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Collected by TimmyMWD
With help from King Sabre, Zei, Osiris BK, and Militant for the first draft of this history
This collection was made on the bidding of the noblest lord of the BlacKnights Osiris Bk, and the noblest ruler of the Sabres, King Sabre. This is the history of our fair and just clans that have ascended to power and then crumbled, of the Golden Age of the clans and the decayed state we are in now. The clans are a dying group, but their history and glory will never leave Runescape.
Chapter One: The Emergence of Clans
Long ago in the land of Runescape, the nobility of the land ruled the human kingdoms of Misthalin and Asgarnia. Under their rule, citizens were allowed to roam freely, fight whomever they wanted, and go on their own quests and adventures. As time went on under this loose control, bands of thieves and muggers were formed, targeting the weaker and less experienced traveler of Runescape. The most feared of all those who looted and murdered was a man ironically known as the Messiah. He fought other humans for pleasure, and the mere mention of his name sent fear into the hearts of the citizens of Runescape. With all of the rogues and bandits, the rulers of Runescape called their guards back to defend their city borders only, and thus total anarchy took over the country side. Messiah and his ilk were free to do as they pleased.
One day, two warriors were attacked by the viscous Messiah. One was slain, and the other narrowly escaped. The warrior who survived vowed that he would fight Messiah and his kind until the end of his days. Thus he banded together an elite group of warriors to combat Messiah; known as the Sabre Clan. The warrior gave himself the name King Sabre, and thus the first clan emerged on Runescape. Messiah, fearing that he would be killed for his acts, recruited his associates into the second clan in Runescape, the Messiahs. Their strategy in warfare was simple – use bows and attack in groups. The Sabres and the Messiahs were mortal enemies, and huge bounties stacked up on both sides in the war.
Chapter Two: The Golden Age of Clans
Even as the Sabres and the Messiahs battled one another for supremacy, many other clans began to take shape. Although none of these newer, smaller clans could hold their own, a daring alliance of clans – banded together for their common good – could. The ANKA, or A New Kind of Alliance, was composed of the Red Cloak Clan, the Tsai Clan, and the BlacKnights Clan. For a while the ANKA and the Sabres/Messiahs were unaware that the other groups existed. During this emergence of new clans, the Messiahs began to try new and more devastating tactics to crush the Sabres one and for all. Messiahs would claim the Sabre name and pretend to be in their clan. While being Sabre imposters, they would randomly loot and kill, giving the impression that they were evil. Members of the ANKA were attacked by false Sabres, and thus the alliance tried to fight them. However, the alliance had no cohesion in engaging the Sabres, and thus the first alliance dissolved. In this time another clan emerged, the Gladiatorz. This clan is currently the longest running in Runescape history, never collapsing or dissolving for any periods of time. During an encounter with Ice Sabre, the leader of the Gladz declared war, and many skirmishes were fought in the castle of Varrock. Finally, after many duels, the leaders of the two clan became good friends, sparking the beginning of a long and powerful alliance between the Sabres and the Gladiatorz.
Shortly thereafter, a haughty clan known as "THE" Clan entered the lands of Runescape. According to their records, after a vicious war of attrition known as the "Cyberwars," THE Clan, under the leadership of Militant, routed the Sabre forces and thus the clan fled to Runescape. However, the Sabres claim the mighty god Andrew came to them in the Cyberwars and thus King Sabre decided to move his clan to Runescape out of their own free will. Regardless of which is true, Militant was oblivious to the long dead ANKA, and thus they claim to have established the first alliance. For quite some time, most clans were isolated and unaware that other clans were also attempting to fight the random player killers of Runescape. Then Clan Anfibian rose up, and Anfibian himself founded the Anti Sabre Alliance (ASA), founded on the notion that the fake Sabres represented the actions of the true clan. Many clans joined this organization, the most powerful being THE Clan and Anfibian Clan. Many skirmishes ensued, but it was then discovered that a small group of treacherous citizens of Runescape had pretended to be the Sabres. Thus to bring order to our noble land, the Sabre Reformation Treaty was drafted and signed, thus allowing for a clean order. The ASA renamed their alliance to EARTH, a very powerful alliance in its height.
Chapter Three: Dissention in the Ranks
Although peace was established, other clans sought to attain power of their own. With the escalation of new clans into power, Osiris - lord of the BlacKnights - created the order known as the Syndicate, which dwarfed the sized of EARTH by including that alliance plus the Sabres, BlacKnights, Gladz, and even some remnants of the ANKA.
A new leader, Zei, sought to challenge the Syndicate. She untied all of the evil clans, including the Messiahs, under her alliance known as the Dark Syndicate. Unfortunately, many clans that weren't evil joined up - not yet aware the Sabre Clan was actually fighting for peace and justice. In the barren sands of Al Kharid there was the greatest show of might in Runescape history. The Dark Syndicate declared war on the Syndicate. Zei failed to match the 160 plus forces of the Sabre allies. Only six of her troops showed up. Many of her scouts, upon seeing the forces against them, defected or retreated to fight another day. All six of the Dark Syndicate soldiers were killed, and only Militant died from the side of good - saving one of his weaker soldiers from death. Following her defeat, Zei was forced to sign a treaty barring her from entering Runescape. As she left, King Rage stepped up and took charge of the Dark Syndicate
The next large war would not deal with the classic Sabre/Anti-Sabre clans at all, but would instead be between the Gladiatorz Clan and the DeathCorps. The battle - which now is known as the Chef Guild Raid - was to take place on Ice Mountain. Gladiator forces were prepared there, but then spies spotted DC mobilizing around the Chefs Guild. The Gladz pounced in a surprise attack, pummeling the forces of DC.
Basking in the glory of his earlier victory, King Sabre took a two-week vacation from clan fighting. Fearing that such a break would lead to the uprising of Messiah again, Ryushu formed the NKKA - Newbie Killer Killers Alliance. It was formidable army of good, numbering in the hundreds, Ryushu never ceased his campaign of fighting for the down trodden.
In an attempt to conceal and force people away from their real plans, the Sabre secret Service (SsS) drafted the false "Neo Sabre Files," which called for taking Karamja as their headquarters and stationing guards in every city. King Rage of the Dark Syndicate managed to access the fake files, and attempted to alert such groups as EARTH. Taking the initiative, a new soldier named Timmymwd called for a taskforce to launch at Karamja, the so-called "Sabre Headquarters." Zei made a brief return to fight with the taskforce against the Sabres, and the strike team sent some twenty men on a merchant vessel to the distant island. When they arrived, they found nothing. The Neo Sabre project was a farce; it was later revealed the real HQ was at Draynor Village.
In an unprecedented move, the Gladz and Death Corps Clans declared war on each other again, and fight in a massive battle on Karamja's massive volcano side. It was the first major battle since Al Kharid. All clansmen watched in awe at the magnitude of the battle. In the end, dozens of lives were lost and the Gladz/Syndicate allies walked away in defeat for the first time ever. While no clan leaders were slain, the loss broke the power of the Syndicate substantially. An accidental slaying during combat by a Gladz member of Sexy Razor prompted the bitter hatred between the Razors and Gladz clan.
After discussing the truth with King Sabre, the Dark Syndicate realized there was no longer a purpose to fighting the Sabres or the Syndicate. Timmymwd thus convinced his leader King Rage to meet personally with Kin Sabre and negotiate peace. Thus, in the sea side town of Port Sarim, in the lodging above the town bar; King Sabre, King rage, and Timmymwd negotiated peace between the Sabres and the Dark Syndicate. The Syndicate signed on to the treaty shortly thereafter.
