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Blog Comments posted by Kemosabe

  1. Kemosabe, on , said:


    Either unfriend them or unsubscribe from their status updates. Problem solved.

    Doesn't work that way. I get them running up to me irl screamng "WHYD YOU REMOVE ME!!" then I get my B*tch slaps for the year. Unsubing works but my friend who is a friend of the person who I unsubed will once again like that pic showing on my feed. No wait fluff this I'm gonna remove facebook from my tabs. Problem solved.


    P.S I swear all my posts are being bedazzled on doesn't matter what it is, it's just a troll on my comments ;(

    Either learn to ignore the people who care about being unfriended (honestly, they'll only find out if they check your profile - you don't get a notification if someone unfriends you) or stop moaning about it.

  2. I post one grunge band and get True Grunger? Sounds like a good test.



    You listen like


    True Grunger


    Music just hasn't been the same since 1998. Maybe you should pack up your flannel shirts and move to Seattle, where you will truly be appreciated.

    Based upon your affinity for artists like:

    Nirvana, Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine, Coldplay


    Edit: Took out Nirvana and got this:



    You listen like


    College Freshman

    Out on your own for the first time and you’ve finally found your jam. Welcome to no-parents land. You and the dudes down the hall are gonna get together with some Natty Light and listen to some sweet tunes while you munch on the cereal you snuck out of the caf.

    Based upon your affinity for artists like:

    Coldplay, Radiohead, Muse, Rage Against the Machine
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