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Posts posted by Jethraw

  1. To hell with the ranters.

    *We Pay We Say*

    ^^ That used to annoy me.


    Your saying you want the wild back. okay.

    But your giving Jagex no means or reason to put the wilderness back, your just mindlessly blabbering?


    My personal opinion though is - bring the wild back and keep the trade cap?

    I pkd for around 2 years - never once heard of the wild for RWT, could be wrong. :aware:

    Or maybe make it so you can only pk in certain worlds? Or certain areas?

    Idk :)


  2. Forgot I had this open :)

    Meh I figure it was by a plant or swarm, chicken I would have autoed.


    Im at pc world 144 now

    Gotta get back my gloves and helm :aware:



    And i was in the cc again and so was he, he was talking.

    Maybe he got a warning idk, said he got nothing.

    Either way, GF Jagex.

  3. [RANT] Logged in today, was talking in my usual clan chat with a couple of friends, when I got made an extremely racist comment thrown at me by a by-stander. Needless to say I took great offence and exploded - Resulting in a 3 hour argument and us both being kicked from the chat.


    About 2 hours ago I could not talk in the said cc but was saying messages out loud. Logged out and logged back in and found myself with a NINE day mute for being annoyed at the racism I was subject to.


    What did the other guy get? Absolutely NOTHING. GF Jagex.


    1.4 marks

    9 day mute

    5 offences

    Had 1 successful appeal and removed .1 of a mark.


    Then I logged to go for dinner (I'm sure I logged out at yaks)

    Logged back in at falador white knights minus 37,000 bronze knives, Void Ranger Helm and my Void Gloves.


    So I thought I'd have a big old rant about it :)

    No I don't want sympathy.

    I'm done being annoyed about it.

    So I thought I'd post it here, just to vent :aware:


  4. *Brainwave*


    Maybe - if you clicked on a player it would open a new tab

    Displaying a picture of them, name, combat level etc.

    Then they could have their own little slogan above/below them.

    Then a 'borrow' button, highlighted if the player was lending anything, or not clickable if they are lending nothing.

    Or make a centre similar to the GE for borrowing


    ^^ Back to the slogans, mine would definately be:

    No You Can't Borrow A *beeping* GodSword!

  5. I agree with you there, there's ALWAYS gonna be people asking/begging.

    But will it be so annoying in a few weeks time?

    A few words of text following you around?

    I mean, at the G.E text always floods the screens, with buying, selling, trading, begging etc.

    So when your there it is possible to simply keep looking for something you want to see, and not take notice of the beggars?

    Or simply, as was suggested do not wear your items until the hype dies down.

    Maybe it could be worked as a 'borrowing cap', similar to the trading cap only scaled up/down.


    I.E 200 QPS = an item worth 30m+?

    Or scaled down

    90m is equivalent to 30k trade caps? And requires 200QPs to borrow?


    ^^ Hard to explain D:


    But thankyou about the name + sig if it was directed at me :aware:

  6. I agree that while the item lending system is hugely annoying, much of this begging etc. is the product of the hype of item lending and the excitement about it's release (big sentence :aware:)


    A few weeks should see it dying down.

    I personally think it's a great idea but bad in practice,

    Gives players a chance to 'try before you buy'

    But is grossly abused and is hardly used in that manner at all :)


    I want a little slogan beside my name on a friends list so before someone PMs me they see beside my name

    'No You Can't Borrow a *beeping* GodSword!'

  7. Heyyy, I'm 'new'-ish to Sals.

    Just registered last night :)

    Had an account on here before but lost it :aware:

    So I thought I'd come here to introduce myself

    My RSN is I Maged Yew - call my Maged, Yew, Jamie, w/e :)

    I'll usually be found in RS world 145 yaks :)

    95/99 Range.

    Anything else message me :)

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