Chapter Four: The Splintering of Power
Shortly after the negotiation of peace between the Dark Syndicate and the Sabres, a new clan stepped up and openly declared war on the Sabre Clan. This clan, known in the history books as the Mithril Clan, sought to fight the Sabres for power. In response, the Syndicate, Dark Syndicate, Sabres, NKKA, and EARTH assembled a massive army. They marshaled at Ghost Town (now Edge Town), where the Mithril Clan was unaware of such a massive deployment.
As the allied forces marched to the battleground, which was chosen to be the primitive Barbarian Village, mercenaries, thieves, and killers flocked to the battle site and tot he army, attacking and hounding anyone they could. What is now known as the Battle for Runescape took place. IT was even claimed by the Gladiatorz clan that DC was there to fight the Sabres. The allied army deployed only to find themselves outnumbered not by Mithril, but by independent and greedy mercenaries looking for a piece of the action. Militant, leader of "THE" Clan, ordered the allied forces to retreat back to Ghost Town. However, this wouldn't last, for those who were actually in the Mithril Clan mounted an attack there. Seeking a place to regroup at, the most noble Lady Kalika and Militant ordered the allied forces to withdraw to Lumbridge, which is magically protected by Wizards of the Blue Robe so that no fighting may take place between humans.
Upon the arrival of the allied forces to Lumbridge, it was realized that King Sabre was missing. Rumors spread that he was killed by a random player killer. However, this was false. King Sabre teleported (logged out) to safety, and then met up with alliance forces in Lumbridge. After King Sabre was reprimanded by Lady Kalika for leaving his men in the field longer than necessary, the allied forces once again became coherent, and at Barbarian Village smashed the assumed remnants of the Mithril Clan. It was later realized that the "Mithril Clan" never actually existed, but was actually a great hoax by Can Not. The forces there besides the allied army was that of random pkers, nothing more.
After the Battle for Runescape, Zei returned, shocked to find the Dark Syndicate at peace with the Sabres, and with King Rage as the leader. Against the wishes of Zei, King Rage ordered the greatest anti Sabre alliance since the Sabre Reformation Treaty to be dissolved into the Dark Posse, per the request of Osiris Bk. In anger of a lack of consultation, Timmymwd brings any of his followers to Orkman2k1's clan and together they merge to form the Phalanx Clan, becoming a close ally to the Sabre Clan. Shortly thereafter, the Dark Posse collapses, with King Rage returning to focus solely on the Rage Clan.
Militant, the famous leader of THE Clan, and chief ambassador of EARTH, resigns his position with the alliance. In a latter dispute with Orbital2, things get heated and King Sabre steps in to defend Oribtal2. In response, THE Clan and the Sabres almost go to war after months of friendly terms. In a surprise move to resolve the conflict, Militant retires from Clan life. To make maters worse for the upholders of peace and justice, Osiris Bk, member of the first ever clan alliance and founder of the Clan BlacKnights, retires from the Clans.
Chapter Five: The Wilderness
In an attempt to rid the Runescape world of fighting, the Wizards of the Blue Robe in the South Tower created a mystical land named the Wilderness, where fighting was permitted. Using all of their law runes and their magical abilities, the Wizards of the Blue Robe extended their no combat sphere of magic from Lumbridge to the entirety of Runescape. Thus, it was now nearly impossible to combat random killings. The creation of the Wilderness is now recognized to be the downfall of Clan life in Runescape. In a debate on what the Sabre policy should be on fighting in the Wilderness, a civil clan war erupted. King Sabre and his followers stayed, their remnant of the Sabres being called the Light Sabre Clan, while Ice Sabre and his blood lusted followers created the Dark Sabres.
In an attempt to swiftly end the reign of the Dark Sabres, the Phalanx Clan, under the leadership of Orkman2k1 and Timmymwd, declare war on the Dark Sabres. As the clan prepared for war, Ice Sabre put a substantial bounty on the heads of the Phalanx Leaders, and to avoid persecution, the Phalanx Clan leaders rescinded their declaration of war. In a surprise move, the lord Militant of THE Clan returned from retirement to defend the actions of King Sabre and the Light forces. Skirmishes occur daily between the two Sabre Clans and their allies.
After being crushed some time ago by the Gladz Clan, Death Corps returns and merges with their ally, the Razors. Become the most powerful clan in Runescape, the newly merged clan declares war on both Sabre factions. King Sabre refuses to combat the dishonorable clan, but Ice Sabre and their Gladz allies are quick to mobilize. Finally engaging them in the first Clan War to take place in the Wilderness, the Dark Sabres and their allies route the Death Corps. Unbeknownst to the Dark Sabres, the Light Sabres and their ally the Phalanx Clan show up to the battle, and kill off retreating Death Corps clansmen.
After the defeat of the Death Corps, the two factions of Sabres still remain at odds, slowly arming themselves for an inevitable clash of two massive clans. One man almost ignited that conflict between Light and Dark. Orkman2k1, co-leader of the Phalanx Clan, in an attempt to appease a member of this clan begins secret negotiations for an alliance with the Dark Sabres. Discovering his comrade's secret plans, Timmymwd contacts King Sabre, and together they oust Orkman2k1 of his power, and the Light Sabres and their allies begin preparing for war. In response to his removal of power, Orkman2k1 establishes Miners Inc., which is later discovered to be a cover up for Orkman's secret operations with Clan Hellion, an upstart Wilderness killing clan.
Orkman openly declares war on the Phalanx Clan and the Light Sabres. The NKKA and the Pirate Clan give political support, but all of the clan leaders are concerned that Ice Sabre and his Dark clan may target anyone involved in the conflict. In the midst of all this, one event shatters the threat of war.
In a surprise and very concealed move, Cold Sabre requests King Sabre to allow him to defect to the Light Sabre Clan. Known only by King, Cold, and King Sabre's closest allies, Cold Sabre defected, providing valuable information that stunned the alliance of the Light Sabres. Dark Sabres had been dead for some time. Ice Sabre had been not active in clan fighting, and thus most of the members had gone to other clans. This would not stop Orkman2k1, who was determined to have his revenge on Timmymwd. Brining the Phalanx forces against what he thought would be only the forces of Miners Inc., Timmymwd was met with the full force of the Hellion Clan. Timmymwd is nearly slain. In response to the crushing defeat, Timmymwd retires from clan service.
Chapter Six: The Dark Age of Runescape
Little is remembered from this time. What is known is this: most all of the clans from the Golden Age were gone, save for Militant and THE Clan. Consistently, the clans of old were defeated by the tougher clans of the Wilderness. It seemed like all hope for clan life was gone. One by one, the once all-powerful leaders left. Lady Kalika, Zei, King Sabre, Lord Antony; these all left the clan life in frustration. A third kingdom was established in Runescape known simply as Camelot, but the founders of the kingdom made it so that thou must pay on a monthly basis to enter this kingdom. Evil wizards from Camelot forced you to pay the fee, or else you would be prevented from performing the great art of fletching. In frustration, more and more clansmen left the land of Runescape.
Then, one by one, they returned. The clans of old became new again. Osiris Bk, the longest retired of the old leaders, reestablished his clan of BlacKnights, and then reestablished the order of the Syndicate. Thus, there was a quick ascension of clan power. Adding more hope to the clans of Old, King Sabre made his return, along with the legendary smith Ore Sabre. This time the clans could compete against the new groups of people who terrorized and pillaged the wilderness.
A long time clan known for its villainy, the TCG Clan (The Cell Games) lead by Gohan3k decide to protect a member of their clan from the retaliatory attacks by THE Clan and the rekindled EARTH alliance. Supersayin, the targeted clansman, had repeatedly impersonated a member of THE Clan, assaulted clan members and violated numerous treaties. A long war of attrition took place between THE Clan and TCG, but in the end it was a draw, and a peace treaty was established. However, soon after, TCG was dissolved, as Militant crushed their power base.
