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Sal's RuneScape Forum

O hai im KAMIL

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Everything posted by O hai im KAMIL

  1. feels good living in a state with almost the highest number of days in lockdown in the world ammiright B) in slightly nicer news i have my first pfizer vaccine booked for next saturday yippee
  2. wtf that had no right to be that good proud of u lil m'n'm
  3. yooooo fatia what's happening dude. what's this bs about you having a girlfriend?? I'm pretty sure my sig has verifiable proof that you are single :o i had some pretty tight times with ya, u were a pvp god to me!! hope life's been well for you, and your gf is awesome and stuff
  4. but u just created a new topic u are a LIAR
  5. damn lmao they found the one articulate post from 17 year old kam
  6. happy 13th of october @im gona mill burray ur mom
  7. Ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space
  8. I finished school, traveled a bunch last year, now looking for a job. I liked last year better :[
  9. supppppp leooooooo, what are you up to these days
  10. hello friends i hope you are all doing well and achieving your goals <3
  11. O hai im KAMIL

    Wild child

    https://i.imgur.com/GvAePei.gifv apologys for poor camera work
  12. O hai im KAMIL

    Wild child

    HAHAHAHA I'm glad u had fun friendo, I greatly enjoyed your company and we both managed to not throw up so respect to us. Also pre sure u lift more than me but anyway ;) All this bf gf ex-gf bf pronouns are confusing u need to do names again!! But shizzle you're gonna have so much fun in Canada im jealous af. I'm just going on a road trip at the end of exams and was considering going to Perth but it's probably too far haha Also I've got the video of u skulling that drink I'll upload it here!!
  13. Sal is like Batman; he disappeared for a while but he was always watching, and when the forums needed him most, he came back. also this harsh white background is blinding me, is there any way to get a dark mode?
  14. the king has come to reclaim his throne
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