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Tai Bwo Wannai... Pt 2: In Search Of A Spear

There is an element of the Tai Bwo Wannai quest where you need a spear, steel or better, to give one of the brothers as a present. How hard could this be, do you think?


When I read the guide, I skated over it, thinking that when the time came, I could nip into the village and buy one from somewhere. If that failed, then I'd just kill tribesmen until one of them dropped one. All good, until I reached that point. No-one sells spears in Tai Bwo Wannai Village. For an hour, I killed the same tribesman over and over again, until my bed called and I wrote last night's blog.


Kuemper offered a spear as a result of that, but when I logged on this dinnertime, she wasn't there. I was still standing in position to kill the tribesman, so hoped that sod's law would kick in and attacked the poor cariad. It didn't. 20 minutes later, I was still attacking him over and over again and made the decision that he was never going to drop anything higher than an iron spear (not including the bag full of mithril javelins etc). Remembering that Kuemper had got her's from hobgoblins in the first place, I gloried myself to Draynor and then ran over to the peninsula west of Rimmington.


Half an hour of dead hobgoblins later, I have a bag full of bronze spears, steel swords and daggers, limpwurt root and runes, but not a steel spear in sight. That's when it occurred to me to actually check my in-game smithing guide. Whoa! I can make steel spears! They are only level 35! All I need is a willow log and single steel bar. Cachi!


I had stupidly left without a charged glory, but fortunately had a ring of duelling on. I took myself to Castle Wars, discovered a lack of steel bars, but enough coal and iron to superheat, grabbed my axe and teleported myself to my house in Yanille. I could have sworn there were willow trees near Yanille. There aren't. I was all up by Ardoughe before I found one. Of course, I'd come without teleport runes, so I had to run back to Yanille to use the anvil and... nothing. I can't even see the spear option in the menu. Wtf?!


I logged out and into the Runescape manual proper. Spear smithing is in the Barbarian Training, that I haven't explored yet. Back into the game, back into the bank and off to the Barbarian Outpost. I had a lovely conversation with Otto, in which he filled up my bag with a fishing rod, but no mention of spears. I tried fishing, thinking that that would unlock the information, but I had no bait. After 10 fruitless minutes trying to make Otto let me learn about spears, I flicked again and re-read the manual, in case the information was there. It was. Otto will only talk about spears after completion of a quest. Which quest? Tai Bwo Wannai. Arrrrrrggggghhhhhh!


I was just about to log off when, halleujah! There is a Goddess! Kuemper logged on. I quickly IMed an hello and, 'yes, please, I would like to take you up on the offer of that spear...' Next thing you know, I'm in Zanaris, via Edgeville, and there is the beautiful woman herself handing me a steel spear! Woot!


It took a grand total of two hours to procure a spear. Note to anyone reading who is planning to do this quest - get your spear sorted out first! :cry:


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Sounds like quite the adventure.



It took a grand total of two hours to procure a spear. Note to anyone reading who is planning to do this quest - get your spear sorted out first!
Exactly what I did before starting the quest. I didn't realize they could be made either. Maybe I will look into Barbarian training today.The son you gave the spear to will sell poisoned spears in the village after the quest.


I've been on some convoluted quests, but that beats the lot :aware:



gratz I kinda hated tai bwo wannai it took so long....

Merch Gwyar


Sounds like quite the adventure.
It's not over yet. I've still got to persuade three brothers to go home, which feels pretty much like the quest I started with!
The son you gave the spear to will sell poisoned spears in the village after the quest.
I see, so once the quest is over, then it suddenly becomes really easy (with at least two avenues opened) to procure a spear. Gits.
I've been on some convoluted quests, but that beats the lot :aware:
It's making that horrible one with the cat and the locating devise look straight forward.
gratz I kinda hated tai bwo wannai it took so long....
Please tell me that it is plain sailing from hereon in....


I stood in varrock bank saying 'buying spear over iron" I got a mith one in a few minutes, :closedeyes:

Merch Gwyar


I stood in varrock bank saying 'buying spear over iron" I got a mith one in a few minutes, :P
:closedeyes: I want to be you when I grow up!
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