Welcome to "Odium PvM" official forum recruitment thread!
CC: "odium pvm"
Home World:
World 330
Combat Requirement:
1.) Combat level of 90
2.) Att/Str/Def 70+ or Ranged 85+ with 70+ defence
About Odium PvM:
I am looking to give lower levels a chance at the joys of boss hunting. I am looking to make this
a close knit clan not over 20-30 players. We will go on group boss hunts splitting the loot 50/50
no matter how many players participated. We will keep a active boss log and kill count.
The one major thing I want to instill upon this clan is to have fun and get efficient kills
since I know soloing at lower levels is quite difficult.
Application Requirements:
1.) Combat level of at least 90.
70 defense for Barrows Armor. (veracs/karils/guthans)
2.) Ranged Tank.
85+ Ranged
70+ Defence
Karils or Better
Crystal Shield, Odium Ward, Dfs
3.) If under 90 combat, and not a ranged tank
One of the following stats must be 90+
(Attack, Strength, Defense, or Ranged)
Clan Rules:
1.) RESPECT EVERYONE. No matter what ranks or levels they are.
2.) Arrogance will not be tolerated. Do not boast your skills/wealth
3.) Drops within a group, will be given to the highest rank until the end of the trip to split.
4.) If you cannot follow any of these rules, you will be kicked from this clan end of story.
In-Game Name:
Combat Level:
Do you meet the requirements for a main account? If not, specify which type of account you are.
Have you been part of another PvM clan before?
Did someone recruit you? If so, who?