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Sal's RuneScape Forum

The Game

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About The Game

About My Character

  • RuneScape Name
    X Stings X
  • RuneScape Status
  • RuneScape Version
  1. Imperial was one of the best warring clans for it's levels, clean piling.
  2. Gratz on promotion.
  3. I sound like a real noob. Tyvm Vera, you are like the dog hunter. ^_^
  4. Yh, i know i can do that fine, it's just.. how do i make it the same size that you have? I'm really new to this.
  5. Tyvm, can you get the coed for me please, idk how to get it.
  6. Noone ls f2p.. but i'll see you at dual arena.
  7. What about colourblind people?
  8. Order Form Type of work (Sig or banner): Sig Size: Whatever is normal for signature. Render: http://www.twks.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2...egamerapper.jpg Text: "X_Stings_X" in Yellow, and below "The Game" in red. Other: Can you make the background black please. Can you give the code after you're done please. This should be okay.
  9. Have you forgoten mine Vera?
  10. Type (Signature, avatar, etc.):avatar Size: um, 96 by 95? or w/e is good Render: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_jh-10P9uhtU/SJ90...amera-phone.jpg Text (please use one or two words. Short is good. Long is bad.): Game(In Yellow) background, black
  11. Order Form Type of work (Sig or banner): Sig Size: Whatever is normal for signature. Render: http://www.sofeminine.co.uk/star/pictures-...3-the-game.html Text: "X_Stings_X" in Yellow, and below "The Game" in red. Other: Can you make the background black please. Can you give the code after you're done please. Tyvm. cool.gif
  12. 99 atk, 98 str, 99 def, 99 hp, 65 range, 89 magic, 75 prayer. ~Game
  13. I don't support.. If you're active on RS enough, the pin should be fine, you shouldn't need two pins.. You need to be carfull not to alc accidentally... Hackers won't be able to get in your bank if you have 1 pin and if you're on rs within 5 or 6 days.. ~Game
  14. Well, it depends, I have this (my pure) level 38 or something, then i have my noob level 97, then my main 122, all f2p. If I see that there's lots of high levels going i'll bring my main; eg, low levels my pure, etc.. ~Game
  15. The Game


    Gratz on 99 firemaking, best skillcape in my opinion.
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