Chapter Seven: Twilight of an Era
Although the clans of old are back, it does not mean they are as powerful. To counter the reformed Syndicate, the Ninja and Dark Forces clan created the Alliance of Darkness (or AoD). Despite the alliance being called to war, they have refused and continue to plunder people in the Wilderness. To make maters worse for the syndicate, after infighting between the Gladz, THE Clan, and Runescape Dinasty clan; THE Clan and Runescape Dynasty left the Syndicate. To compound the problems facing the clans of Old, it was discovered that Militant's clan was in violation of the Sabre Reformation Treaty, by making their clan history biased and clearly anti Sabre. War was declared, and it looked to be the Sabres, the Syndicate (minus The Goldenhelms, who had allies present on both sides of the conflict.) versus THE Clan, Runescape Dynasty and their allies. Right before the conflict, however, a treaty was signed and the war was cut off. Gladz and Runescape Dynasty still remained at odds, and war is imminent.
The Runescape Dinsaty, declared war on the Gladiatorz, in an attempt to resolve the conflict that caused them to split from the Syndicate in the first place. In response, the entire syndicate prepares for war, a variable Dravenstormn (leader of the Runescape Dinasty) had not counted on. As these two massive armies prepared for war, tensions in Runescape increased as it was learned that "the" clan introduced a spy into a clan known as the Daywalkers. As tensions neared a boiling point, the Runescape Mob declared war on the Ninjas. All across the land, from Al Kharid to the Dragon's Castle, forces prepared for vast, sweeping battles that would ultimately shape the balance of power in RuneScape.
In a surprise move, the Dark Runes pulled out of their conflict with the Dark Stones, allowing the denizens of Runescape to breath a short sigh of relief as one war had been averted. But that sigh would not last, as the Golden Helms pulled out of the Syndicate. Once again the Gladz had caused an uproar, forcing another clan to leave. The Golden Helms thus allied themselves with "the" clan. To push tensions even further, it was discovered that "the" clan failed to live up to its obligations in a recent treaty, still having its history be clearly anti-Sabre.
Chapter Eight: The Syndicate Breaks Apart: Tensions on the Rise
With Osiris Bk gone on a vacation from Runescape, turmoil spreads throughout the land. With the Golden Helms leaving the Syndicate, the validity of the alliance is put into question. It is revealed by cj70, co-leader of "the" clan that the Gladziators once again insulted members of the Syndicate alliance, spurring the Golden Helms to leave. Their alliance with "the" clan shifts the balance of power in Runescape once again.
When Timmymwd noted to the leaders of "the" clan that their history had not been fixed according to a recently signed treaty, "the" clan leaders gave an ultimatum to Osiris; fix the Gladiators or prepare for war, and that the treaty with the Sabres is irrelevant because if there is war they'll be fighting them. Concerned for the peace of Runescape, King Sabre pledged to talk to "the" clan leaders. Only time will tell. In another shocking move, Tom Ato rallies his clan and declares war on the Dark Runes. With the RSMob and Dark Stones fighting the Ninjas in just three days, Runescape is on the brink of collapse into total chaos.
In the Wilderness, the armies of the Syndicate and the Runescape Dinasty, "the" clan, and other allies mobilize for war. The Syndicate rallied at the slope of Ice Mountain, and proceeded into the Wilderness, with the majority of troops coming from the Gladiatorz and the BlacKnights Clan, while other clans such as the Sabres were present too. There in the wilderness, the Syndicate met an onslaught of enemy forces. For hours the battle raged, with many people slaughtered. However, the outcome was clear: the Runescape Dinasty and their allies had pulled away with a decisive victory.
In the end, RSD collapsed and dissolved after their victory. A clan arose in its place, KoS. In time it swells to include RSD and non RSD members. And was quite powerful until RSD was resurrected. It has since then regrown in size.
The Syndicate was in a state of Chaos. Reports emanated from the Golden Helms, who recently left the alliance, that the Syndicate was dissolved. Osiris Bk, leader of the Syndicate, was nowhere to be found. Thus all the clansmen of Runescape waited to confirm whether or not the Syndicate had again fallen. Finally, in an announcement, Osiris declared that the clans under his alliance were tearing each other apart, and thus he disbanded the Syndicate, and stepped down from leader of the BlacKnights clan.
In another part of the Wilderness, the forces of the RS Mob and of the Dark Stones amassed to fight the Ninja forces. They waited for hours, but their opponents never showed. In a dispute over war times, the RS Mob and the Ninjas could not agree on a date. Thus the RS Mob waited on Saturday, claiming de facto victory and the Ninjas and their forces did the same on Sunday. Thus the war was a draw.
As if attempting to increase the chaos, Rock Sabre, a member of the Sabre Clan, declared a revolt against King Sabre, stating that King had no care for the members of his clan. In the end, only two people left King Sabre, but it showed that there were hostilities not only towards clans, but within clans. This was proven once again in the Dark Runes clan, when after their forces where defeated by Zei's clan and her allies, where Guntor the Emporer was ousted by a clan vote. While that clan dissolved, a long eager warrior by the name of Loopsider called on clans to join the Neo Syndicate, an attempt to revive the recently dissolved alliance. One could only wonder what the future of npk alliances will be, because even as the new alliance is formed, the AoD and the RS Mob go to war...
Chapter Nine: An Age of Tranquility
With the Syndicate gone the AoD feels they have accomplished their mission and surprisingly go into a sense of remission and regroup after their battle against the RS mob. In a draw due to adverse weather (server crash), the AoD has taken time to regroup their solders. They have made it clear they do not want any more battles in a while. The Gladz ignored this and called war on them, the AoD refuses to fight them under the circumstances that they have made it clear that they do not want to be disturbed. Meanwhile, The NATO alliance has established their independence and has drifted away from the 2nd Syndicate approach known as the Neo Syndicate. The co-founder of NATO, Tom Ato, has been dormant from RuneScape for over a few weeks. The founder, Zei, has taken it upon herself to give the Gods Of Death clan a council position, thus giving NATO a new council member, G.O.D187. For now, it seemed, some resemblance of peace was at hand.
This would not last, however. In a feud between Unit Poop and X Dragon X, X Dragon X is kicked out of the AoD. Also, Kind Ninja leaves the AoD, quickly followed by the Ninjas. With all the calamity inside the Alliance of Darkness, the Musketeers and NATO declare war on the Runite Knights. Kind Ninjas takes his leaving AoD a step furthur and quits the Ninjas. As a result, the Ninja clan is disbanded, with the former top Ninjas going off and creating their own, smaller clans. GOD and Dark Stones also disband, because their leaders felt they were inactive and too "perky."
It was declared that on August 3rd the Gladz would go the war between the Runite Knights and Musketeers to fight AoD. A newly established alliance, the Runescape Federation of Knights (RFK), debated to participate in the war. The RFK was established by Orbital2, leader of the Golden Helms, and was quickly joined by the newly reactivated "the" clan, BlacKnights, RS Conquers, RS Mob, and the Elves of Mirkwood. All eyes were on this conflict as the AoD, now without the Ninja clan, prepared to go against the a multitude of clans, potentially isolated and forced to fight the enemy by themselves.
