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Sal's RuneScape Forum

99 Woodcutting - My very first noteworthy RuneScape Achievement

The first level 99 I've ever achieved. 99 Woodcutting. I had a small party attended by Sal's members, and an adequately small drop party (for a poor player) to celebrate. :tongue:
July 24th of 2011 is the earliest date I can find associated to the screenshot, but it could be older considering I began my RuneScape career in 2005. 6 years seems too long for my first 99, so 2011 is possibly the oldest recorded modification to the image.


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I am really enjoying the nostalgic journey you're taking us on with your blog.

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Micael Fatia


27 minutes ago, Adam? said:

I am really enjoying the nostalgic journey you're taking us on with your blog.

Cheers Adam. I have a ton of stuff to share that I've found in a drive of an old laptop. Sadly most of the really old stuff was lost, but still got heaps of things.
Some will surely be boring or uninteresting, and sadly most will be focused on my character and experience. I wish I had saved more community focused stuff rather than just "Micael stuff".
I want to post something new everyday, for old time's sake, even if you're the only faithful Sal's member checking. :tongue:



1 minute ago, King Mic said:

Cheers Adam. I have a ton of stuff to share that I've found in a drive of an old laptop. Sadly most of the really old stuff was lost, but still got heaps of things.
Some will surely be boring or uninteresting, and sadly most will be focused on my character and experience. I wish I had saved more community focused stuff rather than just "Micael stuff".
I want to post something new everyday, for old time's sake, even if you're the only faithful Sal's member checking. :tongue:

I know for a fact others are checking and not commenting. And you could certainly expand to forum topics / personalities you remember. Pretty easy to take new screenshots of topics :tongue:



Oh, I think quite a few people are actually reading stuff. I tend to read most blogs, status updates and posts on the Forum, but I do not comment on everything. 


This, however, is the stuff I love to comment on. I never really played RS3, so that OSRS feeling of Woodcutting (and how I hated that skill) is very nostalgic to me. The fact that you managed to have the patience to grind out 99 with that annoying chopping sound, is impressive to me. :xd: 

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