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Jj Dynomite

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Jj Dynomite last won the day on August 11 2016

Jj Dynomite had the most liked content!


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About Jj Dynomite

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  • RuneScape Name
    Jj Dynomite
  • OldSchool RS Name
    Jj Dynomite
  • RuneScape Status
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  • Favourite Skill
    All of them
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  1. I miss throwing back with Sobend
  2. My 2nd Pet. First Pet was agility as seen below.
  3. Nice to see someone playing Oldschool.
  4. How is anyone supposed to figure out what level this is just by looking at the post.
  5. I want change!
  6. No idea how many runes but I've likely made about 3.5b-4b on the skill. It's not punishment if you enjoy it.
  7. I haven't played RS in years but I know that making runes via abyss with that helmet is really good xp/h
  8. Did this all off nature runes from 91-50m rc.
  9. I'm on board with trying to revive this site. I was talking to Sobend about this quite a bit and I'll let him give the input on whatever he was telling me. I think for the most part we ought not 'spam' social media but merely try to build up a presence. Get a lot of Sals Realmers to be active on Twitter, post a lot of content, ie levels, events etc, and get enough people to share the posts. Eventually you'll get enough players willing to come on here and post. I'll try and share whatever people post on social media as well and I'll post here as often as I can.
  10. Stop trying to push your Sal's Realm agenda on everyone.
  11. You only just now realized that
  12. I know this is a presidential election topic but do you think that the presidential choices, particularly with and against Trump, will have a huge effect on down ticket voting? Considering there's about 8 previously Republican Senate seats that could go Democrat and only about 1 previously democrat seat that might go Republican. This has always been an issue but it seems to be a larger magnitude of an issue in past couple of weeks.
  13. Good enough to test the validity for measuring popularity the Commission on Presidential Debates uses. Well he needs 15% to get into the debates and he's at ~10%, which is great (he got 1% in 2012) but he needs to boost his support by 50%. If they decide to exclude him I don't think it would be a tragedy, and this is coming from someone who will likely vote for him (via process of elimination). The standard they use to measure 15% is a bit arbitrary is what I'm saying.
  14. Good enough to test the validity for measuring popularity the Commission on Presidential Debates uses.
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