Thus on August Third, the armies of many clans marched out to the Sapphire House to fight. In the end, the PKing alliance won the war. However, the outcome had more implications. Present at the war was the BlacKnights clan, there to fight the AoD. Even though both clans were fighting AoD, the Gladz attacked the BlacKnights. This was the breaking point for tensions between the RFK and the Gladz, and in response to such attacks, the alliance declared war on the Gladz. However, after many reschedulings and no shows by both sides, a war never actually occurred. RFK went on to collapse, with a lack of agreement on its signatory clans. In the wake of the collapse, Golden Helms - the founding clan of RFK - entered into a state of civil war. One one side were those dissatisfied with clan leadership and attempted to merge the clan with "the" clan. On the other side were those loyal to the leaders of Golden Helms: Bmxrider and Alex.
Chapter Ten: Rebirth
A new clan emerged and seized the power out of every other clan. The Black Dragon Knights had amassed much power, and one by one knocked out clan after clan. Earlier in the life of BDK, an alliance of Gladz/311 Mafia/and others could defeat them. But by the time their clan conquering had started, they were unstoppable. When the Gladz were defeated in the Wilderness, leaders such as Acid Venom, Joe Jenninz, Mystical25, Blaze Mace, and Outlaw3 and others rallied a "Last Alliance" of sorts to fight BDK. However, debating within the alliance killed its organization, and the cabal of clans were smashed by BDK during an unexpected charge. Since then the clan has imploded, and attempts to raise it up again has failed.
The RsMob challenged RSD to war and were defeated. To this day, RSD is still a force to be reckoned with. Over time they have adapted and that is why they've stayed in power - following the trend and becoming more and more focused on something other than fighting.
A new breed of clans have formed - the Druidz being the best example. These clans do not exist solely for war, but instead to benefit their members and boost their skill levels. The inherently chaotic nature of the Wilderness has made the original purpose of the Clans obsolete. In the old PK system, mutual protection was the greatest concern and a possibility. Now, with the large amounts of RPKing taking place, it was impossible. Newer clans focused more on building a small community and developing skills rather than fighting. The notion of clan warfare became outdated, it was becoming increasingly impossible to fight a traditional clan war. The war clans were losing conflicts to the newer clans/the clans who adapted to being skill focused.
Even as the number of clans were on the rise, those who were smart adapted to focus more on skills. And while they do not fight nearly as much, their members are highly skilled in battle, and it would be near suicide to fight them in a war. During this period the Golden Helms struggled ... those wishing to merge with "the" gave up and quit or became simply members with "the" clan. Those loyal to the Golden Helms left. And for the most part they declined in power except for a brief period when they Golden Helms attempted to merge with the Crusaders. This merger failed however, and Oribtal2 was kicked out shortly thereafter, and the clan slipped into decline again. In the wake of the BDK victory, the BlacKnights, "the", Gladiatorz, and The Darq Syde formed an alliance, known as "The Alliance," but carried the offical name of the "Unholy Syndicate." While each clan sought mutual protection in war, the Gladz could not call on their allies in their next war against the Mystic Knights. The MK made a condition to the war: no allies allowed.
The Mystic Knights vs. Gladz war was one of bitterness. The majority of Mystic Knights were in fact former Gladiatorz who were dissatisfied with the clan. Out of anger towards the Gladz, the Mystic Knights pulled off the victory. Shortly thereafter, Acid Venom (a high up leader in the Gladz) becomes the warlord of the Mystic Knights. He tries to collapse the Unholy Syndicate, but his actions only make the bonds between the clans in the alliance stronger. The Unholy Syndicate keeps tabs on all allies of the Mystic Knights, watching their activities. One the Mystic Knight's allies, the recently reformed RS Mob, declared war on the ally member TDS (The Darq Syde). After TDS negotiates its way out of the war, the alliance turns to its biggest issue: Acid Venom. He still retained his rank as leader in the Gladiatorz.
This was quickly fixed by Gladz leader Joe Jenninz, who demoted him and his high level supporter ~ Blaze Mace (he was later reinstated to his position, as was Acid Venom). At the same time, an alliance known as the Empire (consisting of Mystic Knights, RsMob, and eVo, and Excerctium) declared war on the BlacKnights, trying to eliminate the clan and avoid attacking the entire Unholy Syndicate all at once. However, the alliance pledged support - which was unnecessary because Foswald and rb0287 negotiated their way around war.
Chapter Eleven: A Pinicle Moment: Skill vs. Fighting
The majority of clans in Empire left, leaving only Excercitum and Rs Mob, two clans who did not get along. It collapsed entirely, and the Unholy Syndicate then declared war on RsMob. This war represnted something a lot more than more recent clan battles: it was a test of the more skill based clans against the PKing oriented clans. The Unholy Alliance was joined by Excercitum, the Sabres, Clan Jaguar, and the Guardians of Honor in fighting Rs Mob, whose sole supporter was a last minute arrival by XDX with Corruption in red capes. Mystic Knights were supposed to support them but the leaders shut down the clan a week before the war - causing many former MK members to flood the ranks of Rs Mob. A rumored cabal of the most active PKers in Runescape dubed "GFS" was supposed to aid RS Mob, but they never showed. At the end of the conflict, the Unholy Alliance prevailed.
As this happened, turmoil brewed in another clan that was just a shell of its former self. In the Golden Helms, XDX usurped control and earned the title of "Emperor." He attempted to throttle the clan to his own means, and for a while it did grow under his command, but he was then impeached. For a while Oribtal2 ran the clan, but he later left, once again delivering the Golden Helms a crushing blow in their attempt to return to their once powerful status in the world of Runescape Clans.
XDX's impeachment caused him and Paranoia to talk about resurrecting XDX's first clan, Court of Dragons (CoD). As he did, talk among some of the original leaders of AoD began talking, and in secret the alliance was reformed. It consisted of CoD, Pure Rune, and Corruption - a new clan lead by Mortamus, Clever Ninja, and Ultra Evil. The possibility of the dark alliance being resurrected loomed, until disaster struck for its leaders. Corruption and Pure Rune set off to have an intra-alliance skirmish to determine who was the most powerful, each side equipped with paltry black armor and equipment. However, seventeen wilderness levels before the designated combat area, both sides are met by half a dozen CoD members in full rune, killing their fellow alliance members. Appalled, both clans kick out XDX, who in turn collapses AoD by pulling out.
Clans became more and more skill based, but some were stubborn in their fighting ways. XDX once again challenged the Golden Helms to war, still claming his title in the clan and that GH must bow to his will.
Note by me: Sal's Blogs restrictions aren't allowing me to paste the text. Probably some of it's content, a word or even a character conflicts with the text editor, and does not allow me to save the entry. I found a solution by screenshotting the text, and attaching it as images. My apologies for the inconvenience.
Note by me: Sal's Blogs restrictions aren't allowing me to paste the text. Probably some of it's content, a word or even a character conflicts with the text editor, and does not allow me to save the entry. I found a solution by screenshotting the text, and attaching it as images. My apologies for the inconvenience. It is not the ideal, I know.
As I've brought up plenty of times in the past, I was an active Sal's user for way over a decade before eventually moving on from RuneScape. I will always be a Sal's member at heart, and as this blog evidences I will likely never stop visiting.
All the years spent using Sal's - nearly half of my life - means I've grew up using the community. I've never been perfect, I've been immature, I've caused trouble and I know I wasn't always the easiest to deal with member of the community. One thing I've always tried to do, in my own flawed and sometimes immensely stupid manner, was to be helpful, liked by my peers, fun, and I too tried to always to stand for what I felt was right. From this I took inspiration from my friend @PKPete and his (in)famous "do what's right!" (one of the first Sal's clan section memes), who just like me could be a knucklehead, albeit a well intentioned one.
In short, I was someone who meant well, but ironically not always went about "doing what's right", the right manner. That's how I perceive myself looking back to all these years ago.
