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Micael Fatia

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Blog Comments posted by Micael Fatia

  1. Not only he is ex-DI but he also has ex-clanmates and fellow Buffalo Soldiers teammates in DI currently, unless they left in the recent past (Nick Numbers and Pker Nick Pk for example). Which means he has his referrals pretty much guaranteed.

    It makes no sense.

    Maybe he lied the first time he applied to DI too? It was years and years ago, in like 2008 or something and he cared more about his reputation back then. Clans keep record of past applications and other relevant information like this, clan spies and such are a big problem nowadays so they give a lot of importance to this stuff. If he were to change his clan history it could lead to a lot of unnecessary complications.


    Not that it excuses his lie, but it would explain why he bothered lying about something irrelevant nobody in DI would care about.

  2. Dat sneaky PkPete.

    Always fun to read this stuff, glad you posted it lol.

    He applied recently btw? Not sure why he lied about this, there's nothing to gain from it. DI won't care about what he did in a clan they likely never heard about (around the time TUP was a top clan here DI was already a clan world powerhouse). If he didn't want to make himself look bad he could've lied and say he quit when TUP died, there was no need to slander the clan that gave him the opportunity to become a well know person in the clan world.

    Pretty disappointing attitude from his part. If I were you I'd post this on RSC, but I can understand why you guys don't want to do it. He's my friend too, but he's definitely in the wrong here and this was a pretty disrespectful blow (even though nobody in DI will care about it).

  3. Wow quest cape, I'm a little jealous. :P

    I like quests a lot, but I'm a little too perfeccionist not to explore very single chat option, read all books and examine every single thing in a quest to do them in an effective manner. I always end up wasting triple the time completing a quest than it should take, which is why it is taking me forever to get that awesome cape.


    Good job!

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