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Sal's RuneScape Forum


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Status Updates posted by DXMichael

  1. I just hit 99 fishing and I'm looking for some items that could go good with it, does anyone have any suggestions? I do want to keep my Santa on if possible :p

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DXMichael


      Yeah thats understandable, it can't be helped if it has to go :p

    3. Nitua


      Saradomin dhide maybe.

    4. bros before hoes
  2. After playing Runescape again for 2 weeks, someone tried to scam me for my Santa Hat. Something to do with 100mill cash and a gnome teleport thing? Ahh I don't know XD

    1. Sobend


      That's a common scam. Sadly the community isn't all nice.

    2. Shooter585


      Yeah I've seen that on youtube but I forget exactly how it works. If it seems weird don't do it lol

    3. Fatalysm


      Someone tried the seed pod thing with me yesterday!

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