This was, of course, a recipe for disaster. Sal's always had it's trolls, but trolls while trolls usually have a clear objective: to rile people up for their own enjoyment, and even though it can be argued malice is involved, it's a different type of malice dissimilar to the malice people who legitimately just enjoy being asses to others have. The bullies.
Just like many, I had my share of conflicts and drama with Sal's users who were simply put, the RunScape equivalent of bullies. People who thought themselves important, superior in a manner or other, and didn't care who they hurt, insulted or in a general sense walked all over. Anything and everything malicious they did was justified, in their opinion.
One such people was Macki. Macki10 to be more specific, I believe his username was.
Macki, as legend goes, was a player from Macedonia (or, as he called it: Mackidonia). I assume he started off as many others: a random RuneScape player looking for a community to establish himself in, to make friends and in a general sense to have fun playing RuneScape. I'm sure he was not always bad as he turned out to be, but I can't dismiss the possibility that he was and just hid it well.
Macki was an alright RuneScape player, he had some decent achievements at a time everyone around here was basically a 'noob'. This means he grew in popularity quickly. His 'Skill Log' became one of the most popular, and he began recruiting a follower base of other players, as young or even younger as he was, easily impressionable and goaded into doing his bidding. I won't tag them here, but some of said players included PinkyTM, Sofee, Chaos, Dragons[numbers here] etc. Most of which (if not all) unlike Macki eventually redeemed themselves and became likeable individuals, and important parts of the community.
But back in the days of Macki? Terrible pests. I won't straight out call them bullies, but they did the bidding of the bully. At this point, the 'fame' and arrogance seemed to have gotten the best of Macki, and he became a rather nasty individual. Or maybe the newfound popularity simply meant he could drop the 'nice guy' mask, and do what he always wanted to do. I'm no psychologist, so sadly I can only write what I remember the things he did and the manner he acted, I can't properly evaluate the why of his malice.
And it's important to mention that perhaps he too grew as a person, and likely (and I hope it's the case) is no longer as much of an ass, or even an ass at all for that matter. But we deal with the consequences of our actions, and given what I'm about to describe next it'll likely always be impossible for me to look back and find and shred of sympathy for Macki.
Macki and I got at odds for the first time, at a point in time I had began to become a house name. By this I mean I was no longer just another name in a huge online list. I was a "oh I know you, you're that guy" guy. I wasn't famous, but I wasn't a nobody either. If I wrote, even if I did write some stupid stuff more often than I'd like, people would read. And would remember. This is important, because it means when I stood up to Macki in that first 'fight' we've had, it wasn't just a random name fighting back. It was someone with friends, with the power - even if not that much power - to make other players turn their heads and question Macki's actions. And to this he took great offense.
The interaction I'm talking about began in an average, regular day of a teen's gaming day. Like many others, myself and a considerable amount of Sal's players 50+ were online playing and using Salmoneus' Clan Chat (eventually renamed to just 'friend's chat', when they introduced the actual clan system years later). Out of nowhere a player joins, sounding a bit desperate and concerned, requesting help or at least advice. Dj Gavriel (future clan chat moderator) was this player. One of the nicest people you could have met back them. As polite and friendly as it gets, incapable of hurting a fly. Israeli, and a jew. Something he never felt the need to hide.
Dj Gavriel came into the chat requesting help and advice, because he was being bullied. Harassed even, by Macki and some of his followers. Unfortunately it brings me no pleasure to say I vividly recall two of them there that day were PinkyTM and Sofee.
And why? Dj Gavriel had joined Macki's friends chat/clan chat (oh he had grew to a popularity level where he considered himself too good for Sals chat, he had his own where only the VIPs could join), and made the mistake of trying to interact with some people and ask game questions. Macki saw the opportunity to make someone "weaker" in status than him feel like shizzle.
Now, not only was this bad enough by itself, but Macki heard from his friends in Sals Chat that Gavriel had run there. So evidently, high and mighty Macki followed him with his 'gang'. He proceeded to continue insulting Gavriel, making fun of him (always with the help of his buddies, big man that he was) inclusively using anti-semitic jokes and insults to attack Gavriel.
I was online and the rest is history. I got into a fight with him and his followers, other Sals members joined our side and eventually a staff member came online and punished Macki (but not without warning all of us too, after all they had to be impartial).
And that's all it took for Macki's untouchable aura to take a hit, and his behaviour to worsen even more.
From there he began causing more and more drama on the forums, getting warns left and right for things like blatant racism (Calling Obama a monkey and posting edited pictures of Obama eating bananas for example), topics with gratuitous insults towards people and staff members he did not like etc. All while encouraging his follower-base - still great at that point - to join him and do the same.
Now this was always going to happen given the immaturity Macki as a person had at the time, nor do I claim or take any credit (which wouldn't even be something I'd want to take credit for) being the reason Macki went ballistic. He had problems with multiple people, of which I was only one. One of the people he disliked the most, certainly, but not the only one.
The day eventually came, and Macki reached his +7 warn level, and with it he met Yuarang's banhammer. Maybe someone else did it, but I like to think it was Yuarang as it's always funnier.
Macki's ban was no surprise to anyone at this point, especially not to Macki himself, who had already created his own forums and moved there with his 'fans' to essentially shizzle talk Sals, Sals Staff and anyone he did not like, not being shy of using rather nasty insults and tactics to damage the people he didn't like. Or as he so maturely referred to us: his enemies.
My knowledge is very limited about what went there, and all I know is thanks to this one individual: Manofthing. @Mano
Manofthing, or Mano as I referred to him, was a Sal's member who despite knowing and I assume being on friendly terms with Macki at some point, understood Macki's behavior had became unacceptable and tremendously immature.
Mano was part of their forums, and would occasionally leak to me many of the nasty things Macki did.
Unsurprisingly, I was one of his prime targets. Macki would snipe - or get someone to do it for him - real life pictures of me from the real life pictures topic, and edit images with very... immature things being done to my pictures, and let's just leave it at that. He would also do the same to others since he had an entire section dedicated just for that.
The gravest thing he did however, at least when it comes to me, was create a fake email that was identical to mine letter by letter except in a special key. He used a '-', while mine had a '_'.
At this time MSN was the place to be when it come to online chat, others like IRC existed but it wasn't everyone's cup o' tea, and MSN remained very popular. Well, turns out Macki went around adding people with his fake email pretending to be me, using my picture and name and sending again rather nasty tier things and insults to players, who not knowing me and my real email, promply believed I was the one doing these things to them.
That's something a lot of people never learned about, but it's a prime example of Macki's behaviour and why he was such a hated member of Sal's Community. A lot of his friends never understood, they could never quite stomach why their friend Macki had been so 'mistreated' by the Sal's Staff and some of their members. Because they never got to see what Macki really was like. At least that's what I like to imagine, because the alternative is them knowing... and deciding they were okay with it.
I hope you enjoyed the drama wall of text, more to come about others users in future entries.
^ The above is a perfect example of my immaturity back then. Is the outrage justified? Absolutely. Did I say anything in that comment untruthful? I wish it had been the case, but all of it was objectively true at the time.
The comment itself was still angsty though, aggressive and unnecesarily kept the drama going for longer even targetting people who may have deserved being called out, but still wasn't right. It perfectly exemplifies my teen self: well intentioned, and yet dumb.
I tried to look at some of Macki's old posts to illustrate some of the things I mentioned in this topic, but sadly a lot is gone given that Macki was banned a long time ago. And most importantly: the bad things, bad and unnaceptable as they were, got all deleted, as content infringing the rules was usually removed.
It becomes difficult to find examples, which probably aren't even necessary. Most people who'll read this probably had the displeasure of having to deal with Macki, so they know.
