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Everything posted by wartoc

  1. cant have a goblin behind you. public chat is off. main menu is spelled weird with a blk font the friend log in thing is also font fixed..with shade and non shades also the clan chat..
  3. their all really good but also some germans might get offended by the first ne, and also the space between the lines with th grenade is also to far apart, and if you look close enough you can see where you have added names in the talking area, and that is all of them i think, for the first 5/10 because of it offence towards germans, second 8/10 because the rs character ruins it and for the last probably 7/10 becasue i just had a mental blank about what i was going to write.......
  4. lmfao :P I luv them all and the double ancinet staff looks really kwl, but the killer cows are scary :P 9/10 Because of the killer cows jking 10/10 all original aswell
  5. nice i have'nt seen any monty python movies but all my freinds have and now im searching for some, *logs out of forums and rushes to closest movie store*
  6. nice and i also agree that it was a very quick one and a good quick one at that 8/10
  7. wartoc

    A Fake

    ummm well i didnt really see what the fake was.... so i am umable to give you a score
  8. very nice and i also like what you have done with the last two prays i think these prays should be added in but for like lvl 70 prayer ooh umm 9/10?
  9. im not overly impressed and also it is too big, plus you should have had straight lines and not the ones were we can see it has been made, hmmmm, 4/10 good try but.....
  10. ok, but it was my first and they were willow comps as well
  11. omg probably one of the best fakes i've seen 10/10, but i will minius 10/10 down to 8/10 because you found out sals pass and telling every1 i dont care that you let every1 know zezima's tho coz ppl are to obsessed with zezima --lol jking
  12. sorry but -10 out of 1 million i can see the flaws, and it may be ur first so good try but im not really gonna want to open this thread again, sorry but it was a goodidea, and also you might have had a pack of full b axes so that might be fake being in the fake so it should be in the real ones, and good try
  13. 8/10 and yea the p hat does look a bit messed up
  14. Hi umm this is my first ever fake screen shot that i've posted so please dont be too harsh... P.S. I Hope it works [/img][/img]http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/3379/squillions2dx4.jpg
  15. Shararch, how do u get the pic of u under ur name??? is it on draynor.net? because i've tried that but im a lady and it only has male mages not female mages plz help me get the fully sik pics!!!
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