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Tai Bwo Wannai Trio Pt3: The Return Of The Brothers

Grasping Kuemper's spear to my bosom, I stepped into the fairy ring and arrived back in the jungle a few short steps away from the gentleman who needed it.


But first, I needed to cook a karambwan and grind it to a paste with my pestle and mortar, alongside a raw karambwan. I'd been lumping some logs all over the quest just for this moment, yet a sudden suspicion gripped me. I'd only bought two karambwan with me and one was bound to burn, judging by the way this quest was going. It didn't! It cooked perfectly first time. I clicked on the raw fish and onto my pestle and mortar, grinding it into a paste - all good; I clicked on the cooked karambwan... and ate it. I ate something called 'poison karambwan' and right on cue flashed green. Yep, I even amaze myself with my own stupidity sometimes as well.


Fortunately, I also know myself very well and so never step foot into the jungle these days without an anti-poison potion in my bag. It was a super anti as well, so cured me in an instant. I turned around and walked back to the fairy ring without further ado and cooked a second karambwan in Zanaris, where I was close enough to a bank to forestall any further disasters. In fact, I got myself to the point where I could just step out of the fairy ring again and use the damn spear on the lad and be done. Yay! After a short cut-scene, he agreed to go home. He even skinned my monkey for me.


I left him, making the seaweed sandwich en route, and ran east, over the log, into the nearest zogre and killed it. Picking up the bones, I ran north and spoke to the third brother. A couple of steps away from him was another fairy ring, which I used to get back to near Tinsey. After twice falling off the bridge trying to get to him (sustaining 30hp of damage and wishing I'd brought some food for the third attempt), I finally got within a stone wall of him. We had a little dance, because I'd clicked to talk to him and he was behind that wall. Everytime he moved, I did, but we weren't canting. I moved and finally could give him the seaweed sandwich, have the chat about zogre bones and, using my duelling ring, zap myself to Al Kharid.


There I cooked and marinated the zogre bones, fed myself some fish, then took more for the journey back. A glory to Karamja to speak to the fisherman, then I ran down to the island and back to Tinsey. I managed the bridge there and back without any hassle at all this time. I took back with me the crafting instructions, used the fairy ring to get back to Traiderch (sp?) and that was it. Quest over, but for some conversations with father and sons back at the village.




It's quite fitting, in a way, that I ended up having three blog entries over a quest called 'Tai Bwo Wannai TRIO'. :cry:


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You need Zogre bones on the quest? I thought you needed Jogre bones? :mellow: anyway gratz on doing quest :deformed: it aint third part, Trio as in three brothers btw



*phew* That was epic!(just another reason I haven't dared to do that quest yet)

Merch Gwyar


You need Zogre bones on the quest? I thought you needed Jogre bones? :unsure: anyway gratz on doing quest :D it aint third part, Trio as in three brothers btw
:wub: Yes, it's jogre bones. *rallies* That was a deliberate mistake that I wrote into my blog to see who was paying attention. Go Whiskas! :o
*phew* That was epic!(just another reason I haven't dared to do that quest yet)
On the bright side, I think I've probably made all the mistakes for you, so you'll wander in with a spear etc all ready and breeze through it no hassle. :o
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