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Everything posted by wartoc

  1. Here is a look at Vorago when you first talk to him. (I don't even care that it's a jpeg)
  2. Runescape 3 announced for July 22nd with Divination a few weeks later.
  3. Well, today is the day of the big announcement. Let's see what happens.
  4. You were mentioned in The Santafish Monthly so 10
  5. WEEK 101 HAS NOW COME TO AN END I think it's time we decide on what we should build next. I was thinking of trying for another grand statue (the ones around the entrance portal (perhaps Jad)? But that's for you guys to decide. We can decide from: Tortoise, Jad, Dragon or Penguin statues seeing as we already have the Grand Saradomin statue. In ranking news: No new ranks this week, but Kamil is less than 2 caps away from attaining the Captain rank! In other clan news: Be sure to check out the upcoming Skilling Competition. Don't forget to sign up and vote on a skill! You can do so here. Be sure to keep an eye out on the Event Forums for upcoming PvM events such as the Zamorak Mass! (You can look at this thread if you have and queries or questions :) ) BRING ON WEEK 102
  6. Wartoc I might not be able to play too much because of work (or might be focusing on the new boss) but I'll try :P
  7. What an atrocious BTS. Honestly. A potential 15 minute novice quest and a boss that has been hyped up for the past few weeks (rightly so). This 'special announcement' regarding RS3 better actually be good. Not to mention they're listing Solomon's and Squeal promotions in the BTS. I don't mind if Jagex wish to do these (occasional) promotions but it's a huge slap in the face promoting them in the Behind The Scenes.
  8. Yay! Congrats on the best emote :)
  9. I got my first warning from Dani back when summoning was released :(. I posted a topic something along the lines of "what do you think of the new skill?" It was quickly locked and I got the "READ DA STICKY" and a warning :(
  10. The spreadsheet is up to date (I think ) :)
  11. Hey guys, as many of you know, Wilson is quitting Runescape :(. That means that I will be updating the spreadsheet and looking after the citadel (hopefully :P) Bare with me for the first couple of weeks while I figure things out, in the meantime if you have any questions regarding the spreadsheet or the citadel, or even just the clan in general, feel free to PM me here on Sal's. :)
  12. :( Oh man, this sucks. It's going to suck not having someone so rich around the clan anymore :(. Seriously though, congrats on getting Comp and thanks for being such a great guy to have around :) All the best with school and exams. Hope to see you around every once and a while <3
  13. For Soul Wars the minimum people needed is 20 as you need at least 10 people per team the question is whether we can get that many. We struggled to get that many when we were playing against Canting there last year :-(
  14. 4am for me, I might be home from work at around 2am though so I might be able to make it :)
  15. I gu Or sell it? :D Yeah, I guess you could sell a Tuna for 50gp or something. Don't spend it too fast, though.
  16. If you go to the Wise Old Man in Draynor he can help clean out any junk from quests. One, two and three dose potions can be decanted into one another. Eat or drop that tuna, some of the SoF items can be destroyed and reclaimed at Diango in Draynor at anytime.
  17. I made some OC for you. I hope you like it
  18. We should get b0b back tbh
  19. As long as you have the required levels to enter the boss rooms you're fine. I dont have skill for this :c Are you saying you don't have the required skills to enter the boss rooms or the skill to effectively kill the bosses? As long as you have at least 70 Strength, Defence and Attack you should be able to attend the Bandos masses for example. :P oh i can do that :]]] but all my gear terrible :[[[ Something like Verac's gets the job done for armour. Roughly 1.8M i think i have that much :]]] but idk :[[[ :^ ) If not I'm sure there is someone who can help out someway :) I'll see if Wilson can arrange something!! Well, @Wheeeeelsun said he needs to do some bossing for getting Trim so it does make sense.
  20. As long as you have the required levels to enter the boss rooms you're fine. I dont have skill for this :c Are you saying you don't have the required skills to enter the boss rooms or the skill to effectively kill the bosses? As long as you have at least 70 Strength, Defence and Attack you should be able to attend the Bandos masses for example. :P oh i can do that :]]] but all my gear terrible :[[[ Something like Verac's gets the job done for armour. Roughly 1.8M i think i have that much :]]] but idk :[[[ :^ ) If not I'm sure there is someone who can help out someway :)
  21. As long as you have the required levels to enter the boss rooms you're fine. I dont have skill for this :c Are you saying you don't have the required skills to enter the boss rooms or the skill to effectively kill the bosses? As long as you have at least 70 Strength, Defence and Attack you should be able to attend the Bandos masses for example. :P oh i can do that :]]] but all my gear terrible :[[[ Something like Verac's gets the job done for armour. Roughly 1.8M
    1. O hai im KAMIL

      O hai im KAMIL

      There's a profanity filter in the game. If people want to swear, they will turn it off. If people don't want to swear, they will turn it on. Wtf Jgaex.

    2. wartoc


      It pretty much makes the profanity filter pointless. 1 step forward, 2 steps back as always.

    3. Mohorak


      First Xbox One and now this? I'm sticking with single-player PC games from now on.

  22. RS Name: Wartoc Forum Name:wartoc1 Bossing Experience: Soloed/Duo'd most bosses. Never been to Nex or Corp though.
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