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Posts posted by Jethraw

  1. She's shedding the Disney image and burying Hannah Montana, it's as simple as that. Nothing to do with purity rings or forced beliefs or any of that nonsense.


    It was a god awful performance, and the girl has issues. But she got people talking for better or for worse and she's making damn sure she's making a career away from Disney.

  2. Got 5 A* 2 As 3 Bs


    Overall satisfied, could had been better but it's cool :)


    could had been better but it's cool :)
    could had been better


    You're the kind of person all aspects of society want to throttle -.-

  3. Point is there's no fun in winning (or playing) a game where the other team don't bother turning up and piss away half the days with no lynches.


    Yes because Gonzyy and Adam? were sooooo active right?

    That one point was only part of my issue and i never said it was exclusive to the town team. Do you have a point here?

  4. im always town


    never been mafia before :o


    Jethraw I think from the start it was destined to be "shizzlety" because of the certain theme

    My apologies. I didn't realise the My Little Pony theme was a surprise after you signed up to My Little Mafia.

  5. I only see the system for young people a problem for those who flunked GCSE's, not getting 5 C's which most colleges, sixth forms and apprenticeships want as a general minimum.

    I don't see that as a failing of the system though. If you can't manage a C at GCSE it's highly unlikely you'll be able to cope with the courses offered at AS/A level.

  6. how so? Didn't town win the first one? Then vigilante? (Or did I let mafia win that one? . -.-.)


    I think Jethraw is a little baby though it was a fun game (especially towards the end)


    Point is there's no fun in winning (or playing) a game where the other team don't bother turning up and piss away half the days with no lynches.

    I'd rather lose a fudgeing fun game than win a shizzlety one. There was very little fun about that game until Day -5, and even then you guys proceeded to piss that day away. There were two no-lynches in that game and two (3?) extensions because nobody bothered getting their shizzle together, and even then the extensions were called for by a scum player. Call me or call my stance on it what you want but the commitment to and participation during that game from all but a small handful of the players was pitiful at best.


    Me&Lilshu did discuss hosting a smaller game, nothing's confirmed yet.



    &&&On a side note; I was mega impressed with Entrility's role manipulation.

  7. And in general, I get the impression that the British system puts a lot of pressure on people. If you don't do well on your GCSEs or A-levels or whatever, you're fudgeed. The American system is far more relaxed. If you fudge up the SAT, you get to retake it.

    You can retake any GCSE or AS/A-Level qualification you didn't do as well as you'd have liked to on.

  8. To assume its ever been a given that you were townie is completely false, if you can't convince me of the ramifications of your claim I have no possible reason to take your claim seriously or assume your alignment based off it.

  9. I missed this before but I don't like that you decided to question Lonely as Gonzyy's scum partner (to my claim) when the only other people in the game are Goggie (confirmed town) and you. Why would you ask that?

    Why would I ask for evidence/proof for a claim which implicates someone as scum? Is that a serious question?

  10. Is it really that difficult to change professions though? Because if it is, that seems like a pretty shizzlety system. There are tons of alternatives that can help you achieve it; taking online classes, Further Education, etc.. High-school isn't and shouldn't be the overall deciding factor for your life.

    That's what I don't understand, I don't think it is that difficult to swap. I could be deluded in thinking that, but I really don't think high-school/college are the be-all-and-end-all.

  11. It's difficult to suggest what a good alternative is, I just know of so many people who don't work well with the sort of system where if you make the 'wrong' decisions about subjects at the age of 16 then it's very difficult to switch professions. Most people I know either A: don't have a clue about what they want to do, or B: know what they want to do now but can't because they made bad choices of subject 3/4 years ago. It's not even that they didn't try hard, it's just that they don't have the opportunities as a result of their subject choices.

    Well at what point are people meant to figure it out then? At a relatively young age it's still pretty straightforward to reenter education and take a course, many A-levels and such can be completed in one year courses in some institutions. I get that not everyone has it figured out at the age of 16, but it's pretty difficult to limit yourself beyond repair at that age.

  12. On balance I find it hard to believe the claim, but then I never stated that I had reason to believe it. You were there when his actions were erratic and still made it clear that you were inclined to believe his claim, if not categorically calling it truth.

    And had Fake's actions remained consistent with his claimed alignment, I don't see as I'd have had any cause to argue against him. But there's the fact that the claim has no hard facts or counter-claims to disprove it against his words and actions for the remainder of the day.

  13. Jethraw why are you now sided with Gonzyy when, as he said, the day before you had him pinned as scum?

    Well this is what I've been explaining for the last dozen of my posts, and it's worth pointing out that I'm not "siding with Gonzyy". I'm choosing Fake as the more viable option for a lynch taking into account his claim and his conduct for the rest of the day after that. This isn't a Fake vs Gonzyy day, where one is scum and one is town, end of. If anything, the fact that Fake hasn't been hammered by you or Goggie lead me to suspect they could both very easily be scum. Fake's initial roleclaim, whilst seemingly a strong one, was tarred by his complete turnaround and the posts he made after them which quite frankly didn't make the best of sense and didn't come across as strong town actions. I've repeated umpteen times that the posts came across as desperate. Desperate to get me to vote for Gonzyy. Desperate to get you to 'side' with him after I didn't jump straight into a Gonzyy lynch.


    but increasingly in the last couple of days it's seemed that Jethraw and Gonzyy might be riding towards an easy scum win.

    To be honest, it was going to look that way no matter who I voted for, and I think it was a given that I was going to have to be the first of the three of us to vote, putting me somewhat between a rock and a hard place.


    Jethraw repeatedly stated that he believed Fake's claim for a considerable period of time, only to now side with the counter-claimant, Gonzyy. Problem is, for all intents and purposes that doesn't prove anything, alignment-wise.

    I said I was inclined to believe it and that I couldn't disprove it, to be fair, I never categorically stated I was siding with Fake, and, given the nature of his playstyle - do you believe his claim? Is it difficult to believe that I'm in doubt of Fake's words, taking into account his actions?

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