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About firebomb148

  • Birthday 10/28/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Saskatchewan, Canada

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  • RuneScape God
    Don't Care
  • Favourite Skill
    99 Runecrafting
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  1. Thanks :D and we'll see.... if I decide to stay, I probably wouldnt be the most active thing :P
  2. I quit, and I'm on holidays now so I decided to play rs
  3. I voted yes because thats the runescape I liked
  4. awmagawd, I think im coming back too lol
  5. I'm sure I got like 60 days of just runecrafting and jad alone
  6. Saurfang was a pretty big pain in the behind when the buff was 5%, but once you got more gear the buff was like 15% it was a joke,heck even lady deathwhisper had her moments, mostly when ghosts exploded along with the frostbolt volley of doom
  7. looks like your runecrafting could use alittle loving
  8. lol nice hahaha, hit 2150 in 2s earlier on my alt rogue
  9. I've completely stopped leveling till cataclysm. I can't get myself to go through all those crappy old zone knowing they'll be way way way better in only a few months. I know, the game looks so much better with the higher settings. Just be careful around Crystalsong, those trees on high enough detail will blind you Try playing on max settings on 1920 x1080 with 200 fps Try playing on max settings on 720p 3d
  10. firebomb148


    member statusssssssssssss
  11. proff 10 hc is a joke. You have so much free dps time its almost easier than normal. k good, I'm sure it will still take a few more attempts, got a new trinket this week finally too, dbw, my dps in normal 25 prof went up like 1200 from last weeks, rng or awesome trinket or both, it was a good week :) (im at 93% passive arp too now )
  12. Attempting sindragosa hm in 10 man tonight, wish us luck, if we down her, then we just need to down prof. to get into some lich king hm attempts, haven't made any attempts on prof. hm yet.
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