This is however an example of his great attitude that must've escaped Yuarang back then (), and it was considered rather tame:
tl;dr: "You have to be mentally challenged to do things I personally do not approve of, and if you disagree please go kill yourself" - Classic Macki
Sent from my phone.
I had hoped to send a picture of my second 99 - Attack. Unfortunately Sal’s Blogs uploaded refuses to recognize it as an acceptable picture; so I’m instead sending a screenshot of my favorite 99 skill: Magic.
Not a very exciting entry, just something neat to have something today.
Most of my PvP/PKing career I was a meleer. Mostly because in F2P melee had the clear advantage, and was the preferable combat method of the masses.
However when it came to P2P, things were fortunately somewhat more balanced. Every combat class had its advantages and disadvantages. There is no denying Magic was super badass, and I became quite proficient at it.
I cannot claim to be any better than your average P2P PvPer when it came to Ranged or Melee, but I took pride in being really good with Magic.
Good times.
Welcome to yet another banned member drama entry, for your entertainment.
Typically, dealing with trouble-makers can be quite... unpleasant. Sure, sometimes (often) they end up banned, but it's hardly a satisfying result for anyone involved unless there's some very personal stakes at play.
Was it nice when players like Macki got their deserved upcoming? Sure, but were we as individuals in a better position than before? Hardly, since one thing trolls / troublemakers were very good at doing was bringing down others to their level, unfortunately leading to many of the younger users who often lacked self-control to rack up punishments / warn levels / suspensions for rules broken while fighting the bullies. It didn't matter if the staff sympathized with you, they had their rules and guidelines to enforce, so if you went out of line you'd still get smacked.
Many of you who were able to deal with the most unpleasant individuals, and remain untouched by warns / suspensions, kudos to you. You were probably a minority. I myself got suspended and warned a few times due to rowdy interactions with trolls, and even if I was in the right, I did inadvertently cause trouble to the staff, the forums and the clan chats.
But sometimes, some feuds had very... satisfying finishes. Obviously a lot of bickering was still immature, especially by our standards of today as adults / young adults. But we were younger back then, were we not? RuneScape was a lot more important in our lives, and more than "out-arguing" a rival, beating them in the game we played was pretty sweet.
This is the most 'satisfying' drama story I recall from my RuneScape and Sal's Realm days.
The DenialOfService aka VBreaker saga
There is too much that could be said about this drama ball. Unfortunately, it was so long ago I couldn't possibly remember most of it but the bare essentials. This is also just my personal experience, Vbreaker was very much disliked by everyone due to his attitude and behavior and there’s a lot more to his story.
Vbreaker was a Sal's member. He was nothing but an average player, nothing special about him whatsoever. It sounds a bit mean when I put it like this, but it's not an insult. He was normal, like so many more of us. It was hard to stand out in a community of hundreds and hundreds of players, especially in the early days when we had so many celebrities and star players. Breaker was Breaker.
He made some bad choices right away in the “beginning”, some may not recall because he wasn't as flashy as some others, but he was part of the Macki crew. But once Macki was gone, he went back to being just your average, ordinary everyday Sal's member.
In such a big community, one way for members to stand out was having 'special' skills. They could be real life talents like graphic design, writing fan-stories, being fantastic debaters or just genuinely funny people who made others laugh. Other talents were more closely related to RuneScape, such as having a ton of money, high skill levels and skill logs, or being kick-ass player killers.
My original claim to fame was my association to the long deceased Sal's Clan Discussion. This is a discussion for another entry, but let's just say while I became somewhat known there, I was far from celebrity status. I was liked because despite all my childish flaws, I still managed to be a pretty alright fella, especially in contrast with the highly toxic RuneScape clan world.
My second and most known claim to fame, was my F2P PKing ability. When the clan section died, my attachment to Sal's had became so great that I refused to migrate to other fansites with the rest of the Sal's clan world. Sal's had became my home, I was no longer 'just' a Sal's clanner. So I found other ways to still be around, and not severe my attachment to the PvP aspect of the game we all played.
Since clanning was no longer an option, I migrated to solo PKing.
Why I choose to become a F2P PKer is also a story for another entry, but I can can explain it in a nutshell by saying I was never able to remain consistently a RuneScape membership owner, thus often I had no choice whatsoever but be F2P. But also, the Clan World at the time thrived in the F2P world. Things weren't as expensive, and the limited options in equipment allowed 'wars' to be more evenly matched and required more skill. Players could legitimately 'tank', and so matched wars could be decided by individual skill even if collective organization was of the utmost importance.
F2P was the PvP style I was used to the most, and felt more comfortable PKing in. And boy, was I good at it.
My first Kill log started small, it was just a fun little topic where I posted the occasional kill, and felt the indescribable feeling of a chest swollen with pride.
Just like any first time PKer, I was irrelevant. Just a small fish in an Ocean of bigger fish.
But then I got better. And better. And better again, consistently, to the point I had became the shark in the pond that was Sal's.
Sure, sometimes people looked down on me as 'just' a F2P PKer, because according to many it's 'easier' and the stakes aren't as high.
And pretty much every single one ended up bowing down (death animation) to me, anytime they felt they needed to teach me what PKing was like.
And yeah, that was pretty satisfying.
At some point my tiny log had hundreds of kills, and it became a Sal's Realm tradition between regulars to challenge me to fun fights, just to see who could beat Sal's resident PKer. Very few ever beat me, and those who did often had a level advantage. Once I maxed, I was never beaten again by any Sal's member. (F2P combat)
Vbreaker treaded a similar path, but made very different choices. By the time Breaker became 'relevant', Sal's Clan section was long gone. I was already semi-famous.
Breaker began as a PKer rather than a clanner, I don't know the exact circumstances that led him to it, but maybe he simply liked PvP. Maybe he liked the feeling of beating others. I wouldn't say he enjoyed 'competing' with others only because more than a terrible loser who lied to hide his defeats, he was an even worse winner who tried to make others feel like garbage.
I was a F2P PKer, Breaker was a P2P Pker.
I was a small/medium clan clanner (at the time), Breaker immediately joined the clan with the worst reputation that ever existed (RoT), and a top 5 clan. Their motto was "Always Cheat, Always Lie, Reign of Terror 'til I Die". You could tell easily the values by which they were (are?) governed. Fittingly, around this point Breaker changed his Sal's display name to 'DenialOfService' (DDOS), something RoT was famous for doing to rival clanners' accounts and TeamSpeak/Vent servers.
I like to think I encouraged newbies and tried to make friends. Breaker mocked newbies and made enemies.
Conflict between us arose for the first time after I returned from a period of long inactivity. I had been absent, but not forgotten. And during my time away, Breaker's reputation had increased, he had become semi-famous... and a downright prick.
He'd bully other PKers in Sal's PvP section, mock them, diminish their achievements and attempts at learning.
Same situation as Macki, this immediately made us clash. I didn't like bullies. Especially bullies in my turf.
This led to very ugly situations, I believe at some point my warn level went as high as a positive 3, all while 'fighting' Breaker on the forums. Breaker ended up banned, because a very defining trait of online bullies is that they make several enemies, and fighting with so many people, moderators included, got him banned. First from the in-game clan chats, and eventually from the forums themselves.
I believe the last straw was him threatening to DDOS Sal's with RoT's help (some of them joined to 'help' Breaker look more even like a clown).
In terms of in-game competition, well, due to the fact I was a F2P expert and Breaker a P2P expert, it made things... complicated. Breaker wanted to settle our differences and drama in P2P combat. I wanted F2P combat. Understandably so - even if cowardly - Breaker would always refuse to fight where he felt he didn't have the advantage. And me, similarly, wasn't very fond of the idea fighting Breaker where he had the advantage.
