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Sal's RuneScape Forum


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Sobend last won the day on July 4 2018

Sobend had the most liked content!


963 Glorious

1 Follower

About Sobend

  • Birthday 07/26/1990

Contact Methods

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    Mr. Cool

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    East of the Sun, West of the Moon
  • Interests
    College Football
    Playing my Saxophone

About My Character

  • RuneScape Name
  • Additional RuneScape Name
    Sobend 2
  • RuneScape Status
  • RuneScape Version
  • RuneScape God
    Don't Care
  • Favourite Skill
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  • RuneScape Clan

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19487 profile views
  1. 200m prayer before 200m invention is a hard path. Congratulations !
  2. Wow this is an oldie. I believe I remember this post from nearly twenty years ago.
  3. Discord killed the forum star *sigh*

    1. Micael Fatia

      Micael Fatia

      It'll be ultimately pointless, but I plan to revive my blog and a skill log here. So there will at least be an old madman still raving about the good old times.

  4. It's tough to say now because they recently removed mandatory PVP from the wilderness. So unless people "opt in" to PVP, most people bring whatever they wish. But yes batwing was once a common wilderness staple. (Note, also, batwing was demoted from tier 50 to tier 30).
  5. I have to go back to work tomorrow. *sigh*
  6. I'm back to WINNING THIS GAME!!
  7. Like many others I'm disappointed there isn't more here. The Daemonheim digsite looks interesting, maybe the skilling boss, but there's not much else. Updates every week turn into updates into every three months. I hope the game turns around.
  8. Leo almost won. But not this time!!
  9. We outlive another one, suckers.
  10. Yay!! Thank you for your help! It looks like the RuneScape News autobot is working again too. Seeing your name and then "A Farewell to our Forums" (regarding the RuneScape forums) gave me a near heart attack.
  11. Is this Old School Runescape or Runescape 3? Do you have runes in your inventory?
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