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About Huzzamaster

  • Birthday 01/02/1907

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  1. Good luck man. Even if she doesn't go out with you, you should find someone else later. You're a wee lad and you got your life ahead of you. I'm 103 years old, and I still go around picking up chicks every now and then.
  2. Wow, slapped? That's weird. I doubt you'll get slapped again buddy - most people don't slap people when they reject them. Just go for it. You've got nothing to lose!
  3. Haha, what a thug! What'd you do with the money?
  4. It seems like everyone here was a dirty little thief when they were little kids. Childhood innocence, pssshh... Heartbreaking...
  5. What does that even mean? Good question. Me too. :/ He's very trustworthy. You know, people seem to trust me a lot. But this can be kind of unfortunate. You won't believe some of the stuff some people have told me about their personal lives - it can be really disgusting, heh.
  6. Kids at my school dip a lot. On the rugby bus there's a guy who's always dipping and the whole bus will smell like citrus dip.
  7. Prayed. Hmm, I don't think that's good. You're just making me hungry now, haha. What a saint. I generally eat babies with puppy sauce sandwiched between 5 year olds lunch money tho. Hey I was playing Monopoly with my brother and little sisters today! Great fun. At one point every single person was in jail. The odds of that happening are ridiculously slim! It was so ludicrous! So to celebrate we all had a dance party in jail. Oh, and I won. Pwned 'em all. That was pretty good. =)
  8. KInd of. Jacked gummy worms from the store as a kid - until I got caught. I didn't know it was wrong tho. Accidentally stole people's pencils. I stole a brownie once! I steal food a lot. But its never blatant thieving and never from stores. Just from friends for kicks and at parties. I do take drinks from soda fountains a lot tho. I have also stolen other random stuff that other people don't seem to need. Like crud in the middle of the woods.
  9. Haha! Oh my gosh, you went blind in my absence! I’m so sorry! :/ Hehe, nice to see you too, man. That kind of reasoning doesn't really stand up very well, I don't think.. Please, explain yourself. I was saying that #2 ( The Adam/Eve story is not meant to be taken literally, but it is more figurative.) made sense if you were a contextual interpreter of the Bible. If you took it literally you would not look for the more figurative meaning but the literal meaning. I think that what I stated here is true almost by definition. There are many people who still believe the world was created in 7 days. THose who interpret the Bible literally (Fundamentalists) take this story literally and believe that it was seven literal days. Although this seems stupid, it is not altogether retarded. God is capable of ding anything he wishes, and if He chose to create the world in seven days he surely could have. It is possible that the entire Bible is true literally – God could make it all true with a snap of his finger (albeit it might be in some strange way that we mortals cannot comprehend). Nevertheless, I think it is absurd to believe the Bible literally. The Bible does have contradictions that do not add up well and makes the Fundamentalist position highly irrational. I am a contextualist – I believe that the Bible is true in its desired teaching message even if it is not always true literally. Yes it should. But it doesn’t need to be exactly true in every literal sense. I agree with you 100% Meph... If God loves everyone, why would He only admit into Heaven those who happen to believe in Him. If God lets Dennis Rader into Heaven but casts Gandhi into the bowels of Hell, I'm not quite sure I'd want to worship Him anyway. :) AND First of all, not all Christians believe that only Christians get to heaven. I myself (a Roman Catholic) believe that people of all other religions can get to heaven if they have the right spiritual disposition. Secondly, it is not as though our God is some contest judge who determines who gets to Heaven based on whether they are Christian or not. It is actually us ourselves who choose whether we get to Heaven or not! God wants to admit every single person into heaven – this includes Mother Theresa, George Bush, Bill Clinton, Adolf Hitler, you, and all of humanity. It is up to us to choose Him during this lifetime – all you have to do to get to Heaven is say “Yes” to God. If we say “No”, we are at fault for not getting to heaven. Saying no is a lot easier than saying yes though – saying “yes” requires a real effort on our part. Whoa there, buddy. I’m a Roman Catholic let me try to clarify what we believe. Roman Catholics do generally believe that baptism is necessary for salvation – BUT! We do not insist that only people baptized with water into the Church will get to heaven. There are other types of baptism. Baptism by blood and baptism by desire. Baptism by blood is where one offers up their life or experiences persecution for some moral righteousness or something along these lines (I’m not altogether certain about how this works or if my definition is fully correct, but you can look it up and see if I am correct mebbe.) Baptism by desire is where a person would want to be baptized if they knew the importance of Baptism. People who are not baptized by water can still achieve salvation. Additionally, Purgatory is a cleansing place for those who are not quite fit for Heaven so that they can be prepared to be welcomed into the arms of the Father later. Every human being in history has had the capability of being saved – the belief that Catholics think that all who don’t receive a certain ritual go to burn in hell is a major misunderstanding.
  10. Yeah don't worry. I'll probably need the same thing done. I'm just worried about the annoying puffy cheeks afterwards - those may get annoying...
  11. 1. yes. 2. Depends on how you interpet the Bible. if you interpret it literally, yes; if contextually, no. 3. I think this one isn't very Biblical. 4. Too some extent. I don't think that this would happen because I can't see God creating other people. All humans are supposed to be descended from Adam and Eve - by creating other humans he makes it so that Adam and Eve are not truly the mother and father of all humanity. Next time I'll draw a picture for you, ok?
  12. This is not helping them. This is specifically racially defined. If this were a school designed to solely help kids who were dropping out it would be acceptable. But it isn't. This is racist bigotry and segregation. Race should not play any part in choosing who goes to waht school - what ever happened to being a "color blind" society? Sure this is supposed to be a way to help; however, it is not helping at all but actually destroying them. ---Warning: Tangent!----- The same goes for Black History Month. I don't think that it is a good idea when it refers solely to the black race. The fact that we actually have a month is a sign that they have not fully assimilated into America. Unfortunately, many blacks expect the government to get them out of their bad circumstances, but this is not the right way to go about making things better. The individuals need to aspire themselves to make a true effort to change society - free handouts from the government encourages laziness and undermines progress. I do believe that some handouts can be good, but too many people expect too much from their government. The government should help the people but in a way that will help them in the long run not simply get them out of messes for a short period. (I do think that Black History Month can be good when understood in the context of all people. If we look at their story as a model of how we can overcome adversity for all humanity it makes sense, but too much emphasis is on the wrong things - it is as though they still need to be repaid for the crimes of our grandfathers.)
  13. No its fine. West Virginia is disgusting too. xD But to answer your question there are several solutions: 1. The Adam/Eve story is not true. 2. The Adam/Eve story is not meant to be taken literally, but it is more figurative. 3. I've also heard a theory that God had some random people wandering around the earth after Adam and Eve were banished. 4. Incest. 5. ---insert answer here--- I do not know the answer to this, but I think that Adam and Eve's sons and daughters simply had intercourse with one another. At this point in time the human race was more pure and genetically unmodified from their original form, and different results may have been produced. After the human race branches out a more full-fledged societal structure developed in which intercourse between the individuals of a nuclear family was no longer necessary or acceptable.
  14. This jank ain't pimpin' in the hizzlin' shizzle, dats not how this jank rolls - its da HH cabbage. I mean, shouldn't this be in Homework Hotline.
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