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Getting Back Into Things



so, im just getting back into the swing of Runescape. I made a post earlier on the general forum hoping some people can give some advice since it's been a while since I've played!


Ive been alot happier this go around.

Though my stats are nowhere close to where they were as a whole...

I got Runecrafting up to 58, because the runespan did not exist when i played last! much much easier to power level, just dont get the GP from the runes, but im ok with this because its alot easier to just auto random stuff in the runespan.


I only got 1 month of membership, so i bought 1K pure ess to turn into Laws and Nature runes while I can since im a high enough level for both now. Im going to focus on law runes this go around to get my mage up easily from 39 where its at. Just enough to get to high alchemy!

I miss being able to high alch Yew Longbows. Too bad im only 51 Fletching atm :(


Prices have changed so much. Flax alone used to cost waaaay more than 10GP from what I remember. Now I can buy it and make bowstrings instead of plucking them myself!


2Mil so far saved up. Already 1/3 of the way to the small amount of wealth I had on my old acount lol.

But, I did have expensive items in my bank and items from high level quests i miss. :(

I Remember doing Barrows and getting a few Torag pieces before I had to stop playing originally.


860 on my total level, im just trying to level everything up towards 50.

Power leveling Fletching and got to 54, using that to do maple bows, bought 5K of them to make into bows... Then Ill string them up as best I can before I run out of membership to make as much money as possible! I already went from 1.2Mil to about 2.2Mil since becoming a member. I know it doesnt sound like alot, but realize I dont have any skills above 60 atm! lol


Anyways, im having fun, its taking up all my depressing empty time for the moment.


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damn, flax used to be 100gp and bowstrings 200


I used to stand in lumby bank paying people for noted bowstrings in either cash or double the amount in flax

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I remember those days man rofl. I never was the merchant type. I mostly just high alched bows for money, or made Runes since I could do laws and sometimes Deaths (that quest was a sonovagun if I recall).

I used to run the abyss on smaller servers at night lol.

Thats what im up to now too :P. Im Abyss running some Laws so i can power crank my Mage from 39 to 55 for high alchemy. Thats my money maker :P

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