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Sal's RuneScape Forum


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Everything posted by Adam?

  1. I was made a DM shortly after equating a Runescape Clan to the KKK
  2. Adam?


    of course the deep state is looking to cancel me
  3. I have a negative warn and was a distinguished member which is about the biggest indictment of the entire system as I can think of.
  4. happy birthday!!

    1. Sobend


      The big 3-0!!!

    2. Adam?


      One of us! one of us!

  5. I had to make one of the most difficult decisions of my life on Wednesday. My 5 year old cat, Charlie, had been experiencing recurring health issues that would have required multiple invasive surgeries with a decent likelihood of complications and no guarantee they'd help. Even so I desperately wanted to help him. Charlie was my boy. Anyone who knows me knows how much I desperately love my cats, and Charlie was the heart of our household. He was never mean or unfriendly to any visitors. He forced his love on his cat siblings. And today is the first day in 5 years when I haven't been greeted by him right in the morning at home. I'm trying to focus on what I loved the most about Charlie. There's a lot. I loved how playful he was. I loved how energetic and athletic he was. I loved how he groomed all of his cat friends including me. I loved how he rolled over for me to rub his belly. I loved how proper he sat and crossed his little paws. I loved how he chattered at birds. I loved how he would knead me. I loved how he would sleep at my feet. I loved how he would climb under blankets. I loved how he would follow me around. I loved how excited he was when I got home. I loved how smart he was. I'm so sorry I couldn't help you more, Charlie. You were my special little boy. I'm happy that you were able to find peace on my lap and with my wife and I telling you how much we loved you. I'm happy you were able to become so calm and purr and knead us and look up at me just like you were my Charlie when you weren't feeling sick. I'll never forget you. RIP Charlie 2017-2022 in physical form 2017-eternity in my heart
  6. The issue folks had with Queen Elizabeth II isn't about her role as head of state for mainland Britain. It was all the other countries / provinces where she served / serves as head of state
  7. Yeah but he can take it away at any time It's led to an awkward power imbalance dynamic and I don't feel safe
  8. I pop in on RS3 sometimes for my quarterly "old man yells at cloud" where I complain about how much has changed
  9. Grats me next
  10. She lived a truly one of a kind life.
  11. yare yare daze
  12. hello there!
  13. [redacted]
  14. peepee poopoo
  15. DSZ 41.5 and DSZ 43 planning time.

  16. I am extremely happy that you were able to see it. I'm planning to finish the story in the near future so be sure to tune in next week for another episode! Also you should join the Discord so we can catch up. Yelo and fshi are on it.
  17. Time to reset your IP or use a proxy I guess. I hope this can be resolved. I've been enjoying your blog.
  18. fufufufufufufu
  19. Easily the most memorable RuneScape event for me. I didn't realize Jagex had an event commemorating this tragedy. For shame! Also it's extremely on-brand for me to have an obvious typo in the post you shared.
  20. [ c h a l l e n g e a c c e p t e d ]
  21. I always thought these looked very nice. I'm also in awe of anyone who can actually draw
  22. Adam?


    Beret is a hack fraud there I said it It's your duty to report evildoers you hack fraud I'm sorry have you ever been to space you hack fraud Stanley Kubrick is a hack fraud based and werewolf pilled
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