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Everything posted by wartoc

  1. wartoc


  2. It could be a previous add on/theme
  3. Your face is the best looking area in the game
  4. Oooh, Very nice. Congrats Dei!
  5. wartoc

    Just sum 99

    OMG You're my most favourite person ever right about now.
  6. American Dad > Family Guy. Please don't ostracise me :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. O hai im KAMIL
    3. Micael Fatia

      Micael Fatia

      +1 to Kamil's comment. You can bite my shiny metal ass if you disagree.

    4. Lonelywolf


      americen dayd > fmaily guy

  7. Omg >:C meant to wait for me :((( Congrats though :D Also, nice cropping ;)
  8. Congrats man! :)
  9. The removal of Special Attacks has caused their prices to plummet. Excluding the Saradomin Godsword that is. All the GS' have passive effects now, with the SGS' being the most beneficial. EDIT: Amber beat me to it.. :(
  10. They battened down the hatches But the hatches wouldn't hold
  11. You're always the voice of the people, Trey. :beg: (Also, Trey is right, it does get annoying.)
  12. wartoc


    Congrats Cart!! Sorry I wasn't on to congratulate you and be there :(
  13. lol bye
  14. wartoc

    Googley problem

    Install gentoo.
  15. wartoc

    99 Prayer

    Congratulations, an achievement to be proud of ^_^
  16. All those levels are still coming! Very nice
  17. There is a severe lack of movement though, and that disappoints me.
  18. EWWW, that's almost as bad as linking to another designated fansite >:(
  19. Is there any Fally Park trading or is it mainly all at Varrock west?
  20. So seeing as I am from the future, it's the 16th and I just got this :) #11 Thanks to the guys who came along :P
  21. I'm not religious, but watching that on TV was fascinating. It'd be something to behold in person, for anyone, not just a Catholic.
  22. Poor old Phoenix, needs to be updating this :(
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