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Blog Entries posted by Jethraw

  1. Jethraw
    Haven't blogged for like 6 months and there's not much activity in this section so figured I'd write a blog!
    Not that I have much to say really! I've finished the academic part of my 2nd year of university, starting a five week placement as an assistant teacher in a secondary school in two weeks time, English department. Terrified but looking forward to finally getting some hands on experience in a classroom.
    Still working in the Student's Union shop, but have also recently got a job in the Student's Union bar too - gonna be working both of those come September! Yay me!
    Not a whole lot else to say really, but hi
  2. Jethraw
    So I got a no pic no proof response in my last blog to the tattoo - here's some pics to keep you going :P
    These were taken whilst I was being stabbed repeatedly and praying for death.
    WARNING: The following pictures have both my face and my boobies (I'm topless) in them. I take no responsibility if you either vomit and/or fall madly in love with me. Open at own risk. Viewer discretion advised.
    NB: Glasses because I'm amazing. That and he said staring at the lights for an hour and a half would hurt me.
  3. Jethraw
    So I finally got my first tattoo done on Tuesday (3 days ago)!
    I'm absolutely in love with it, and will post pics as soon as it's healed and looks non icky :P
    Have to say that was one of the scariest experiences of my life and anyone who says getting a tattoo doesn't hurt is full of shizzle. I got mine under my right moob and it goes round and down my right side a little ways.
    As for getting more, I do have a couple others that I've been keen on for quite some time, but will leave that quite a while yet, see how I feel about them.
    On a side note, I'm back at uni, classes start again on monday and I'm working again at last, been given tons of hours over freshers week which was a godsend. $$$$$!
  4. Jethraw
    Logged into Runescape today for the first time in 104 days. The first time I'd logged into RS since the release of the last Grandmaster Quest, having spent a while on RS07 after that.
    I eventually got logged in (the website it self froze my laptop at first). I disconnected during the opening cinematic, then disconnected twice more before I actually got moving. I ran from Lumbridge to Falador, disconnecting four more times again.
    I gave it thirty minutes then tried again, this time the game ran more smoothly, but there was a stuck audio that I couldn't turn off despite my audio settings. Then I disconnected.
    Safe to say I won't be returning to RS3, which is probably for the best anyway. Still contemplating membership and having another stab at RS07, but I think RS3 I'll just have to watch from afar.
  5. Jethraw
    It's been a few months since I wrote my blogs on coming out (and did the actual coming out) to my parents. I generally tend to avoid going too personal on these things but since I got such support in the first two blogs I thought I'd post an update and reflect on them myself.
    My mum and step-dad were absolutely fine with the whole thing, and I subsequently came out to my older step-sister and cousin, who were both chuffed to be honest.
    My dad and step mum were also okay with it, but things were a bit strange with them and we didn't talk as much. I've only actually seen them once since but they both frequently chat to me via text and Facebook and I'm staying with them at the end of this week with none of my other siblings so that should be a good way to gauge it.
    The family member I'm most worried about telling is my 10 year old brother. We've always been extremely close and he's always really, really looked up to me. I've accepted that being gay isn't something to be ashamed of, and I'm not anymore, but I'm really just hoping that, despite him only being ten it won't affect our future relationship as he gets older.
    My boyfriend came out to his mum, who was fine with it, but less supportive than my mother was. I'm going staying with him for a week in June, and he's staying with me for a while in August, by which point I'll have had to tell my brother and sister (less worried about sister - from having been at school with me for years she knows, but has never had it confirmed.)
    I've also become a lot more confident about the whole thing. I've recently started a new job and found myself quite easily being able to tell my colleagues that I'm gay. Not in a scream-and-shout about it kind of way, just casually so they have no misconceptions about me.
