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Micael Fatia

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Blog Comments posted by Micael Fatia

  1. Congrats on completing The Clockwork Syringe. Yeah I remember that bit about the POH, I thought it was funny too. :P

    I'm sure the robes will eventually sell, but you may have to sell for slightly under it's worth. A lot of expensive items are crashing atm thanks to the BXP announcement, because a lot of people are selling theirs for extra cash they'll use to buy BXP supplies just like you. So you'll either have to sell for slightly less than the robes are really worth or you'll (most likely) only be able to sell them in like March. :/

  2. During the battle of Lumbridge mostly, you didn't get to talk to Zamorak but the Mahjarrat/Human hybrid Moia (his general) talked a bit about it. If I remember it right it was something along the lines of how Guthix wasn't an enemy of Zamorak because while he did not favour Zamorak he also didn't directly oppose him and as such it was a pity such a powerful and ancient god had to die.

  3. I definitely thought Orlando Smith was the Mahjarrat too until the Automatons deaded him. :P

    I side with Zamorak in almost everything but in this quest I just couldn't do it. First of all because it seemed to be Zilyana leading team let's-kill-Guthix of which K'ril Tsutsaroth was part of as well as other Zamorakian Mahjarrat. And secondly it just didn't felt right killing Guthix, I didn't want him dead because he is one of the three original main RuneScape gods and siding with him just seemed to be the right thing to do.

    Ended up being right in my choice anyway because post-TWW lore suggests Zamorak didn't want Guthix dead, and respected him even thought he felt he was in the wrong.

  4. Very nice, congrats on completing all those quests. :D

    Heard Birthright of the Dwarves is sorta hard, especially the boss battles. Brink of Extinction has a reputation of being sorta hard but personally I found it easy, then again I was maxed combat when I did it may have helped considerably.

    I did A Clockwork Syring fairly recently but I can't even remember what it was like which probably means it wasn't too hard (or too interesting for that matter...).

    Fate of the Gods I have no idea, great lore-wise from what I've heard but I'm clueless about the boss battles (if it has any).


    Have fun!

  5. Yeah, really easy to kill too. They drop ascensions keys worth between 200-500k if they prices haven't dropped much since I last camped them, and they drop them decently often. They're not too hard to kill if you have good armour and weapons (Armadyl GWD armour and Royal Cbow for example should suffice) and you can end a all of your trips with a full inventory of keys. May be a little harder for you seeing as you're not 99 Ranged and Defence, but the difference shouldn't be that big.

  6. Well I'm not exactly the most experienced bosser ever but with your current combat stats I'm fairly sure you would struggle to make decent money bossing, so I wouldn't recommend that.

    I'd do Slayer or camp monsters with good drops. Unfortunately your Slayer level limits you a bit because you can't kill Ascension members, they're extremely easy to kill, great exp and the drops are pretty good. You could also camp Frost Dragons for example, alright money but they require level 85 Dungeoneering.

    So yeah if I were you I would do Slayer to unlock Ascension members or Dungeoneering to unlock Frost Dragons. Slayer you will gain combat experience and make some money with drops even if not much, and Dungeoneering you will gain tokens you can exchange for weapons or other items you will find very useful.

  7. Yeah the first couple times are always hard because you need to get used to all of the QBDs attacks and such, but it will eventually start getting easier for you. As far as I know you don't have to kill the QBD, only use the crossbow's charge right click option (or similar I don't remember what it is called) when the QBD is hitting you with her special fire breath attack.

    Also helps unsing antifire protection, potions like antifires or extreme antifires are a must when fighting the QBD. You can also opt to use a DFS, but most people prefer to use 2H or dual weapons to maximize their offensive efficiency.

    Btw you can recharge the bow with cash before it reaches 0%, it's a lot easier/less time consuming than gathering harmonic dust. From 5-10% or so it should only cost you around 230kish or something to recharge.

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