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Everything posted by Jethraw

  1. You're not forced to be who you are. You can be anyone you want. If people have a problem with you, just walk away from them. P.S: 1,000th post on Sal's! You can be anything you wish, to an extent, sexuality however is not optional and/or changeable truly.
  2. You'd be a good fellow, too, if you helped me! I've only seen MagedYew today, but he seems like a good poster with some nice posts. Only got back from Florida this morning :) So that explains it, but I've seen you quite a few times today, you seem nice enough and make some detailed posts :)
  3. I think it's an appauling. Being a homosexual from Northern Ireland I'm outraged that an MP would say things like that GAY PRIDE :) People don't usually realise that homosexuality isn't a choice, something you decide to be, it's what you are - not to sound cryptic. But you do not choose to be attracted to people of the same sex, it happens, is forced upon you so to speak.
  4. Seen you post a few times and you look like a decent poster. Don't know you well enough to judge though
  5. I haven't laughed so hard since I don't know when XD
  6. Banned for not accepting and obeying my request. *implosion* Good-night
  7. Good for starters though, I started with Vanakka at roughly the same stats, he kept giving me wilderness tasks that I could not handle
  8. There was someone buying zam page 1 before in world 2 for 5m cash :) someone got lucky. It's ludicrous.
  9. Banned for repeatedly banning me. SILENCE
  10. Am I the only one who thinks that quite suits the chipmunk sound? Hilarious though.
  11. Banned for not quoting me.
  12. Banned for having 3 posts when I banned you for having 2 before
  13. I would use Mazchna (Canifis I believe) until around 25 slayer - then go to edgeville dungeon (vanakka?)
  14. Banned for failing
  15. Banned for using no smilies *addicted*
  16. Jethraw

    I Is Hawt

    Congratulations Ashamed to say that matches mine:P
  17. You get a 4 :) Seen you quite a-lot. Likewise
  18. Your question was already answered. But your spelling made my brain implode. *Grammar Snob*
  19. 1/10 - seen you once or twice
  20. Someone said I should High alch them cause I'll get money back. [i'm buying nats and bs] I can't afford 53k Yew logs and 53k bow strings :) You'll get the money back, possibly make a small profit, fletching then selling, and buying no nats
  21. Try using better food maybe? Or binds etc if they dont fire missiles, idk :) well, my health isn't the problem. i used 14 lobbies last time i fought him. i need to get the most hits in the shortest amount of time with what stats i have. would it be more effecient with a halberd? or longsword. do i need pots to increase attack and strength? Pots should go without saying, hally probably wouldn't help either do u mean pots should go into battle, or go away? lol Take them with you if food isn't an issue I guess
  22. I try to do that It's like the cartoons - i push one back, 3 more erupt somewhere else :/ If you did it properly, you wouldn't have a problem like that. :) I do it properly :) It's alive I swear :)
  23. It isn't nooby We all start somewhere right? Congratulations on hitting the first major total level milestone if you ask me :)
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