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Animal Magnetism

I can't believe that I didn't do 'Animal Magnetism' sooner. It was either extremely easy, with all running around on various teleport routes, or else it seemed it in relation to some of the quests that I've done recently.


There's not much really to report, as I followed the guide and nothing quirky or life-threatening occurred. I remembered all my items for the quest and it was a simple bang-bang-bang, it's done. I got no new levels at the end of it, but I did get a lovely new backpack, which I understand collects arrows for me. Ava gave an upgraded one immediately, as my range level apparently warranted it.


Thank you once again those of you who take the time to write the guides.


As I know that I've used blogs before now, searching for the quests, to get those personal bits of information that have no place in the guides, then I will run through my preparations for the benefit of future questers finding mine. I started in Draynor Bank and fortunately had the iron ore, two mithril axes, ghostspeak amulet, the hammer, a ball of wool, a silver bar and an unholy symbol mould in there. I picked up a glory, an ectophial, a ring of duelling and a games necklace.


I started the quest then, by wandering up to Draynor Manor and having a cant with Ava. Next port of call was Al-Kharid, using the ring of duelling. There I smelted the iron into five bars (used 8 ore, because I hadn't put a ring of forging on), crafted a holy symbol (in its unblessed form, it's called a Saradomin (sp?) symbol) and strung it. I gloried myself to Edgeville, then visited Brother Jered in the monastry from there. He blessed the symbol, so it's now holy. I used the Ectophial to take myself to the temple, then to Alice to continue the quest. I had to run to the Old Crone and back, but then it was a glory back to Draynor and Ava.


Later on, a games necklace got me to Tureal and the glory took me back to Draynor. Instead of rushing straight to the undead tree, I grabbed a basket of strawberries (heals 6hp and you can have 5 of them in a single space, if they're in a basket - ideal for those thieving trips!) and went to mug HAM members instead. I got the buttons on the first bit of pickpocketing, but then filled an inventory trying to acquire hard leather. I'm not even convinced that they drop it, but they do drop cow hide.


Because I'm nice, I ran to the general store and deposited all the steel daggers and HAM clothing that I'd robbed. I spent most of my early Runescape weeks buying such things from this store and checking every 30 seconds, just to see if someone had added that coveted iron axe etc. Being so close, I ran to Al-Kharid (though I could have used my glory) to get the cow hide tanned into hard leather. A glory back to Draynor and job's a good 'un, I could finish the quest without leaving the manor again.


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So much easier if you can teleport. I did it with a really low level magic and it took ages.Easy but long without teleports :rofl: = Audio =



The king threatened to hang me when I did it. He wasn't very nice...Grats. Now you get ava's accumulator. A handy little device it is.

Merch Gwyar


So much easier if you can teleport. I did it with a really low level magic and it took ages.Easy but long without teleports :rofl: = Audio =
Yes, I can imagine that it would be horrendous without teleports.
The king threatened to hang me when I did it. He wasn't very nice...Grats. Now you get ava's accumulator. A handy little device it is.
King? I am looking forward to testing out the accumulator. In fact, I might go and range something forthwith.


I said same thing accept with tears of guthix..... but hey atleast you got another quest down!!



You'll love the accumulator. It's the bane of arrow thieves. :rofl: Oh and you get surprises like a steel dart, iron knife and iron ore in your pack. I even get broken arrows, too.

Merch Gwyar


I said same thing accept with tears of guthix..... but hey atleast you got another quest down!!
I loved Tears of Guthix. I was approaching the end of my dinnerhour and thought that I'd just start it, so I could finish it when I got home. 10 minutes later it was all done and I still had time to spare! LOLI'm in a real quest mood at the moment. I'm not going for the Quest Cape, because there are still a lot of quests beyond my skill level to do, but I'm certainly knocking a hole in them!
You'll love the accumulator. It's the bane of arrow thieves. :rofl: Oh and you get surprises like a steel dart, iron knife and iron ore in your pack. I even get broken arrows, too.
After commenting to Ryan earlier that I'm off to range something, I haven't. But I have been hanging around wearing it. It's somehow accumulated 25 steel arrows from thin air so far! Is it nicking everyone else's arrows too?


The king threatened to hang me when I did it. He wasn't very nice...Grats. Now you get ava's accumulator. A handy little device it is.
King? I am looking forward to testing out the accumulator. In fact, I might go and range something forthwith.
Doh, I am such an idiot. I got animal magnetism and priest in peril mixed up.
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