In all of my search for scholarships for college, I've never found one that discouraged the use of paper before. Every scholarship wants you to write out an essay, or print out an application, or something.
But then there's Castle Ink. They're all about recycling, and you can't enter by writing out an essay on paper, or printing some application out. The only way you can apply is by the internet, either by Tweeting, Facebooking, or writing a blog post like this. No paper!
My family already recycles quite a bit. My mom is an avid fan of a company called Ecocycle, and goes to many of their meetings that teach how we can help save the environment. We also check every bit of trash we have to see if it can be recycled or not, and have separate bins for each type. We make a bi-weekly runs down to the local Ecocycle branch to sort out everything, and then they take care of the rest. And it's not just trash we check either. Any old food or scraps that will compost go straight to the bin out back.
We're also pretty big into reducing and reusing. Whenever we go grocery shopping, we break out a half dozen reusable bags to keep everything in at the end. We try not to take any plastic bags from the store. But if we do, we don't toss them as soon as we take the food out. We keep them in our pantry, where we then use them for tons of different things. Packing lunches, trash bags in the bathroom, and anything else we might need them for. And as often as we can, we make sure they get atleast three or four uses.
If you want to learn other tactics for reducing, resuing, and recycling, go to