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Micael Fatia

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Blog Comments posted by Micael Fatia

  1. Who cares if you said you were leaving, everyone needs a lengthy break once in a while. I've retired more than once and here I am again lol, this place will never get rid of me. :P

    As for the rest well, I don't know you well enough and your situation to opinate about it, but if that's how you feel and you're happy with it then it's all good. Hope it works out for you and the change makes you happy.

    A late Merry Christmas btw and a Happy New Year for you. ^_^

  2. I take it you're not much of a combat player judging by this blog entry. Being maxed killing the QBD should be a piece of a cake for you even without a guide. :s

    The fight Kiln should be easy too if you have Obsidian Armour (if you don't then dont' worry because it's easy to get), and we have a pretty good guide (hasn't been added to the site yet but you can find it - here -).


    Good luck with all the other stuff you have to do, getting as far as you did is already an impressive feat. :)

  3. I've had something similar happen to me too after a wisdom tooth removal. I started having problems in the root of a tooth in the gum area where they injected the anesthetic, it seemed numb too at first and a bit swallowed. When I went to the dentist again to remove the stitches they told me it was normal because the gum was still sensible etc, but it didn't get better and I complained about it again like two weeks later. Turns out the root of said tooth was infected, and the root was located in the exact same place where I got the anesthetic but I was told that nah it wasn't related. What a coincidence, a tooth that never gave me any trouble at all gets infected out of a sudden a couple days after a dental extraction procedure in the place where they injected the anesthetic. :P

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