    I've also (with the help of Gonzyy) designed my first tattoo which I've been searching for, for a number of years, as significant to the last 12 months of my life, which has been pretty monumental. I've printed it out and have it up 3 times on my bedroom wall. If I can still bear it at the end of summer I'm getting that done in September.
    All in all, not bad
  6. Jethraw
    Been playing a bit of Guild Wars 2 on someone else's computer lately, and since I had enough Tesco vouchers to order it for free, I did it!
    Game is arriving tomorrow and I'll be starting to play. This should be interesting! :D
  7. Jethraw
    The highly awaited sequel to coming out Part 1 is here!
    Before we begin, it's probably worth mentioning at this point that I've literally just done it and feel like poo. I'm not after sympathy, I just want to write all this down, spew it out, but I also want to share it in a blunt manner.
    So I just told my dad and step mum that I'm gay. I felt compelled to do this after I told my mum and step dad last week, and to be honest, I really didn't want to and found this one a hell of a lot more difficult.
    I sat down on the bed and just stammered my words out and said to them. They both said it was fine and they still loved me and had apparently guessed that I was in a relationship from the pictures on Facebook that I'm in with my boyfriend.
    I don't really know what else I could have expected from them, but I didn't feel in any way comforted like I did with my mum and step dad, and I don't feel like they were okay with it even though I know deep down that they were.
    I think the worst parts were they kept talking about it not affecting my education and how other family members would react. Obviously I know the rest of my family are going to find out, but .... I don't even know. Just the way they said what they said didn't really make me feel okay. Which is horrible, because obviously it's something they have to deal with too, but I dunno.
    I was talking to them for all of five minutes and now I'm in bed after having had somewhat of a breakdown. I've never felt so poopy and just want my mum :P You'd never guess I was going on 20 this year would ya?! :P
    Don't know. Maybe there'll be a part 3 when I get my head around this, but right now it doesn't really feel like anythings been lifted off my shoulders.
  8. Jethraw
    Haven't written a blog on here in bloody ages! But this seems like as good a time and as good a topic to blog about as any.
    It's not exactly a secret, but whether you know or not, here it is: I'm gay.
    Today, I finally told my mum and step-dad. It's quite a tough and odd one, because it's something we've discussed several times over the past few years, but mostly when either I or they have been intoxicated to high heavens and was kind of just left unspoken as I was never comfortable enough to outright say it.
    However, in November 2012 I met my first... serious... I guess, boyfriend. We were seeing eachother for 2 months and we've now been officially together for 2 months. It's serious for me anyway, and I felt they deserved to know.
    So, after finally getting them both to sit in the room (bloody mother wouldn't stop playing songpop until she realised I had my serious face on!) and choking up a bit on my words I finally managed to spit it out to them.
    The really annoying part is after I having had previous drunken discussions I knew it would be 100% fine and that made stressing over it even more annoying and stressful. I'm truly blessed with my parents, and I know that.
    Even so, the reaction I got underwhelmed me. Even though they knew I was expecting tears and a million questions.
    To their eternal credit however, without batting an eyelid they both just said... "We know." and proceeded to ask me questions about my boyfriend and discuss problems with being brave enough to come out (he hasn't yet) and about problems in life from other people, and older generations in my family.
    Bloody underwhelming, but something I've known I had to do for a long time, and I'm glad I finally managed the courage to do it.
    However, you may have noticed this is only part 1. And this is the kicker, I have to tell my dad and step mum next week when I go back to England, so it doesn't feel like a weight's been lifted just yet. Or maybe it will once it sinks in. I know my dad and step mum will be just as fine, because it's been discussed before too. I just really want it to be over with and having to wait another week is not going to be fun :P
  9. Jethraw
    Another video that I'm probably way late in picking up on. But I thoroughly enjoyed it and wanted to share it here, just in case anyone else is as slow as me. Huge fan of Russel Brand and think he did a superb job here.

