hate saying this, but I don't think you should put much weight into your qualifications. I think yes if you're choosing some field to go into like engineering then you'll need them but there are two sets of people out there in the world. People who have experience and have worked up the chain and the people who use qualifications to learn as much as possible and get paid in this great job. I'm not saying it's a waste of time to do anything, but I don't think you should put too much pressure on yourself either. You can get to where you want to be and be the thickest person in the room at the time.


I chose to go into graphic design and illustration and digital graphics and interactive media. I studied for around 4 years. I learned quite a lot about design and different things. I also learned that taking a career in your hobby can make you quite resentful or for lack of a better word unhappy. I spent all my time from the age of 11 on this forum and other places doing gfx and graphic design it was and still is partially a hobby of mine and having that good parts taken away make it so much worse.


What I'm trying to say is, in adult life you might find that if you take a career in something you really enjoy or are passionate about, you might end up hating it. If I were you in this situation and I didn't know what I wanted in life, I'd be thinking about trying to educate myself in things that help overall. So maybe a long term goal is that you want to be a business owner, or you want to know about accounting, or logistics, or distribution or whatever. Maybe rather than trying to focus on one thing that you want to do, open your options, learn as much as you can and let things fall into place for a while.


It'll be a lot easier to find a well paid job knowing x, y & z rather than going in with only specific knowledge about 1 one if that makes sense. So in simpler terms, if you learn management, you can go into 1000 jobs that want a manager. If you learn about rocket science, you'll find a couple good rocket science jobs. Again not saying the latter is bad, it's just a rougher road to take.

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I was sort of in the same position. I didn't know what I wanted to pursue so I didn't want to continue with post-secondary education, but I decided to do it. I was thinking of being a music major, but I felt like I didn't have the talent, so I tried linguistics for a semester and didn't enjoy it too much. Over the break I started talking to an old friend and he convinced me to learn programming. I've always had people tell me that's what I should do but I wanted to distance myself from that for whatever reason. However, when I actually got into it, I really enjoyed it. When I started taking classes, I finally realised that I genuinely enjoy it and finally found something I would love to and can do as a career, and all this time it was being suggested to me for years.


My story is a bit of a specific case, but the point is to not push yourself away from things you know you are likely to enjoy. You said you are not passionate, but I don't think you have to be passionate about something to pursue a career. Passionate is a strong word. As long as you don't mind doing it or it seems mildly interesting, I think it's something you should consider as someone in your position.

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a statistics based course is a good direction to go if you like maths. since you don't want to do physics, i assume you dislike mechanics/wave particle shizzle so civil engineering is out of the window. chemistry/biochem/biomed/bioinformatics/any other biology/chemistry based subject is also a direction you can go with. look into chemical engineering as well.

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