Ahh thanks, I was unsure how to do that :)
I try to only include the interesting things :) i.e - Treasure trail loot, rare drops, skill updates, quests, loot from x things, slay logs etc. :D
I'm still improving on voice, tone and such, but I will master it eventually :)
Thanks :)
Hello, people of Sal's Realm :)
I am just finishing up an Ironman series on YouTube, where I was working towards soloing every boss from scratch! ( Playlist:
With finishing up with this one, I wanted my next series to be bigger and better!
What are your opinions on getting 99 summoning as my first 99? The series will consist of a lot of different money making methods, as well as bossing, slayer and grinding :)
Think this would be possible? As well, does it sound like something you'd like to watch?
I'd like to hear your opinions and hope you will tune in :)
An episode from my current series :)