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About Emanick

  • Birthday 04/23/1993

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    <Insert semi-funny, cliche statement here>
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    This area is now devoted to quotes. <br /><br />Be patient, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. <br />~ Socrates<br /><br />Men who look on nature and their fellow men, and cry that all is dark and gloomy, are in the right; but the somber colours are reflections from their own jaundiced eyes and hearts. The real hues are delicate, and require a clearer vision. <br />~ Oliver Twist, by Charles Johnsonens<br /><br />Nobody's perfect. I'm a nobody. <br />~ Sir Ajacobs (?)<br /><br />Elementals are more concept than physical beings, but unlike many concepts, it is possible to beat them up and take their stuff.<br />~ Strilmus (from Tip.It forums)<br /><br />Let not the defeatists tell us that it is too late. It will never be earlier. <br />~ Franklin Roosevelt

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    Smithing like ZEZIMA
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  1. Is this in line with Forum Rules
  2. Emanick


    Reported for plagiarism. Pretty sure this is a fake somebody else made. Enjoy rotting in Banville?, Adam?.
  3. Your purpose is to end the scourge of Trolls forever by stoically submitting to the scythe.
  4. Phoenix, why don't you have control over Paris? You're just going to squat in Vichy France and leave it at that? You're losing your touch, man.
  5. Itt you are a fish. Discuss the implications thereof.
  6. Emanick

    I Like

    It's a good thing I got the link from the OTHER entry.
  7. Ugandan activists have been asking for increased international help with the LRA for years. It's about time this happened. I could care less about the US government's motivations for this move; the immediate goal being sought here is highly laudable. This is the sort of thing the US should be doing with its surplus military personnel if it truly wants to improve the world - engage in low-resource humanitarian operations around the planet where its help is already being requested.
  8. That would actually be a really good job for you. I don't know why I never thought of that before.
  9. Well, we cuddle a bit and stuff. Nothing serious, but I like it. But yeah, it's weird and probably not ideal. I probably wouldn't have initiated the relationship if it was entirely up to me. You should be on MSN more! (I should be too, but I see no call for scolding myself in public about it. :P) And thank you. Yeah, I worry about this more than anything else. The other night I think she wanted me to kiss her, and I didn't. I don't think she's the "flipping out" kind of girl, but I might be wrong. Either way, I really don't like the idea of making her upset, in a romantic context or otherwise.
  10. Haha, no. Hee hee! People with different opinions and perspectives than me are sheep! And I see the need to point this out with no provocation whatsoever! The debate about the relative value of the printing press and the value of science overall seems quite unimportant. Of course without the sharing of ideas, scientific progress from the 1450s onward would have been crippled, and of course science itself is invaluable to humanity. Both of those statements are practically unassailable. I'm not sure what they have to do with the topic at hand, though. When it comes to my views on death, as most of you guys know, I believe in God and I believe in the eternal souls that He has given all of us. The people who have come back from death and claimed to have seen heaven - there is no empirical evidence suggesting either that they were correct or that they were mistaken. My take on the matter is that it would be difficult for most of them to have been able to relate such extensive detail, especially detail that often differs radically from the stereotypical perceptions people often have about Heaven, without having experienced it in actuality. But I acknowledge that the human mind is complex and may be capable of more elaborate deceptions than we often expect. And people do, of course, consciously and deliberately lie. Nothing is definitive when faith and science collide. I find that logic, rather than science, is the best way to approach faith-related subjects on the intellectual level, a subtle but important distinction from a science-based approach. With science few things can be taken for granted (the bare minimums, such as "I think therefore I am" and "the universal is not playing practical jokes on me today"); with faith more things must be taken for granted. But logic can be applied to all intellectual spheres of life. I do not fear death. I fear dying a bit, I must confess; I regard the idea of being robbed of all my future years and causing my friends and family endless anguish with all the distaste that is reasonable. But like the apostle Paul, although I always attempt to live life full-bloodedly, to "run the race with joy," I also look forward to what lies at the end: perfection. I like to think that when I'm lying on my deathbed, the hope will be stronger than the fear. But in the meantime, I live for hope.
  11. I read an interesting theory on CNN - that the factions opposed to Ahmadinejad (like Khamenei) deliberately set this plot in motion so as to further undermine the Iranian president's legitimacy and world standing. Stupid, cynical move, but Iran apparently did a very similar thing 20 years ago when a "reformer" president was in office. Or possibly Iran just didn't think it would be implicated in the plot. Or maybe this is a conspiracy by the US government or a simple mistake on its behalf. Usually I think conspiracy theories are rubbish, but this is one of the times when they might actually be plausible. The plot does seem a bit far-fetched and "convenient" (at least convenient to some people).
  12. I'm pretty sure that British weather is too inhumane for the Netherlands to subject its prisoners to. Prisoners have rights too don'tchaknow.
  13. hi i am play runescape and what is this travesty of a thread
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