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hello hi here's an update on life and stuff

What's going on guys, Kamil here, coming at you with another blog post!!


sooooooooo i've finished uni for another year, still not sure if i've passed or failed everything but who cares summer's here right???


i managed to land a job after a few months of searching, it's nothing special but it pays and i get great hours so I'm happy with it, plus all my coworkers are pretty cool and chill to work with so I enjoy it


following on from that, i've started thinking about maybe moving out to a shared house. i'm still a bit of an idiot when it comes to doing adult stuff, but I'd seriously love the independence and I think it'd be a fun experience. i've been looking around, and i can get a decent room in a good area for around $175/week including utilities, so i'll be able to support myself fully provided i be frugal about it...


...but i wanna buy a motorbike. i'm going for my permit test next week, and i've already ridden a mate's bike around a few times and got all the basics down so i should be alright for that. i've got my eye on a kawasaki ninja 300 because it looks sexy and goes fast and is pretty cheap (around $4,000 for a used '13/'14 model). i've got enough saved up for it and all the gear and shizzle so yeah i'm fudgein pumped.


also another reason i want to move out is because my parents are absolutely not happy with me getting a bike. in fact they said they'd kick me out if i did; i think they're just bluffing and they wouldn't do that because i'm such a nice son but who knows. i understand their concerns, but man i don't want to live my life in constant fear and never doing what i want to do because it might be a bit dangerous. does that make me a bad person? who knows. it's a pretty shizzlety situation, but whatever i can always move out i suppose


i've also been getting into photography a bit, just messing around with mum's dslr. i'm especially in love with astrophotography :love: here's a photo i took earlier, nothing special but I just love going way out into the bush at night and seeing the city lights and stars and shizzle



anyway that's about it for now, until next year :)


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bikes are impractical death traps. nice to see you doing you tho

O hai im KAMIL


bikes are impractical death traps. nice to see you doing you tho


i don't see how they're impractical - they're more fuel efficient than cars, are quicker, can lane-split through traffic, and you can park anywhere for free


but ye they are death traps yolo :P



IMHO just wait for the bike. Save your money and then buy one when you're more independent.



Conspicuous, on , said:


bikes are impractical death traps. nice to see you doing you tho


i don't see how they're impractical - they're more fuel efficient than cars, are quicker, can lane-split through traffic, and you can park anywhere for free


but ye they are death traps yolo :P


impracticality -> no sizeable boot space, no protection from the elements, chaffing man parts, lack of an actual seat, no temperature regulation, no sound system, having to wear a helmet which then leads to potential sweatiness or ruined hairstyles and so on. bikes are useful if you already have a car imo

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