  10. Jethraw
    Been a while since I've blogged about my actual life, and I figure now is as good a time as any.
    My Runescape membership has expired, on 7th December 2012, exactly 6 years to the day after I made my first account. I'm officially no longer a paying member and consider myself retired from the game. No regrets, thoroughly enjoyed it but it was just time to move on :)
    University has been a bit of an up and down, absolutely loved every part of it, just took some adjusting to, and after two months came out to my housemates, who were fantastic about the whole thing, so that was pretty cool.
    Been at the doctors a few times already, and looks like I'll be going back in on Monday. Blergh. Hopefully everything's okay though. Just a bit worried with the amount of times I've had to go at the minute.
    That's about it really, just wanted somewhere to jot down a few things :P
  11. Jethraw
    I came across this article on Facebook today about homosexuality. I don't usually weigh in on such matters, but this article is just brilliantly hilarious, so I thought I'd share it here. Not as a means of starting controversy or an argument. It is what it is.
    Source of Article, or read spoiler below.
  12. Jethraw
    How does a turtle with no arms, and no legs, cross the freeway?
    Hint: To find the answer:
    Take the 'F' out of 'Free' and the 'F' out of 'way'.

  13. Jethraw
    I saw this earlier on a forum I visit, and it made me facepalm hardcore. The topic in discussion was warning labels being introduced to cigarette packets in Australia, and the person said this:
    Maybe you agree with this. Maybe you don't. I just thought I'd post it here for my own personal record of one of the most moronic things I've read in a long, long time.
  14. Jethraw
    Got my A-Level results this morning, and I've officially been accepted into my University course starting September!
    :bigdrink: :bigdrink: :bigdrink: :bdaycake:
    So excited I'm lost for words!
  15. Jethraw
    With the Olympics opening ceremony in .... 12 minutes, it got me thinking about Olympians.
    The first one that springs to mind is Kurt Angle, which just made me realise how badly I miss hearing this entrance every week in WWE:

    They totally need to use this everytime an American athlete is competing in an event.
    The chants of "You Suck" to this theme were so priceless it's unreal.

  16. Jethraw
    I bought a pack of runecoins last week, so that I could buy the pegasus teleport and some emotes. The payment took a while to process (as Jagex payments usually do for whatever reason).
    I checked my bank statement this morning and see they've charged me twice for the same pack.
    So I went onto the forums and made a post asking what's going on. A mod replied within an hour saying, no you weren't, but I've sent you a message in your in-game message centre explaining the problems.
    So I went to log into my account to check said message, and they've locked my account.
    Went through the process of unlocking it, checked the in-game message which just said "No, you haven't been charged twice", essentially.
    Now I'm cross. Trying to get in contact with one of them and send them my bank statement.
  17. Jethraw
    Lacking a party trick?
    Want to impress your friends?
    Want to name 950 years of English/British monarchs in chronological order?
    Here's your chance! A fun song to remember all Kings/Queens since 1066!

    And before you ask, yes, I can name every King and Queen since 1066. This song is a godsend.
  18. Jethraw
    And pretty soon, it looks like.
    The building the chippy I work for is housed in has been bought in the last couple of weeks by new owners. Those new owners have in turn pumped the rent up to ridiculous levels. My boss thinks it's an inadvertent way of forcing us out of the unit, without actually chucking us out. My boss is attempting to negotiate with them, but landlords very rarely change their mind, sadly.
    As such, I'll probably be out of a job by the beginning of July, and, since I'm moving in September and am away for the first three weeks of July, there's very little chance I'll be able to get a job during the Summer. Poo.
    Probably going to end up signing on for the Summer, something which I always joked about, but, in reality, never wanted to do. I'm not a man of leisure and I don't want to sit at home all Summer! BLAAAM!

    Disclaimer: Despite the obvious joke at the end. I am in fact, 100% serious, :(
  19. Jethraw
    I finished my last A Level exam today :)
    Now I have nothing to do until September 26th, realistically :P Or thereabouts.
    I get the results on August 16th, and, assuming I got at least BBC, I'll get into the course I wanted for September.
    *fingers crossed*
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