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Sal's RuneScape Forum


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Status Updates posted by Yuanrang

  1. Dusting off the Banhammer.

  2. Picking random community hosted servers when trying L4D2 multiplayer was NOT a good idea. That mess. xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. billions911


      so why did u take a stranger's advice?i know i wouldnt lol

    3. Yuanrang


      It was not a stranger. :P

    4. Admiral
  3. Vacation!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Leo
    3. Arianna


      Of all your statuses, this was the odd one out



    4. Yuanrang


      What was odd about it? :o

  4. Warn ALL the CAPS-lock spammers! \o

  5. Serenity now.... INSANITY LATER!

  6. Public mafia game: Obvious scummies are obvious.

  7. Is anxious to test the new warning system. \o/

  8. Is anxious to test the new warning system. \o/

  9. Thanks!

    Just a couple of formalities left, I'd hope. :)

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