You could say we were equals, right? Wrong. First and foremost, RoT was a P2P clan BUT at the time they had become also one of the largest three F2P clans. After Damage Inc, their P2P rivals closed doors, RoT had no choice but hop to F2P to have anything to do in-game.
So unlike me - I wasn't even P2P most of the time so literally could not even fight in P2P if I wanted - Breaker was in a position where he could have put his money in his mouth, and beat me at my own game which was also his own game now that RoT was finally F2P as well.
And he still did not. Instead, he resorted to mocking me for not P2P fighting him when I couldn't (no membership), and still refused to F2P fight me (which everyone can do). Fair enough, nothing could be done. The drama continued.
As previously mentioned both he and I were involved in the thriving RuneScape PvP clan world. He was part of RoT, one of the most hated clans at the time alongside Violent Resolution (VR). I was a member of Dark Dragon Breath, a former Sal's clan, consisting of members of multiple closed Sal's Clans. I joined as part of the legendary (by Sal's standards lol) 3xtermination (Sal's clan) group.
One thing that needs to be explained to players who've never been part of or even heard of the PvP clan world, is that wars used to take place chiefly in The Wilderness. It was a free for all PvP area, where dying meant the loss of your items. It was dangerous, and that added to the thrill. Clans considered fighting there a superior experience to fighting in the safe Clan Arena.
The problem is, it being a free for all area, it meant other players could intervene and 'crash' wars that were agreed between participants. Wars were usually (especially between large clans) PKRIs (player killing run ins) which was just a fancy acronym for "everyone who dies can keep returning and rejoining the fight until one of the clans has died too much and can't keep going, or is being dominated so bad they give up". PKRI's could last hours between large clans, and could be severely affected by 'crashers' attacking one or both of the clans.
As such, participants often recruited other clans (normally allies) to anti-crash any crashing attempts. These clans functioned as guards, killing other clans attempting to crash and just random people interfering and looting.
This is important to this story, because one day my small/medium sized clan was anti-crashing for two larger clans. I can't remember exactly who, but I believe a top 5 clan (The Titans) was involved. So all we were doing, as a small unit, was sticking around as volunteers killing crashers and looters, and ensuring other clans wouldn't ruin the action.
And so was RoT. Sorta. I say sorta, because as previously explained, RoT was a NH (No Honor clan, in other words the clans that gave zero shizzle about respect) clan.
They were there to create havoc, but I believe being involved in a crash war at the time, their goal wasn't making more enemies. They were just looking to attract their rivals to fight them in the same world a fight was already taking place.
Huge pile of members as you can guess, but they were avoiding other anti-crash clans. After all, why piss off small/medium clans that could then feel petty and help their bigger enemies they were trying to attract?
Of course, this meant absolutely nothing whatsoever to Vbreaker who was there. While he did not manage to kill me, he made sure to always leave the RoT fall in, and attack me in the DDB fall in, knowing perfectly there was nothing I could do in retaliation, because retaliating would give RoT (again a much, much LARGER clan than DDB) reason to crush us all to small pieces.
So all I did was take it up my bum, over and over, while still not dying but having to constantly run and restock at the bank due to Breaker's (immature) actions. Fair enough Breaker. You did a funny. If only you had known how this was coming to bite you in the ass.
A few days later I attended another war, as a watcher this time. No armour, no items, just looting and watching the action. RoT was fighting their bitter enemies VR. Massive scale war, people everywhere. Chaos.
Still Breaker couldn't help himself again. Left RoT's pile and killed me, an armorless watcher right there and then.
No big deal, no loss for me. But this is where Breaker's dishonesty shined once more.
He added my death message to his Sal's Realm signature. For those unaware, when you kill someone in the Wilderness, you get a fancy/funny message saying you killed the player [name here]. And Breaker now had my name in his signature. Wouldn't also be much of a big deal, were it not for the fact... Breaker decided to lie about it and claim he killed me fully armoured and crashing his fight.
And this pissed me off. Immensely. I don't like bullies, and the only other thing I dislike as much as bullies are liars.
I quit DDB, they could no longer be associated to me and pay for what I was about to do.
At the first opportunity I got, I myself became a crasher. A RoT crasher in particular, I had no qualms with any other clans or people. I just wanted to mess with RoT and Breaker in particular. You know, an eye for an eye and all of that except I wasn't satisfied with just an eye.
I crashed what was likely the largest war I ever attended. VR was at the time in a bit of a losing streak against RoT. But this one fight that lasted hours, boy it was a massive beating that RoT took. It was so massive that they lost all will to keep going. Two more fights and they closed. We're talking about hundreds of players, VR and allies, RoT and allies, crashers, anti-crashers, random looters and solo crashers.
And I was there. For hours. With my bow permanently pointed at Breaker's ass.
By the end of the historical loss, Breaker (already banned from Sal's at this point) was spewing propaganda much like every other RoT member in the RSC war topic. "We didn't lose, was ez, died 0 times".
Zero times. He made a post claiming to have died zero times, when I alone screenshoted 9 of the 20+ times I killed his sore ass in the beating he took that day.
That was the greatest satisfaction I ever felt playing RuneScape if you're wondering, knowing this absolutely despicable guy had to resort to lie to save face, when he knew he had suffered an absolute humiliation not only in his clan's loss, but dying to his 'rival' more times than he himself was able to keep a count on.
I honestly don't remember Sal's Masses that much, admittedly they were some of the least interesting events to me. Doesn't mean they weren't fun, because they were, I merely wasn't much of a PvMer and always enjoyed events that made me compete more directly with others, PvP or not.
So while Masses were fun, and I didn't do that badly with a maxed acccount, I still felt much like a fish out of water most of the time.
Still, great times were had and we did make some fun loot.
Edit: Some of these may not be from masses but just trios or duos with Sal's members. Sal's drops in any case.
(In this one you can see both Doom and Sellador aka Common Sense logging in)
A massive thanks to everyone who ever attended Sal's Masses or just randomly did bosses with me. You guys and gals are too many to tag here, but you're the ones who made my final days of RuneScape fun.
Important Edit:
This will likely be my last entry in a while. Unfortunately yesterday, as I was writing a few more nostalgic blog posts, the forums banned my new IP. This is very frustrating, because while I can access the forums from my phone, I am left with no access to my database of images, screenshots and other important sources of information I like to include in the blog entries, as it’s a pain to transfer them to the phone. It’s also a bit more challenging to write the entries themselves, I’m a bit too accustomed to my computer.
I had also planned to improve this one entry slightly as to not feel so bland and basically consisting just of screenshots, but this issue forced me to have to work with only what I was able to save before the IP ban.
Quick entry showing old screenshots of Sal's events from over 10 years ago!
This entry isn’t the best, but because I’m still IP blocked I can only use my phone to write, and the content I can add is rather limited.
06-06-(20)06 - RuneScape's day of infamy. Or RuneScape's most exciting day. Depends on who you ask.
6-6-6 was the day the Construction party bug took place, and a then rather unknown player - Durial321 - became the stuff of legend. I could explain what happened in my own words, even though most people probably remember the whole thing like it happened yesterday, given how shocking it was at the time. But I'll let your own and only @Adam? tl;dr it to you:
2007 Adam? is completely right. The Falador Massacre was caused by a combat ring bug in Cursed You's house. Cursed You was an insanely rich player, who invested his many resources into becoming the first player to ever achieve 99 in the then extremely expensive skill Construction. To celebrate this fact - like any rich person would - Cursed You threw a gigantic party at his PoH and invited the entire game to attend. Things went sour when Cursed You decided to expel the many players inside his PoH, causing a malfunction in the house itself and the game. Players in the house's PvP area - not all but only a select few - found themselves able to attack people outside the PoH's instanced area. A dream come true to any PvPer.
