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Sal's RuneScape Forum

Micael Fatia

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Blog Comments posted by Micael Fatia

  1. Don't worry Sobend, it's stuff that happens. I remember dying in a similar manner Pre-EoC. Was doing great against Jad but did something wrong against the healers somehow because they respawned and got so frustrated I ended up messing the Prayer switches.


    It's a walk in the park if you have Obsidian armour, or at least it used to be. When I was getting an extra Fire Cape for the Fight Kiln and got to Jad I stopped Prayer switching halfway the fight because it wasn't worth it. I just protected Magic/Ranged (can't remember which) and tanked the other combat style.

    So yeah, get Obsidian armour. I wasn't that hard to get and it's pretty good.

  2. Haha I just read it! Looking forward to it! And don't worry, I've never played online and the computer opponents are very predictable, so as long as you finish the tut and more or less understand the concept of the game I'm sure we'll both be at the same level. :P

  3. Well, I don't think there's much you can do to get rid of an internet stalker, but from now on you should probably be little more careful with the personal information you share online.

    You should, of course, do a scan to just to be sure you didn't get hacked via keylogger and then proceed to change your passwords (personally I'd change ALL of them) even if your antivirus/antispyware doesn't catch anything.

    And obviously talk to your friends and explain what happened, I'm sure they're worried.

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