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About Noman

  • Birthday 06/21/1991

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    My house =)

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    the jellyspotters =P
  1. does anybody know what he is wearing? top and the backpack looking thing? kinda hard to see but can anybody help me out?
  2. It's not all that bad. Keep doing it and you will get it in no time. (and it doesn't hurt to spend you tokens on xp ;P)
  3. 2000 Total Level and 89 Dungeoneering! I wish I would have gotten 2000 total with 90 Dungeoneering, but I accidentally leveled in Ranged.
  4. i found one too but all i got was a sheild half =/
  5. Noman

    I Could Do It

    yup, and not killing him was frustrating lol
  6. Yup. I did manage to beat him so this thread is useless now. -.-
  7. Took me about 15 tries, but i did it got me quest cape back!
  8. i know for a fact that if i get a tort i can beat him. I just don't know if it's worth the effort to get 67 summon just for this. I have 62 sum and like 100 charms total.
  9. Thanks, it's just really aggravating when this happens.
  10. i just can't do it. I need a tortoise for sure.
  11. Well maybe the patch has been treated with compost. If it has then I think the weeds won't grow back.
  12. I put a DVD at the main menu and the console displays "DVD" then the screen goes blank. Also, when I put in a game, it says it has to update. When I hit OK, the screen goes blank. I did find out people are having the same problems. I wonder if anyone knows whats going on and how to fix it.
  13. Do i need to buy bones to peaches from the mage training arena to use the tabs?
  14. It's not a random event, there is a ticket vendor somewhere around the world (which you can find using world map) and go to it.
  15. Hey congrats on 98, did you have fun leveling it?
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