One player in particular took advantage of this: Durial321. He began slaying people left and right, killing them with a combination of deadly Ice Barrages and his Abyssal Whip (back them still the top weapon). Players caught and killed dropped all their valuables, allowing Durial to loot two already then very expensive Party Hats, including a Green Party hat Durial then wore as the ultimate middle finger to the people he was killing, as seen in the video footage.
After a few minutes of complete and total mayhem, Jagex staff finally intervened and disconnected Durial321, and banned him for bug abuse. By then damage and been done and RuneScape history had been written.
in 2016 Jagex hosted events celebrating this infamous day, with multiple references to Durial321, Green Party hats, and a NPC version of Durial for players to fight.
Two of my most prized RuneScape related possessions were made here, by two extremely talented women of Sal's Realm: @zellychan and @Cresenne! (I hope I got your tags correct)
Both were (and likely still are!) amazing artists, capable of turning into amazing pieces of art anything you requested of them using only their pens and imagination.
I've used and abused their amazing gifts here and every other RuneScape forum, ranking as my top used signatures online, anywhere.
Words cannot express how grateful I am that they sacrificed their time to make a relatively unknown at the time RuneScape player (and noob) this happy. Santa hats off to the two of you.
The first piece shows my RuneScape character in a Clan War, sporting 3xtermination (a Sal's based clan) colors (red), 'tanking' enemies from a green capped clan. White medium hair, because in my youth I was a huge fan of Devil May Cry and Dante. Zamorak armor because the lore lover in me enjoyed showcasing my preferrences when it came to the Gods. And because, let's face it, it was mad stylish.
The second piece was done years later, and shows my evolution as a RuneScape player from your basic "F2P PKer / Clanner" to all around PvPer claded in P2P mage armour. The switch in combat style came with my love for the skill of Magic, which quickly became my favourite combat skill and area of expertise. Magic was never made to be viable as a single combat skill in the F2P version, with it being only useful during clan wars with the added protection numbers provided. P2P on the other hand, it was deadly, cool and very satisfying.
Far from the high attendance standards of the Sal's of old, these events hosted roughly a decade ago were the final days of Sal's activity, when we could still pull a small but consistent group of people to attend fun events. This event, an Old School Castle Wars competition between teams Santafish (led by Salmoneus) and it's rivals the Squirtle Squad (led by Micael Fatia) was possibly one of the final few times Salmoneus himself attended an event.
Needless to say we all had a blast. My pictures have been copied and transferred multiple times, so it's hard to find an accurate date of creation for these screenshots. The oldest date associated to them I could find was March 4th of 2013, nearly 10 years ago, but it's potentially older than that.
Back in the day players who considered themselves "PvPers" (or the most used word: "PKers") were essentially split in two very basic main categories: the F2P PKers, and the P2P PKers.
P2P PKing usually involved more risk, as the equipment was more valuable, and weapons more overpowered and dangerous. It made for quick and deadly duels, usually with considerable amounts of gold being gambled. F2P on the other hand was looked down upon by the P2Pers - who considered anyone who did F2P PKing was "below" their tier and level - as well as by a considerable portion of the non-PvP community who merely did not understand it.
F2P PKing, however, despite not as expensive with a rough average of 200k in armour being risked, arguably required more skill.
And why was this the case? F2P fights had a mix of high defense armour and only average damage-dealing weapons. Meaning with appropriate food, and equally armoured/armed foes, fights could last a long time. Much longer than P2P encounters. Because it was impossible to KO your opponent if they were at full Hitpoints or near full, and players would run after expending all their food, an unofficial rule was introduced in the F2P PKing community: the "no-safing rule".
What was the no-safing rule?
Safing was the action of 'eating' / using healing food while above the amount of lifepoints considered 'safe' or free of risk that could cause the player to get 'KOed'. 'Honorable' PKers (or at least smart ones who wanted a chance to earn kills and loot) were expected to maintain their lifepoints at around a low, albeit reasonable amount; so that an opponent could lower their lifepoints with their primary weapon, and with a quick switch of weapons to a secondary, usually much slower but harder hitting weapon, potentially inflict a large hit and KO/defeat their foe. It depended heavily on luck to inflict the important final hit, and fights consisted of minutes doing this 'dance' trying to KO their adversary.
It required better timing, stress control, prayer points allocation and timing, luck and everything else than almost everything P2P PKing required; where damage was consistently high and brutal and less dependent on skill and timing, and rellying far more on specials and luck.
What were/are 'Corrupt Weapons'?
Corrupt Weapons were introduced after the free-trade removal; a system introduced by Jagex to combat RWT/RMT. Essentially - as many of you surely remember - Jagex removed the concept of gifts, free trades/exchanges or item drops to limit/eliminate the perceived threat of RWT/RMT to their game, without any care or second thoughts on how it'd impact the manner the game and it's community functioned.
It was highly damaging to the PvP community as a whole, who no longer received as a reward for killing their opponents said fallen opponent's 'gear', usually expensive. The drops became randomly generated, in a tremendously unfair system that relied on pure luck for the most part, and a weird and unreasonable kill/death average formula.
With the new system now in place, Corrupt Weapons were added as potential drops not just for P2Pers but also for F2Pers, adding a new layer of difficulty to F2P PKing. And why's that? Corrupt Weapons were/are the 'corrupt' versions (aka degradable after x uses) of the famed P2P Dragon Weapons, weapons and armor previously unnacessible to F2Pers.
They hit harder and faster than Rune weapons, and gave a massive advantage to anyone using them, thus becoming highly sough after by the top F2P PKers as KO weapons. Getting a Corrupt Weapon drop was a guaranteed couple mils, and bank made. The chief of which was the Corrupt Dragon Battleaxe, the dream of any F2P PKer.
Personal opinion / disclaimer:
I by no means wish to offend or bellitle P2P PKing and P2P PKers. It does require skill, and considerably more risk given that you can get killed much faster and easily, completely out of nowehere with the added bonus of risking more wealth. I have personally however tried both, and always felt F2P appealed more to me, and reminded me more of the RuneScape of old. Both types of PKing similar mainly in the basis that you had to kill your opponent, but very different in the way you went about doing so. Excellent F2P PKers could fail utterly doing P2P PKing the same way expert P2Pers would get their behinds handed to them in a glorious manner trying F2P PKing.
As the first entry I'll use a piece of artwork made by @Zooey.
Zooey and I didn't know each other that well all things considered, but from my part I can say he was someone I grew to respect a lot and consider a Sal's friend. He was always willing to create cool signatures and avatars for me, without asking for anything or much at all in return. A tremendously nice person and Sal's user to have around.
In this one in particular Zooey highlighted my background as Sal's resident F2P PKer/PvPer, as well as my involvement in the Clan World of RuneScape.
In all my years as a RunesScape player and Sal's user, I've had countless avatars and signatures made specifically for me. Many of them of considerable high quality, which I plan to share here in the blog in the future, in another nostalgic entry or multiples.
And yet, this piece is the one I choose to represent the blog as it truly captures the essence of who I was as a RuneScape player: a PvPer of the minor F2P leagues, and Clan World aficionado. Many thanks Zooey!
The first level 99 I've ever achieved. 99 Woodcutting. I had a small party attended by Sal's members, and an adequately small drop party (for a poor player) to celebrate.
July 24th of 2011 is the earliest date I can find associated to the screenshot, but it could be older considering I began my RuneScape career in 2005. 6 years seems too long for my first 99, so 2011 is possibly the oldest recorded modification to the image.